Chapter 591
Feeling the burst of terror, Zonghengzi's face became extremely solemn, "As expected of Yuan Wuji's chief disciple, he can still erupt with such power at this level."

While speaking, the two swords of Zonghengzi merged suddenly, showing unparalleled power together, "The wise will never leave the world without trace!"

An ordinary sword, leaving no trace.

but it is……

The two swords collided suddenly, and the ear-piercing sound pierced the brain like a devil's voice, shaking the mind.

Zonghengzi opened his mouth and spat out a mouthful of bright red, cracks appeared in the merged swords, but due to the ability of the merged swords, they did not break.

After all, Fen Ji in Duan Tiantu's hands is not inferior to a special divine weapon of the martial arts level, and it can further boost his skills.

Although the two swords in Zonghengzi's hands are not bad, they cannot face this kind of magic weapon head-on, let alone they were broken once.

However, Zonghengzi's foundation is equally deep, and Duan Tiantu, who exploded at the limit, also spit out a mouthful of blood, and his breath weakened instantly.

Compared with Zonghengzi's solid foundation, Duan Tiantu is still a bit vain after all.

At this time, Dian Bian Jia Luo spread his wings behind, and appeared behind Duan Tiantu in an instant, "Controlling the Wind·Xie Dao Liu."

With a sharp slash, a ferocious bloodstain suddenly appeared on the back of Duan Tiantu, and the evil force penetrated into the body, shaking the internal organs.

"Xueyan - let's go!"

Regardless of the killer move behind him, Duan Tiantu yelled again, his whole body seemed to be turned into a torch, and the yin and cold demonic fire raged, opening a passage.

"Want to go? How can it be so easy!"

Zonghengzi sneered, and raised his swords again, stirring up Fengyun, "Fengyun opens and closes to open up Zixiao."

"It seems that Zongzi really used all his strength."

Dian Bian Jia Luo's eyes flashed, his heart was relieved, and at the same time, the Xie Dao condensed its power to the extreme, "The Xie Dao can only kill!"

"be careful!"

Bi Xueyan shouted loudly, but she was blocked by Le Xunyuan, unable to rescue her, and the power of Shendou Tiangong was too strong, with her current cultivation base, there was only one arrow left.

After one arrow, she will also be unconscious.

A bloody battle broke out.

Duan Tiantu is extremely bloody and brave, showing his unyielding will and ferocious fighting spirit.

After burning silence, everything turns to ashes.

But what he was facing were Zonghengzi and Mianbianjialuo, two strong men.

Soon her body was severely injured again, with sword marks and knife marks on her body, and her battle robe was stained red, Bi Xueyan was very anxious to see.

"Little girl, you should protect yourself first!"

Le Xunyuan chuckled lightly, holding the majestic aura in his hands, like an iron wall, blocking Bi Xueyan's way to rescue.

The blood flowed more and more, and his face became whiter and paler.

Duantiantu rushes from left to right, but it has become a battle of trapped beasts.

No matter how fierce it is, it cannot take another step forward.

"I can't fall here, I have to create opportunities for Xueyan!"

Duantiantuxin's only thought became the last persistence.

"Ice Fire Qilin Swallows the Sun and Crashes the Moon!"

The last obsession, the last power is condensed on the body of Fenji sword, arousing the majestic evil spirit hidden in Fenji sword.

Duan Tiantu's eyes were bloodshot, and his sanity was almost occupied by animal nature. When he cut down with a sword, the sun and the moon seemed to be disintegrated.

"Chaos Demon - Fa Tianzhang!"

Knowing that this would be Duan Tiantu's final struggle, Dian Bian Jia Luo sneered and agreed with the ultimate move.

Zonghengzi's swords were intertwined, ready to go.

The next moment, the top three meet.

With a loud bang, the canyon collapsed.

Duan Tiantu uncontrollably flew out backwards.

And Zonghengzi and Dianbianjialuo also had blood from their mouths again, and their aura became a little weaker.

"Break the road!"

Bi Xueyan roared in shock, her eyes revealed sorrow, and then opened Shendou Tiangong, "Shendou meteors burst into the sky!"

The arrow is like a shooting star, and it crashes towards Le Xunyuan.

Facing the forceful move, Le Xunyuan's expression was also concentrating, and he used both palms to carry out the ultimate style of Ming Qi martial arts, "Exhaustive style·Chaos rebirth!"

The air of chaos strongly blocks the arrows of meteors.

With a forceful attack, Le Xunyuan spat out a mouthful of blood, and retreated dozens of steps, while Bi Xueyan also flew out, and she fell into the dust.

The next moment, Le Xunyuan suppressed the turbulent Qi and blood in his body, and approached Bi Xueyan in a dodge, wanting to take advantage of the victory and pursue him. At this moment, a fierce saber energy pierced through the air.

"Thousands of soldiers are tortured with swords, the yellow sand is stained with blood, and the decisive battle is held in hand, and the sky is red in the wind."

A cold and stern figure dragged the wolf knife backwards.

Immediately afterwards, two human heads were thrown in from the mouth of the valley, and they were the Tengu Feiying and the Xuxu boy.

On the isolated peak, a snow-like figure stands with a sword behind his back, and the white gauze hat is lifted up, revealing a stern face, it is Qicheng.


The goal has been achieved, Dian Bianjialuo no longer hesitates, and orders to retreat, while Zonghengzi directly grabs Duan Tianlu, who is unknown to life and death, and the three of them disappear in an instant.


After returning to the Tower of the Three Realms, only the three of them came back from the group. Yinyang Takiyahime, who was staying at the Tower of the Three Realms, looked at the gloomy expressions on the faces of the group of people, and knew that Tengu Hiei and Xuwadouzi might be in danger.

But in the end the goal was achieved.

Yinyang Takiyahime looked at Duan Tiantu under his feet and thought silently.

After Mianbian Jialuo and others left, she had met two people, and the other party had revealed her identity, which also revealed her identity as a dark pillar of the earth.

And those two people belonged to Yuan Wuji's arrangement.

That's why she paid so much attention to Duan Tiantu.

"I didn't expect that there would be an outsider disrupting the situation, and even killing Tiangu Feiying and Xuhua boy."

Mian Bianjia said with a gloomy face.

"Hmm... one of these two has the aura of an elf, and the other looks a bit like Ye Xiaochai, the madman and sword idiot. I will investigate the roots of the two, but..."

As he said that, Le Xunyuan changed his voice, but looked at Zonghengzi with interest, "However, Zonghengzi, you didn't kill Duan Tiantu on the spot, but brought him back. Are you still thinking of leaving a way out for yourself? ?"

At this time, Mianbian Jialuo also stared at Zonghengzi.

The silent Yinyang Takiyahime also looked at Zonghengzi, but she had other plans in her heart. If Zonghengzi really rebelled, with the help of her and Zonghengzi, there is a chance to save Duan Tiantu.

"Ha ha……"

Suddenly, Zonghengzi laughed lightly, breaking the tense atmosphere, "Since I made a move, I will never show mercy, but I did this for the great cause of the evil god."

"Oh? How do you say this?"

Dianbian Jialuo narrowed his eyes slightly, his voice was still cold, if Zonghengzi didn't have a suitable reason, then don't blame him for being ruthless.

Le Xunyuan also looked at Zonghengzi, wanting to hear how Zonghengzi broke the situation.

Zonghengzi wiped away the blood from the corner of his mouth, his expression was still elegant and gentle, "Duantiantu has been seriously injured and has become a prisoner, so there is nothing to fear, but his life can be exchanged for greater benefits for us."

"Yuan Wuji is insidious and cunning, vacillating. Do you want to trade with him? Could it be that Zonghengzi is still thinking about old feelings?"

Le Xunyuan never believed that Zonghengzi would sincerely turn to the evil god Baqi, and he and Yuan Wuji couldn't reconcile, so he said so.

Zonghengzi shook his head slightly, and said confidently: "Wrong, he still has great value, I know that the evil king of the Dragon Head of the Valley of the Wind has not been found yet, but Yuan Wuji must know the whereabouts of the Dragon Head.

Compared with unsealing the dragon head, Duan Tiantu's life is not enough, but if Duan Tiantu is killed, with Yuan Wuji's personality, he will never reveal the whereabouts of the last dragon head even if he dies. "

Hearing the dragon head, Dian Bian Jia Luo's attitude changed instantly.

Because it was indeed a thorn in his heart.

He clearly knew that the dragon head was once in the Valley of the Wind, but he couldn't find any trace, which disappointed the evil god.

Listening to what Zonghengzi said now, it makes sense.

At this time, even Le Xunyuan didn't speak anymore.

Although he knew that Zonghengzi might have done this intentionally, he couldn't give a reason to refute it.

In the eyes of the Babu people, Duan Tiantu's life is really not worth mentioning compared to the importance of the dragon's head, let alone Duan Tiantu's body is seriously injured at this moment.

After thinking for a while, Le Xunyuan suddenly had an idea, looked at Zonghengzi with a smile on his face and said, "Zonghengzi is indeed thoughtful, but what Yuan Wuji wants is to be alive, but if he lives, he will become a member of the Eight Tribes." Obstacles, it is better for you to abolish his martial arts, Zonghengzi, so that not only his life is preserved in exchange, but also the interests of the eight tribes are guaranteed, and Zonghengzi proves your loyalty."

Hearing these words, Zonghengzi's heart sank, he took a deep look at Le Xunyuan, and Le Xunyuan nodded with a smile on his face.

"Okay, that's the decision!"

Dian Bian Jia Luo suddenly spoke, expressing his agreement, "Zonghengzi, let's do it!"

Knowing that Le Xunyuan said these words, Zonghengzi already knew the result, so he was not surprised by Mianbian Jialuo's decision.


Zonghengzi narrowed his eyes slightly, walked to Duan Tiantu who was covered in blood and was in a coma, and said silently in his heart: "I'm sorry, I can only save your life."

"Presumably with his ability, it should be easy to restore your body!"

The words in his heart fell, Zonghengzi poured it down with a palm, and Duan Tiantu howled in a coma, his body was disabled.

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(End of this chapter)

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