Breaking through Thunderbolt with martial arts

Chapter 589 Intercounting [Monthly Pass 110]

Chapter 589 Intercounting 【October Monthly Ticket 110】

After getting the answer, Yu Lijing didn't stay any longer. Just about to turn around, he heard an urgent voice behind him, "Wait for me!"

Seeing that Yu Lijing was about to leave, Zhu Quyi hurriedly opened his mouth, for fear of leaving himself in this terrible place.


Yu Lijing thought for a while, turned around and said to Ghost Qizhu: "This matter has nothing to do with her, you can let her go."

"Heh..." Ghost Qizhu laughed, "She's the bait I used to catch Jiuying."

After finishing speaking, Ghost Qizhu suddenly took a deep look at Yu Lijing, and changed his voice, "It's not impossible for you to take her away, but it's better for her to be by your side, as long as she leaves alone, I will still take her Come back until Jiuying comes to see me in person."


Yu Lijing's face froze, apparently he didn't expect Gui Qizhu to be such a rascal.

"I don't want to stay here."

Suzakuyi was terrified by such a dangerous person as Gui Qizhu, shaking his head and said anxiously.

The carefree look has disappeared, and there are even some pear blossoms with rain.

Obviously, before Yu Lijing came, the words of Ghost Qi Lord had scared her a little.


Yu Lijing frowned, not knowing what the Ghost Qi Master was planning, but regardless of whether Zhu Quyi was the infinite sister or just an ordinary woman, since she asked for help, Yu Lijing, who was the head of the Confucian sect, would not ignore it. .

Otherwise, it will violate the original intention of helping the world.

"Okay, I agree to this request."

Seeing Suzaku's delicate and pitiful appearance, Yu Lijing said with a deep breath.

"Very well, then you have to be optimistic about people, otherwise...hehe..."

The ghost unicorn gave a strange laugh, the meaning was self-evident.

Just after Yulijing left Xuanhuang Island, a figure walked out of the woods, "It turned out to be Yulijing, interesting..."

Le Xunyuan's eyes flickered for a while, and he said with a low smile: "Yu Lijing's purpose of coming here is obvious, it seems that he has achieved his purpose, should I tell the matter?"

Le Xunyuan thought to himself, but at this moment, a ghost bird spread its wings and flew into the hands of the ghost unicorn on Xuanhuang Island.

"Ha! Le Xunyuan, a scheming little guy..."

The ghost unicorn chuckled, and with a wave of his sleeve, the hidden ghost bird disappeared again.

At this time, a huge black unicorn suddenly jumped out from the main body of the ghost unicorn, and the muffled voice carried a hint of sarcasm, "Master ghost unicorn, this is not a little guy, how can it be so simple to be able to live until now and still be nourished?" Senior, are you not afraid that he will tell the other eight tribes?"

The ghost unicorn still shook the bone fan lightly, with a relaxed expression on his face, "The selfish person will naturally choose the best way for himself, and it will be of no benefit to him to tell this matter."


At the same time, everyone in the Three Realms Pagoda was also discussing.

"Before destroying the righteous way, we must get rid of an unstable factor."

Dianbian Jialuo spoke first, and his eyes fell on Zonghengzi.

"Are you talking about Yuan Wuji?"

Zonghengzi narrowed his eyes slightly, remained calm, and said indifferently.

"That's right. I know you have a very close relationship with him. If you want to prove your loyalty, this operation is up to you to cut off the forces around him. Otherwise, today you can only bury the Tower of the Three Realms forever."

Dian Bian Jia Luo's words were icy cold, and the air mechanism locked firmly on Zonghengzi.

And the three sects of Dianliu also blocked all directions.

"Xunyuan is also very much in favor of this matter. I just learned about the whereabouts of Duan Tiantu, one of Yuan Wuji's disciples. Why don't you let Zonghengzi kill him yourself!"

At some point, Le Xunyuan returned to the Tower of the Three Realms again, talking while walking.

"Hmm..." Hearing this, Zonghengzi's eyes flashed, he pondered for a while, and after a while he smiled dumbly, "This is not difficult, since you have already found your target, let's go!"

Seeing Zonghengzi agree, Mianbian Jialuo showed a look of satisfaction on his face, "Very well, I hope Zonghengzi won't let me down this time."

The actions of Dian Bian Jia Luo and others were noticed by the ice and fire demons who had been staring at this place for a long time, and they quickly fed back to Yuan Wuji.

"Oh? The Eight Tribes actually took another action before Confucianism? Who would their target be?"

Naturally, the Binghuo twin demons couldn't observe closely, they could only stare at their movements from a distance, without knowing the details.

"It seems that I should find a chance to meet Yinyang Takiyahime for a while. As the informant of the earth, now that the earth has fallen, it is time to play its role."

Yuan Wuji murmured, and let the ice and fire twin demons continue to stare at him, while he headed towards Youjie.

Because this time he was going to catch Mo Shi.

Then break its claws.

This time, the battle between Yan Luo Ghost Prison and the Primordial Nether Realm will break out at the same time.

Only by killing Mo Shi completely can Yuan Wuji feel at ease.

Otherwise, when Moshi finds out that he is Dugu Baitian and hooks up with Jie Hongyan, with his personality, he will definitely implicate the women around him.

Hongchenxue and the others are okay, they are in the Vientiane Heavenly Palace, with earth souls in charge, and Hongchenxue's strength is also extraordinary, but the others are not.

Especially Jiuying who is in the Netherworld.

Although Jiuying is not very important to Yuan Wuji, she is his own woman after all, and he doesn't want to be put on a healthy hat.

In the past, even if Mo Shi wanted to get rid of the people around him, he would at most just make specimens for collection, but when he heard the news about Jie Hongyan, he was likely to think of repaying him in the same way.

Yuan Wuji had to defend himself.

Moreover, this is also a good opportunity to completely get rid of Moshi.

But Yuan Wuji felt that with Moshi's scheming, no matter how angry he was, he would not reveal such obvious flaws.

But Yuan Wuji is no longer ready to give him another chance to jump.


the other side.

Lord Shenhui also rushed to the Buddhist boundary of West Huang to find Yuan Wuji's whereabouts.

At this time, in Yan Luo Ghost Prison, a drastic change is about to take place.

In a strange scene in Yan Luo Ghost Prison, three peaks stand side by side and exist under the moon.

Accompanied by Xuanyu Fengluan's chariot, a magnificent figure stepped onto the summit.

The tight black gauze skirt perfectly outlines the figure of the empress, and half of the golden patterned mask covers the face, which adds coldness and majesty, making people afraid to look directly at it.

"Immortals are not immortals, swords are not swords, do not look up to mountains and high fish and dragons; demons are not demons, Tao is not Tao, life and death are equal."

Accompanied by Qinglang Poetry, a Confucian figure with a sense of immortality landed on another peak.

"Rob the bead."

Xianzong Wuming nodded slightly at the world, and greeted him.

At this time, with the burst of gorgeous sword light, like a sword lotus blooming on the peak, a noble figure also turned and descended.

"You are so expensive that people can't come freely, and the dragon and the phoenix are hard to stop. The house is full of flowers and drunk, and three thousand guests are drunk, and the sword is frosty and cold for fourteen states."

See you again.

Desperate Soul, Demonic World, and Xianzong Wuming gathered at the summit.

"Empress, have you considered it?"

Standing with hands behind his back, Yupo asked calmly.

On the side, Xianzong's Wuming eyes also fell on the body of the world, and the next decision of the world will affect the next situation in the ghost prison.

The powerful aura of the three parties blended together, and Fang Yuan was covered under a powerful pressure for hundreds of miles.

Wind, stagnation.

night, deep.

The atmosphere is getting more and more tense.

"I've decided—"

Between the opening and closing of the eyes of the world, a cold light shot out, and the whole space froze for a moment.

 Third update.Thank you: fireworks never sleep, your mother is hi, all gods and stars, gods, demons and holy kings are all occupied, etc. for rewards from fellow daoists!
(End of this chapter)

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