Breaking through Thunderbolt with martial arts

Chapter 597 Contest in Secret【Ask for monthly ticket support! 】

Chapter 597 Contest in Secret【Ask for monthly ticket support! 】

Bai Yixuehun who was hiding in the flying snow suddenly constricted his pupils, he didn't expect that the four-colored killing spirits came out together, and he was defeated by one move.

"This little girl has reached such a point!"

Bai Yixuehun was shocked. His understanding of the jade left in the Forbidden City was only when he was captured by Youjie.

Even though he knew that the other party must have improved these days, he never expected to reach such a level.

Thinking of this, Bai Yixuehun's heart was full of dignity.

But the Jade from the Forbidden City would not give him time to think about it.

"How can little Feixue cover my eyes."

As soon as the jade left in the Forbidden City drank domineeringly, the dragon aura shot up all over his body, and the majestic power instantly destroyed the snowy realm, "The dragon spit out pearls to dazzle the common people!"

In an instant, the sword left a mark.

The remnants of the ancient lamp in Bai Yixuehun's hands fell to the ground, his hands clutched his neck tightly, but it was irreparable.

The bright red blood soaked the ground with hoarfrost, leaving the last trace of desolation in the world.

When Bai Yixue's soul died, Moshi's soul, which occupied the infinite body, also felt the same.

At this moment, he had already left the Immortal Gate of the Sea of ​​Clouds, heading towards the land where the ancient lotus grew.

"That person is indeed Yuan Wuji, he has already seen through my identity, that's why he and Jie Hongyan made such an intimate gesture in front of me, in order to anger me."

Moshi whispered to himself, with cold eyes, "Maybe he confirmed my identity just because of the strangeness I saw when he was ambiguous with Jie Hongyan. What a Yuan Wuji, he really wanted to find out my whereabouts." Do whatever it takes.”

"Fortunately, I saved my hand and didn't go directly to Youjie, otherwise I will fall into your scheme."

Moshi had already felt the scenes before and after Baiyi Xuehun's death, but he believed that there was more than just a jade left in the Forbidden City lying in ambush in the Netherworld.

"Since it has been exposed, let the storm come more violently!"

A cold light flashed in Moshi's eyes. He believed that, with things at this point, the identity of Unlimited would not last long.

As he said that, Mo Shi started to speed up and rushed to Gu Wei Sheng Lian.

The Eye of the Universe, which is closely connected with the power of blood darkness, has already felt the restlessness of the power of blood darkness.

This means that the ancient Weishenglian is about to be shattered, and the trapped One Page Book, Tianjiao, and Extraordinary King will reappear here.

But on the way to Yiqingtian to the Youjie, he met a gloomy old man with a hood, gray hair, and a shape like a withered bone blocking the way.

Another Yiqingtian didn't like the strange aura, and immediately frowned.

"The sword and the phoenix depend on the heaven of love!"

The hoarse and piercing sound was like two pieces of rusted iron rubbing against each other.

Ling Yiqingtian had the idea of ​​killing the opponent with a single sword.

"If you have something to talk about, leave if you have nothing to do, if you want to make a move, then I will give you a ride."

For those who don't like it, Yiqingtian is too lazy to talk nonsense and speaks directly.

"Is this how Jianfeng treats people who want to help you?"

One of the Seven Cultivators of Outer Gathering who was liberated from Tongtian Dao by Moshi, the old bone-boned old man smiled grimly.


Hearing this, Yiqingtian narrowed her eyes slightly.

"I can tell you who Jun Shiyu's parents are and where they are, do you want to hear it?"

The old man with white bones raised his head slowly, and a gloomy light appeared in the sunken eye sockets on his withered cheeks.

"Who are you? And whose orders are you obeying?"

The first thing Yi Qingtian thought of was Yuan Wuji, who suspected that the person in front of him was his subordinate, and the second thing she suspected was her 'good father-in-law' Mo Shi.

There are only these two people who know the details and are alive.

"It doesn't matter who I am, and it doesn't matter whose orders I obey. The important thing is that I can help you, and whether you are willing to accept my help."

The old man with white bones grinned, looking hideous and terrifying.

But for Yiqingtian, she ignored it directly, but the words in the other party's words moved Yiqingtian's heart, "What do you want me to do?"

Thinking of this, Yiqingtian asked directly.


The old man with white bones seemed to have expected it a long time ago, and with a strange smile, he said: "Why do you put so much emphasis on profit? I just saw that you searched hard but found nothing. You just want to do a good deed."

"Do good things? Heh..."

Yi Qingtian frowned, he would not believe that the other party had this purpose, he thought that the other party would let him target Yuan Wuji or Mo Shi, so that he could confirm who was behind it, but Now, the other party did not make a request, which made him unable to judge.

"Yes, am I a good person... Hahaha..."

The old man with white bones gave an evil smile, which was in stark contrast to the good man in his words no matter how he looked at it.

"In that case, let's speak up!"

Yiqingtian squinted his eyes, his determination was made, no matter what he said was true or false, he would not lose anything.

"The person you are looking for has actually been seen before. Jie Hongyan, the lord of Yunhai Xianmenwa Emperor's Immortal Lineage, is Jun Shiyu's biological mother. Her former names were Yuyihu and Huaxiao Chaowu; and in today's world, except In addition to Yuan Wuji mastering the method of creating life with blood, you can also find Moshi or Yan Luo, the ghost prisoner, and the female emperor will not enter the world of reincarnation."

As soon as the words fell, accompanied by a sinister laugh, the old man with bones had disappeared into the mist, and there was only a lingering sound from the outside world, "Remember to thank me!"

"Jie Hongyan! Huaxiao Zhaowu!"

Yiqingtian murmured, and suddenly thought, isn't the girl who is unconscious in Yunhai Xianmen now called Hua Xiao Chao Wu?
"Could it be?"

Yiqingtian's expression changed first, and then his eyes showed joy, and he turned back.


"Yuan Wuji wants to continue to use the sword of Yiqingtian, but I will not let you do so."

"My daughter can save her if she wants, and it's not your turn, Yuan Wuji, to intervene."

At this moment, Xianzong Wuming near the Buddhist boundary of Xihuang sensed the message of the old man with bones, and a sneer appeared on the corner of his mouth. If it was before, Mo Shi would be happy that someone would go to great lengths to save Jun Shiyu, but not now, or Yuan Wuji can't.

Because he is Jun Shiyu's father, what Yuan Wuji is doing now is not only robbing his wife, but also planning to become a father to his daughter.

Mo Shi could not tolerate this kind of thing happening.

He didn't let the old man with bones reveal that "Dugu defeating the sky" was Yuan Wuji's matter, after all, it was his shame.

If it was said, wouldn't everyone know that he, Mo Shi, was wearing a big healthy-colored hat.

Moreover, he believed that Yuan Wuji would not disclose this matter easily.

Otherwise, there will be no place to stand on the right path.

"There is also Baqi evil god..."

Thinking of the evil god's calculations that caused his son to be almost replaced by the evil species, Moshi was also angry.

Because, this is the shame of being a man.

Everyone wants to touch his wife, how can Mo Shi not be angry.

But at present, Yuan Wuji is the only one he has to deal with, so he can only suppress his anger.

Because, perhaps in the near future, he will need to rely on the power of the eight tribes to accomplish many things.


At this time, within the Immortal Gate of the Sea of ​​Clouds, the Hibiscus Zhuke finally returned.

Yun Huizi looked at Zhuke Furong with a complicated expression, wondering whether he should tell Zhuke Furong about this.

But Furong Zhuke didn't notice Yun Huizi's embarrassment, and asked with joy, "Has the mother-in-law returned safely?"


Yun Huizi hesitated for a moment, then nodded slightly, "Yes!"

"Where is the foster mother, I want to see her!"

Furong Zhuke was full of joy and sweetness in his heart at this moment, and secretly said in his heart: "It seems that he didn't lie to me this time, the stepmother has indeed returned to the fairy gate, so I will forgive you once, and the next time we meet, hehe..."

"Uh... this..." Yun Huizi hesitated for a while, then suddenly asked, "Qiao Tiangong, where did you get the news from?"

"I found Yuan Wuji, he told me, what? What are you hiding from me?"

Furong Zhuke seemed to have noticed the abnormality, and looked at Yun Huizi suspiciously.

Yun Huizi is not very good at lying.

But when he heard Yuan Wuji's name, he frowned slightly, and thought to himself: "It's him? He would actually tell Furong Zhuke the whereabouts of Grandma Grandma, what's going on?"

According to Yun Huizi's guess, if Yuan Wuji was the boy next to grandma, he would not have dared to tell Qiao Tiangong about it, let alone let the two meet, otherwise grandma would recover her memory, and it would be a mess.

Unless nothing happened between him and grandma, or he guessed wrong.

"Isn't that young man Yuan Wuji? But if it wasn't him, who would it be?"

Just when Yun Huizi was puzzled, a sharp roar suddenly came from the depths of the fairy gate.

"Yuan Wuji—"

The three words of gnashing teeth are filled with countless hatred.

 Thank you: All gods, demons, and holy kings have been occupied, Dutianshensha Zhoutian Xingchen and other Taoist friends for their rewards!
  The monthly ticket is full of confidence, and has been overtaken by a big alliance. Fellow Taoists with monthly tickets support us, we will break into the top five!Thank you!

(End of this chapter)

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