Chapter 593 Sniper
outside world.

Mr. Xi was on the way to the West Yellow Buddhist Realm, and the two figures at the front and the back blocked the way forward and the way back.

"Benefactor, this road is dead!"

The figure in front of him was a bit low, with blue relics all over his head, holding an alms bowl in his hand, with a benevolent expression on his face.

On the back is a woman in a black gauze skirt, with gray feet, in a dead and gray environment.

"Everyone is a wolf, why pretend to be a sheep?"

Mr. Xi chuckled, and turned to look at the goddess of silence behind him, "Princess Lonely Moon, it seems that we are still destined to end, it makes people sad!"

"Today you scattered one soul in the ghost prison, and the other soul is scattered here!"

The goddess of death said indifferently with a cold expression.

"Princess Guyue, I didn't expect you to be as ruthless as the Empress!"

Mr. Xi looked sad, as if he had a deep and indelible melancholy.

"Stop swearing in front of me, I will cut off your tongue today!"

The Goddess of Death and Silence had a fierce expression on her face, and let out a gloom in her heart. It was obvious that she had been suffering from Mr. Xi's provocative words for a long time, and her hatred had long been hidden.

It's just because of the empress's order that she can only suppress it. Now that the empress has turned against him, she finally doesn't have to bear it anymore.

Hearing this, Young Master Xi licked his lips with his tongue, and said ambiguously: "So Princess Guyue likes my tongue, if you like it, you can say it directly, why hide it, I'm sorry..."

"you wanna die!"

Hearing these words, the strange pupils of the Goddess of Death suddenly shot cold light, and the next moment, she approached Mr. Xi's chest with her palm.

A shot is a ruthless move, without mercy.

Or it could be said that she had no feelings for Mr. Xi at all, but only the killing intent accumulated in her heart.

"The cloud picker!"

At the same time, Qing Suifozi, an undercover agent of the ghost clan, also made a move, grasping the cloud energy in his palm, and attacked Mr. Xi's vest with his palm.

Front and rear flanking, different spaces, but encountering the same situation.

There was a loud noise, and the dust and sand were hundreds of feet high.

But Mr. Xi disappeared in place, or in other words, countless Mr. Xi appeared in all directions.

The big red robe was fluttering in the wind, and playful words came from the figures in all directions, full of strange feelings, "The two want to kill me like this, are you underestimating me?"

"Deadly lonely sound Yaksha rings."

Facing the strange move, the Goddess of Silence looked indifferent, and praised the strong move again. In an instant, snowflakes like dead ashes fell, and accompanied by harsh tones, centered on the Goddess of Death, they spread out towards the surroundings.

The phantom of Mr. Xi rippled for an instant, and finally shattered.

"Ghost Crossing Trek!"

The moment Mr. Xi appeared, Qing Sui Fozi let out a deep drink, and immediately released his ultimate move.

The mellow and Buddhist aura on his body was no longer there, and his smiling face became ghostly, "Should die!"

The turbulent ghost Yuansha was in front of him in an instant, and there was no way to avoid it.

Faced with the unavoidable move, Mr. Xi snorted, raised his fist and slammed, the surging ghost energy was frozen into ice, and dissipated in crystal pieces the next moment.

But at this moment, the bare hands of the goddess of death had already hit Mr. Xi's back, and a dead force entered the body, eroding the vitality in the body.

"Five Thunders into Extremes!"

Mr. Xi let out a deep sigh, five-color electric currents flashed all over his body, and the different kinds of true energy in his body were instantly disintegrated under the five-element thunder and lightning, "Five extermination sky thunders!"

At the same time, Mr. Xi changed his palm style and slammed his palm on the chest of the Dead Silence Goddess.

However, Mr. Xi only felt his palm hit a ball of cotton without exerting any force.


The goddess of death and silence showed anger on her face, with mountains and mountains on her chest, and the cold air all over her body was even stronger.

"Ha!" Mr. Xi laughed dryly, "I didn't expect Princess Gu Yue to look ordinary, so she is so unexpected!"

"Dengtuzi, I swear I will kill you!"

The Goddess of Death and Silence gave a rage, and then praised the deep kung fu with both palms, the strange and dead silence power was condensed in the two palms, and everything was instantly extinct.

This is the power that brings death to the world.

"Magic light shines!"

Qing Sui Fuzi also shouted loudly, and the blue bowl in his hand flew up, bursting out with ghostly blue lights.

Boom boom boom!
"It's over!"

Faced with the two men besieged again, Mr. Xi's eyes turned cold, and he finally broke out with all his strength.

"Five furious thunder!"

Accompanied by a deep shout, Mr. Xi moved his palms together, and a huge five-color thunderball condensed in front of him, with electric currents flying around, and the momentum was terrifying.

The next moment, with Mr. Xi's arms stretched out, the huge thunderball turned into two, attacking Qingsui Buddha and the goddess of death respectively.

Facing the ultimate move, Qing Sui Fozi should not let the bowl stand in front of him.

But a strange and terrifying power erupted suddenly, which directly melted Qing Sui Fozi's true essence, and at the same time, electric current also rushed to Qing Sui Fozi's body.

Qing Sui Fozi and the other three Chantians had resisted the power of the evil kings of the heavens and the six gods before, and the wounds had not healed, and now they were attacked by alien forces again.

The lightning force of the five elements entered the body, and it was actually dissipating the true energy in the body. This made Qing Sui Buddha full of shock, and gathered all his strength to resist.

On the other side, the Goddess of Silence also spat out a mouthful of blood. Mr. Xi did not show mercy, but the Goddess of Silence was the Princess of Ghost Prison after all, she had many protective measures, and turned out the strange thunder force that invaded her body.

Although the danger of transforming power was avoided, [-]% of ghost energy was lost in an instant.

In the blink of an eye, the two people who surrounded and killed Young Master Xi were seriously injured at the same time.


The soul in Yan Luo's ghost prison is not flustered in the face of the pincer attack of the two peaks.

The turbulent fighting spirit surged out.

I saw the Yupo Demon Sword held upside down, pointing to the sky with one hand, "Ten thousand swords return to the Yuan!"

In an instant.

Thousands of sword qi erupted from the soles of Ziyupo's feet.

At the same time, the Zongtian Ghost Ridge and the Legend of the Unknown Gentleman of the Immortal Zong smashed on the thousands of sword qi at the same time.

Amidst the huge roar, the giant peak under Yupo's feet collapsed again, and [-]% of the majestic sword energy was instantly eliminated.

"Slaying Hua is absolutely victorious and moves the world!"

As soon as one move was made, Yao Tianxia turned around suddenly, and the mighty power of the ghost spine in his hand exploded again, shaking the world with one blow.

"Long Yao Jiuxiao rises to the top!"

At the same time, Xianzong's nameless ultimate move appeared again, and the fairy light burst out, stirring up the situation.

Xian Yuan, Gui Yuan, the two extreme forces completely blocked Yupo's retreat and evasion routes, firmly locked him in the center, and the meaning of lore was self-evident.

"very good!"

Yupo's expression froze slightly, and then he let out a deep drink, and once again used the strongest ultimate move of Xiantian Poti's invisible sword energy, "All laws return to the source, all things turn into a sword!"

With Yupo's wrong hands, the gleaming Fengli sword suddenly spun extremely fast, and the sword's edge soared into the sky, forming a storm of destruction around the body. At this moment, grass, wood, sand, and stones were all drawn across hundreds of miles away.

In an instant, Bailifang turned into the domain of the sword. In the eyes of Xianzong Wuming and Zhuo Tianxia, ​​at this moment, everything around them turned into sword energy, covering them.

The sense of danger is everywhere, and the sharp edges stimulate the whole body.

Outside Yan Luo Ghost Prison, Jian Zong Chang Ri Kunzhen, who had been waiting for a long time, suddenly opened his eyes with excitement.

And farther away, Tan Xiqi who rushed over, and Gusu Huanjian and Tie Xueyi who were active at the boundary of the West Huang Buddha all had a faint feeling, and their eyes could not help but look in the direction of Tunshou's evil mouth.

(End of this chapter)

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