Breaking through Thunderbolt with martial arts

Chapter 594 Desperate situation [crying for subscription for support]

Chapter 594 Desperate situation [crying for subscription for support]

The whole world turned into a sword realm, and at the same time that the Ghost Ridge and the Immortal Sword slashed at Yupo's body, the sword energy within a radius of a hundred miles erupted at the same time, enveloping all three of them.

The three became the core of the energy explosion.

The dazzling brilliance covers the sky and the sun, makes the world eclipsed, and covers everything.

Yupo used the trick of killing each other, regardless of his own safety, he actually wanted to leave behind the two of them at the same time.


Sensing the opponent's purpose, Gu Tianxia cursed angrily, but his figure did not retreat but advanced, and there was a crazier look in his eyes.

"Perverted crazy woman!"

Not to be outdone, Yupo cursed back, but in fact, the world is indeed perverted and crazy enough.

Who dares to say that a person who wants to reverse yin and yang and let men have children is not crazy or crazy?
"You want to scare us away with this trick, you underestimate me too much."

Xianzong Wuming also drank coldly, with murderous intent in his eyes, this time no matter what injuries he suffered, he must keep Yuan Wuji's soul.

The opportunity that has been waiting for a long time must be achieved.

This will also be the first time he has gained the upper hand in the confrontation with Yuan Wuji, and it will also be an important round that reverses the outcome of the future.


Accompanied by a loud noise, the mountains, rocks, and trees within a hundred miles were turned into ashes, and huge energy swept across, and the entire world was shrouded in smoke and dust.

The three people at the center of the explosion let out a muffled groan at the same time, and three streaks of vermilion landed on the ground. After a while, as the smoke and dust swept away, three figures each occupying one side were revealed.

The two strong forces attacked, Yupo was already covered in blood, and Xianzong Wuming also spewed out a mouthful of blood, but compared to Yupo's injury, it was much lighter.

But Yao Tianxia's breath was only turbulent, there was a trace of blood at the corner of his mouth, and there was no trace of injury on his body.

Apparently, Duan Gui Wu Que's clothes were really mysterious, and they helped the world resist most of the damage.

"Yuan Wuji, your end has come."

Zhuo Tianxia sneered, not breaking the body-protecting magical skill doubled her confidence, and it was not in vain for her to pay such a price to achieve this body-protecting magical skill.

"A tortoise shell? Hmph, if you can't break it from the outside, then break it from the inside!"

Yupo snorted coldly, but his gaze shifted to Xianzong Wuming, "Moshi, don't try to take advantage of it, I'm scattered here alone today, and I want you to be buried with me!"

As soon as the words fell, Yupo flashed towards Xianzong Wuming.

"Exactly what I want!"

Xianzong's nameless eyes showed a cold light, and he did not back away, only to see his hands stretched out, with the horizontal sword in front of him, spinning rapidly, "Jianxinjian!"

The sword of consciousness and the biography of the gentleman are combined to achieve a move that combines reality and reality, and suddenly flies out, with the sharp edge pointing directly at the soul.

"God robbery!"

In the face of the ultimate move, the desire and the soul will work together to find out the strongest of the Four Tribulations of the Sacred Heart. This is a battle between the divine soul and the immortal soul.

The fairy sword and the demon sword collided together, Yupo and Xianzong Wuming paired their palms, and between Zhaoyan, the two souls collided loudly.

Without a sound, the void collapsed in an instant.

The contest between the souls was extremely rapid, and in a blink of an eye, both sides vomited blood and retreated, and Xianzong Wuming's eyes dimmed for a moment.

And Yupo's face was also extremely pale, and his breath was sluggish.

Both of them are not complete souls, this collision can be described as half a catty.

But the moment Yupo retreated, the world had already appeared behind him, and he urged his heart with a palm, "Xu Mi Yi Qi!"

Silently, all the zhenqi in Yupo's body was transferred out. At the moment of discovery, a wave of evil ghosts entered the body and damaged Yupo's body.

The world is a hero among women, but he doesn't care about bullying the few with more, and the trick of sneak attack is extremely fierce, wanting to destroy the core of desire in one fell swoop.

"Sword armor protects my body!"

Yupo spewed out a mouthful of blood, and the true energy in his body burst out suddenly, forcefully forcing the world back, and then the sword air flowed around his body, condensing into a battle armor.

"Magic and martial arts to the end · Remnant god and waste Xuanhuang!"

At this moment, Xianzong Wuming forcibly suppressed the creation of the soul of Zhihai Immortal, with a palm movement, and bombarded Yupo's chest with a palm.

After a series of heavy blows, Yupo raised his head to the sky and roared, his white hair was disheveled, and his clean white robe was already stained red with blood, "Very good, come again!"

Suffering heavy injuries, the fighting spirit in the eyes of Yupo became more and more boiling, and he once again killed Xianzong Wuming regardless of the world behind him.

Because in today's round, it was Moshi and the world who were plotting against him, but he was also plotting against Moshi.

Therefore, Xianzong, the most important immortal soul, must be severely injured today, so that he can be united with the other souls and occupy the body of the heavens, giving Yuan Wuji a chance to really kill him.

"Your tenacity makes me feel happy!"

Yan Tianxia behind Yupo suddenly spoke, but his words were still cold and full of murderous intent, obviously he would not hold back because of his admiration for Yuan Wuji, because this was not someone she could control.

Uncertain factors should be eliminated in time.

"Don't worry, I will not only surprise you in the future, but also bring you countless joys!"

Even in a desperate situation, Yupo is still teasing the Empress.

This undoubtedly made the world even more angry.

"Yuan Wuji, you have no future, today is just the beginning, soon all your other souls will perish one by one!"

Xianzong Wuming sneered coldly, and then used his palms to make a strong move, "Mo Wu Ultimate · Destroying the Wheel Seal!"

With a blow of the palm, the seal of extinction smashed down, as if the world was destroyed.

"The sword breaks and destroys our enemies!"

Yupo roared loudly, and brought out the last sword of the Twelve Swords of Xuanyin, either you die or I die.

Fengli Jianhua drunk a streamer, using the separation ability to directly split a passage, pointing at Xianzong Wuming.

At this time, The Legend of the Gentleman also fell into the hands of Xianzong again, blocking Fenglijian with a sword.

This peerless magic soldier, which is based on the Ninth Five-Year Seal, one of the Bingfeng twin swords that is as famous as the Legend of the Gentleman, has finally exploded with terrifying magic power.

Under the continuous erosion of the strange ability during this period, the legend of the gentleman suddenly broke.

Sensing something wrong, Xianzong Wuming turned sideways suddenly, but the strange magic sword still passed by, and the moment one arm fell to the ground, it returned to the essence of the world.

At the same moment, the Ruin of Destruction suddenly imprinted on Yupo's body.

The sword armor on Yupo's body collapsed suddenly, and there was a bloody hole in his chest.

"Take the hearts of all ghosts!"

At the same moment, the world will use another strong move, and all ghosts will appear together, rushing towards Yupo, trying to eat up Yupo.

"Raging thunder tore the sky apart!"

Yupo condenses the sword with Qi, and uses the half-step martial art of Zilei Nine Strikes, and the violent lightning burst out suddenly, instantly wiped out the overwhelming ghosts and ghosts, and then spewed out a mouthful of blood, turning into a lightning bolt and rushing towards the exit of the ghost prison .

"Hmph! Can you escape?"

Zhuo Tianxia snorted coldly, but did not pursue directly, because there were lore killers at the exit of Yan Luo Ghost Prison, which were enough to block the opponent's footsteps.

After finishing speaking, Yao Tianxia turned back to look at Xianzong Wuming, with an inexplicable look in his eyes, "Xianzong, do you need my help?"

Xianzong Wuming's face was pale, but his expression was extremely calm, and he didn't panic because of the broken arm, so he didn't give the world an opportunity to take advantage of it.

"Thank you Jie Zhu, but this little injury won't bother me."

Saying that, a drop of blood essence appeared in the palm of Xianzong Wuming, and the next moment, the blood element was revolving, and an arm grew out again.

"Okay, let's see how Yuan Wuji died!"

Seeing that Xianzong Wuming didn't give her a chance to see through the truth, he could only suppress that thought and said with a smile.

 People are unlucky enough to eat apples and get stuck in their teeth. After three or four hours, they still feel foreign objects. We can only see the situation tomorrow!
(End of this chapter)

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