Breaking through Thunderbolt with martial arts

Chapter 590 Who can be punished in Duantian 1 way?

Chapter 590 Who can be punished in the journey of breaking the sky?

In a secluded canyon.

Bi Xueyan is diligent in cultivating the Beidou Tiangong, and wants to master this artifact.

On the other side, Duan Tiantu sat cross-legged to recover his body.

At this moment, Duan Tiantu's ears suddenly moved, and there was a rustling sound.

Bi Xueyan's pointy ears twitched cutely a few times, and she looked out of the canyon.

"The immortal waits to ride the yellow crane, and the sea guest has no intention to follow the white gull, swinging in the air, looking at the blue sky, black and white have the right way, and the clouds and tides are filled with arrogance."

Accompanied by Qinglangshi, a roll of chess cloth covers the sky and the sun, and the criss-crossing black wireframe covers the entire canyon, turning this place into a dead end.

"In the age of the Dharma, the evil wings swept over the world and the sea of ​​hell. The world is sad, and the flames of war start a prairie fire and the dragon disaster."

At the same time, the magic wind swept across, and Dian Bian Jia Luo spread the wings of the bones behind his back, landed on the peak, and watched Zonghengzi make a move coldly.

"All hopes are nothing more than a fool, and they are worthy of being buried in the sky. Then they will walk with sorrow and danger, and laugh and laugh."

On the other side, Le Xunyuan stood with his back on the huge boulder, blocking his retreat.

The three strong siege, Duan Tiantu suddenly fell into a life-threatening crisis.

Without words, Duan Tiantu and Bi Xueyan already understood that the visitor was not kind.

"Duantiantu, if you want to blame it, you can blame Yuan Wuji for being too capable of causing disaster!"

Starting with the black and white swords that were broken and recast, the Zonghengzi reproduced the heroic spirit of the world.

"It turned out that the master couldn't beat me and asked me to vent his anger!"

Duan Tiantu snorted coldly, with a sneer in his words, and at the same time the Fen Ji sword appeared, his whole body was filled with fire, and the huge fire unicorn loomed behind him, forming a terrifying force, "Unfortunately, you found the wrong target."

"It's useless to talk nonsense, you are doomed to escape this disaster today."

Zonghengzi raised his swords, and the next moment, the person had rushed to him.

"Xueyan, I will open the way for you!"

Duan Tiantu knew that the three-party siege would be difficult today, and he had already prepared for the worst. After a low drink, without waiting for Bi Xueyan's answer, he rushed forward sharply with a sword, intending to break through a gap.

"Zonghengzi, can you really kill Yuan Wuji's people?"

Le Xunyuan turned around slowly, with his hands on his back, and a playful smile on his lips.

Dianbianjialuo on the top of the peak also had a stern expression on his face.

Today's decision was not made by him suddenly, but arranged by the Ghost Dragon King.

As the wisdom of the eight parts, when Yutianzhe was busy getting the evil god out of trouble, it was the ghost dragon king who acted as the military adviser.

In order to unseal the dragon head, but also to remove obstacles.

At this moment, Zonghengzi has no choice, because if he does not act, he will not only ruin Duan Tiantu, but also put himself in a deadly situation. Instead, if he makes a move, Duan Tiantu may save his life, and he can also penetrate deeper into the circle of Babu people .

"Absolute Eight Dangers · Half-step solution to the situation!"

Before Zonghengzi approached for an instant, Mingfeng stabbed straight out.

During this period of time, Duan Tiantu's skills have basically recovered, and with the blessing of the Fenji Sword, his body is full of fire, which is unstoppable for mortals.

In the past, he was only powerful because of the restraint of his body when targeting elves. Now, with the blessing of Fenji, he poses an extremely powerful threat to all living creatures.

The strange magic fire is enough to burn the vitality of all living things, forming a land of extinction.

But Zonghengzi has been famous for countless years, and even ranks with Yu Qingjue, and has the reputation of "super gods and ghosts, there are two in the world".

Even in the previous life, Zonghengzi once alone blocked the siege of two strong men, Henwufeng holding a magic knife and Jianzhisi holding a holy sword.

In this life, as Yuan Wuji's brother-in-law, during the time in the strange city of mountains and seas, he naturally had an unknown promotion.

It's just that Zonghengzi has never shown his full strength since he joined Babu during this period, and no one knows what level Zonghengzi's strength has reached now.

Fierce sword moves intertwined, Zonghengzi's eyes flickered, and he shot a cold and stern light. The next moment, the famous sword pointed to the sky, and the sword energy soared to the sky.

A sword shakes the sky and shakes the universe.

"Fire Eclipse Sun!"

Duan Tiantu slashed hard with his sword, and the angry unicorn stepped out of the flames, and rushed straight towards Zonghengzong.


With a loud explosion, the entire canyon began to crack, and rocks fell like rain.

"I'll help you!"

Bi Xueyan yelled, holding an arrow-like sword dance, seemingly graceful, but it manifested blossoming sharp sword lights.

"Xuanhua·Qi Turning Heaven Overwhelming!"

On the side, Le Xunyuan made a move, and with a twirl of his hand, countless sword glows were drawn into his sleeves, and as he waved his sleeves, they reflected back, "Little girl, there are some things that girls can't meddle in."

Le Xunyuan smiled slightly, and stood in front of Bi Xueyan.

"A nasty smile."

For some reason, Bi Xueyan felt disgusted when she saw Le Xunyuan's false smile, she gave a cold drink, and the Divine Artifact Beidou Tiangong suddenly appeared.

Immediately, the majestic power shook the heavens and the earth, and the powerful aura covered Fang Yuan for hundreds of miles.

Even the Bianjialuo on the peak looked at him.

Le Xunyuan's face suddenly changed, he didn't expect Bi Xueyan, who seemed to be the weakest, to have such a hole card, and his heart suddenly felt bitter, "I didn't expect to kick a piece of iron."

Even though he thought so, Le Xunyuan would not back down because of this.

With a solemn heart, Le Xunyuan didn't dare to keep it, he stretched out his arms, and took in all the wind and clouds, "Heavenly style, full of energy, mysterious and yellow."

With one move, Xuanhuang was in turmoil.

On the other hand, Bi Xueyan tightly grasped the taboo artifact of the divine meridian, the God Dou Tiangong, and the sword dance in her hand turned into an arrow, condensing unparalleled strength, "The sword dance and the sky bow flow out the clouds!"

Shendou Tiangong is the divine weapon cast by the original ancestor of Shenmai using the bones of the Big Dipper Heavenly Beast and the Seven Stars Tiangong.Because of its excessive lethality, it was sealed by the master of the gods at that time and could not be used.

Even though the seals are still not fully released, and Bi Xueyan's power cannot be fully displayed, the terrifying power is still earth-shattering.

As Bi Xueyan let go of her hand suddenly, the sword dance was like a stream of light passing by, and the next moment, thousands of arrows evolved around her body, overwhelming the sky and covering the earth.

Boom boom boom!
A huge roar shook the sky, and arrows poured down like a galaxy.

Le Xunyuan used his palm to condense the mysterious and yellow energy to form a huge air shield, but the majestic power still made Le Xunyuan retreat step by step.

"What a terrifying artifact!"

Le Xunyuan murmured, he really didn't expect that a weapon could give such an improvement to a character who didn't catch his eye.

On the other side, Duan Tiantu also erupted violently, his whole body was like a ferocious human beast, his sword moves opened and closed, and his fire power swept across all directions, regardless of his own injuries, he went shopping.

In the distance, Bu Junshang suddenly sensed the elf's unique aura burst out, opened his eyes suddenly, looked at the direction of the fleeting aura for a long time, and set out with frowns tightly.

In addition, there is Qicheng who has been staring at Bu Junshang.

"Burning Silence · The universe is gone!"

In order to split the way of life, Duan Tiantu fell into a frenzy, and the true energy in his body poured into the divine sword.

The long fiery red hair fluttered behind him like a raging fire, two flames burst out from the red eyes, and the fiery lines between the eyebrows flowed golden light.

In an instant, Duan Tiantu exploded with all his strength, and his aura surged.

The gushing flame gradually changed from bright red to dark red, and then blacker and blacker. It was obviously fire, but it gave people a cold feeling.

The surrounding vegetation withered and turned yellow for a moment, and was even covered with a layer of frost.

The end of the fire!

It is called - cold!

(End of this chapter)

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