Chapter 595 In the Plan

The exit of Yan Luo Ghost Prison.

A burly figure turned his back with a gun.

Just as Yupo was approaching, the domineering poem title also sounded, "The world is chaotic and there is no way, and the king's majesty comes; fall into black and white, and follow the shadows. Sigh that people and ghosts are impermanent, and the sky is against fate; palming the sun and the moon are boundless, the emperor ordered. "

"Di Longyin!"

Desperation stopped, and there was a stern look in his eyes, which he had already expected.

"I only have one move."

Di Longyin has the arrogance of Di Longyin, and he doesn't like to take advantage of others.

Even if he wants to fight Yuan Wuji, he will face Yuan Wuji in his heyday, not the half-dead man now.

But he couldn't disobey the Queen's order.

Therefore, he only made one move.

The Black Dragon Spear was raised slowly, and an air movement had locked onto Yupo firmly.

"I'm afraid one move is not enough, I am a seriously injured body, and I am not something you can humiliate!"

Yupo snorted coldly, wiped away the blood oozing from the corner of his mouth, and raised Fengli Sword with one hand.

Scarlet blood flowed down the sword body, making the magic sword even more sinister.

In an instant, the tension exploded.

"Heaven's end, ghost prison has no way!"

Turning around suddenly, a face that was exactly the same as Jun Fengtian revealed an unparalleled coldness. With the black dragon spear in his hand, the space collapsed immediately, as if the heaven collapsed and the ghost prison rebelled.

It was just one move, but it already shook Xingyu, and the black water behind him even stirred up monstrous waves.

"One sword breaks all methods!"

Facing the ultimate move, Yupo let out a low cry, forcibly lifted the remaining true energy and poured it into the magic sword in his hand, sweeping across with one sword, it seemed to be the only one in the world, breaking all spells.

The black dragon spear and the Fengli sword faced each other, and a piercing sound resounded through the ghost prison.

The black dragon spear is transformed from the animal bones and claws of the Prison Dragon Emperor. It is indestructible and can be regarded as the top magic weapon in the world.

What's more, the Black Dragon Spear is like one body, without any other substances, even the separation ability of Fengli Sword cannot divide it.

Yupo, who had already been severely injured, took three steps back and spurted blood again.

Staggering, the body still stood still with the sword leaning on it.

"you can go now!"

After one move, Di Longyin flicked his battle robe, turned around suddenly, and walked away holding the Black Dragon Spear.

At this time, Yao Tianxia and Xianzong Wuming came again.

Yao Tianxia glanced at Di Longyin who had left, and frowned slightly, but this was not the time to question her, she turned her head to look at Yupo, with a sneer on the corner of her mouth, "Young Master Yuan, what else do you have to say in this situation!"

"Cough cough..."

Yupo coughed a few times, raised his sleeve robe to wipe off the blood from the corner of his mouth, slowly straightened up and looked at the two with an evil smile, "Why, does the empress want me to 'speak' to you?"

"Yuan Wuji, you dare to swear when you are about to die!"

Zhuo Tianxia frowned, the communication of the past few days made her understand the meaning of the other party's words, and with a wave of Zongtian Ghost Ridge in her hand, a blast of Gang Qi bombarded Yupo's body.

Yupo immediately flew out and fell to the ground.

The white robe covered with blood and sand and the messy white hair all indicate that Yusoul has come to the end of the road.

"Yuan Wuji, this palm sees you off!"

Xianzong Wuming's famous sword was broken, and he raised his hand, which was also earth-shattering.

"It's not enough to want to kill me!"

Yupo glared at him, roared again, and condensed his breath into a shield.

But how could he change his fate against the sky when his oil was exhausted, and he fell into the black water with a crash.

"Hmph, do you want to use my strength to escape from the ghost prison?"

Xianzong's nameless eyes showed a sneer, as if he had already seen through Yuan Wuji's purpose.

At this moment, a sword energy broke into Yan Luo Ghost Prison from the outside.

The seal set by the Sword Clan was shattered.

"Moshi, Yuan Wuji, this sword is what you once asked for, and now, I will return it!"

Chang Ri Kun's calm voice resounded, and he turned around and left after making a sword strike, "A dragon and a horse travel thousands of miles in snowflakes, and the wind and moon move ten steps into the sky, and the sword blares in the sky. Autumn Frost Cutting Jade's name Chang Ri, the immortal name of Kun's book."

At this time, Tan Xiqi just arrived.

The moment he turned around, the silent sword energy suddenly slashed towards Tan Xiqi's neck.

Fortunately, Tan Xiqi has improved a long time ago, his sword sense is sharper, and the magic weapon is much stronger than the previous wooden sword. Although there is a gap in the edge of the sword, at least it is not broken, nor is Tan Xiqi's life broken.

"He is Jianzong Changri Kunyi?"

"Sure enough, it's the pinnacle of swordsmanship!"

Although it was just a sword qi, it already made Tan Xiqi understand the strength of the opponent, and he was far from being the opponent's opponent, but this did not weaken Tan Xiqi's will, but instead made his forge ahead more intense.

It's strange that Chang Ri Kunzhen didn't kill him.

Because the other party is not his opponent in the first place, it is meaningless to kill him. Of course, if Tan Xiqi dares to fight him at this moment, then...

As Tan Xiqi rushed to Tunshou, he saw a familiar figure suddenly thrown out of the black water.

"Yuan Wuji!"

Seeing that person, Tan Xiqi's face changed slightly, and just as he was about to rush over, a broken sword suddenly shot out, directly piercing Yupo's heart, and then Xianzong Wuming stepped out from Tunshou's mouth, "Immortal is not immortal, sword It is not a sword, and does not look up to the name of a fish or a dragon on a high mountain; the devil is not a devil, the way is not the way, and life and death are equal to things."

As soon as he stepped into a difficult situation, Xianzong Wuming showed his unparalleled celestial power, "Today, Xianzong Wuming punishes evil here!"

"Yuan Wuji, return your soul!"

Xianzong Wuming appeared behind Yupo, suddenly pulled out the broken sword, and Yupo's body collapsed, turning into a myriad of energy and melting between the heaven and the earth.

At this time, Gusu Huanjian and Xi Xueyi also felt that they were swallowing beasts. They were shocked to see Yuan Wuji's soul flying away, and their eyes suddenly showed shock, "This is..."

"Yuan Wuji colluded with the ghost prison and wanted to break the seal of the ghost prison, but I stopped him!"

The corner of Xianzhu Wuming's mouth coincided with the fact that a smear of bright red flowed out, and at the same time said with a righteous face.

"Then who are you?"

Xi Xueyi narrowed his eyes slightly and asked.

Although it is said that Yuan Wuji is not a righteous person, he has not done any evil deeds, so naturally Xi Xueyi will not listen to one-sided words.

"Immortals are able to determine everything when they do things. If they want to question me, only Emperor Confucian Supreme has the qualification among Confucianism."

Xianzong Wuming is extremely arrogant, and calling out the name of Emperor Confucianism really made Xi Xueyi's heart sink.

After all, if he dared to say such big words, he must be in the same generation as Huang Ruzun.

And after Yusoul's body collapsed, in a cave near Tunshou's mouth, a burly body that had been silent for a long time suddenly moved its fingers.


On the other side, on the way to West Huang Buddhist World.

Mr. Xi was angry and merciless.

Hitting the jade bowl with one palm, it was imprinted on the heart of Qing Sui Buddha.

Wulei Huajishou immediately melted Qing Suifozi's Buddha essence and ghost essence, turning him into an ordinary person with no martial arts.


Immediately afterwards, Mr. Xi condensed his palms into a fist, and struck fiercely, shattering the body of Qing Sui Buddha, his limbs and torso shot out in all directions, and the ground was red with blood.

The ears are full of chaotic snow like an avalanche, the raging waves disappear, accompanied by a mourner, dead without a whole body, confessing sins to the Tathagata with flesh and blood, and proving the way with death.

The spies who were placed in the ghost prison in the Buddhist domain were all killed by Xipo.

Shocked by the bloody scene, the Goddess of Silence constricted her pupils.

At this moment, a shocking Buddha's voice came angrily, "Vajra holding the mighty and fearful Dharma."

Fawei King Kong appeared next to Qing Sui Fozi's torso, seeing his limbs separated, wide-eyed, unwilling Qing Sui Fozi burst into anger, "How dare you kill my buddhist friend, let the devil kill you!"

"Vajra Sun Wheel!"

As soon as he makes a move, it is an extreme move, and the eight time wheels behind him arrive in an instant.

Mr. Xi raised his arm to block it, and the eight time wheels flew back, but Fawei King Kong had already rushed towards him, and he did not give Mr. Xi a chance to explain.

seeing is believing.

Fawei King Kong saw with his own eyes that his Buddhist friends who had practiced for several years died in the hands of Mr. Xi, so he shot mercilessly.

"Young Master Yuan, let's go!"

At this moment, the Goddess of Death and Silence suddenly opened her mouth, and she slammed out her palm, forming an ice wall to block Fawei King Kong, and then retreated.

"Ghost Prison Demon Girl, leave!"

The attack of the goddess of death and silence confirmed everything, leaving Mr. Xi unable to refute.

"What a Yan Luo ghost prison, if you play this trick with me, I'm afraid that you are leading wolves into the house!"

Mr. Xi understood in an instant that this was a game, and Mr. Qing Suifo was the victim of this battle. Knowing this, Mr. Xi no longer loved to fight, forced back Fawei King Kong, and directly chased in the direction where Goddess of Death and Silence escaped.

"Young Master Xi? Young Master Yuan?"

"No matter who you are, I will make you pay for the sins of Buddhist friends!"

Looking at the two people who disappeared, Fawei King Kong shouted angrily, then looked sadly at the corpse of Qingsui Buddha behind him, and said in a trembling voice: "Buddhist friends, I will take you to the Buddhist world! At that time, I will personally help you you……"

 Third update.Thanks: Shi Jinglun, Canghai Floating World, Doomsday Wusheng, Dutianshensha Zhoutianxingchen and other Taoist friends for rewards!

(End of this chapter)

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