Breaking through Thunderbolt with martial arts

Chapter 598 Gathering in 1 Church 【October Monthly Ticket 10】

Chapter 598 Gathering together [October Monthly Ticket 10]

"It's grandma!"

Yun Huizi's expression changed, and he suddenly rushed to the depths of the fairy gate.

And Furong Zhuke was also taken aback, with surprise and surprise on his face, "What happened to the foster mother?"

As he said that, he also spread out and rushed in at a very high speed.

Hua Xiao on the cloud bed was turbulent towards the mist, and memories flooded in. Everything in the past was remembered.

But obviously, Jie Hongyan's current state is not stable.


Yun Huizi carried the immortal power in his palm, and pressed one hand on Hua Xiao Chaowu's vest, and the alcohol and immortal power entered his body to stabilize his breath.


Hearing that Yun Huizi called the girl in front of him Yunkui, Furong Zhuke suddenly became confused.

When she was asking for directions before, she had teased the girl in front of her and the boy, and they were flirting, even kissing.

Unexpectedly, the girl turned into a foster mother in an instant.

"What else did I say?"

She remembered that as an old driver, she said that she would teach them a few poses.

Thinking of this, Furong Zhuke felt embarrassing, and had the urge to find a hole and get in now.

"Yun Huizi, what's going on, and why did the adoptive mother call Yuan Wuji's name?"

Furong Zhuke was full of puzzlement, never thought that the boy would be Yuan Wuji.

And after that chance encounter, she also saw that young man near the West Huang Buddhist Realm, so Furong Zhuke didn't think so much, and she also felt that Yuan Wuji was not so bold, knowing that Jie Hongyan was her The mother-in-law dared to do something wrong.

"Yunkui was hit by the forbidden trick 'Returning to Childhood' and returned to his teenage years and lost his memory. I don't understand the details of this matter. We need Yunkui to recover."

Yun Huizi let out a deep drink, and praised Xianyuan again. Huaxiao Chaowu's turbulent breath finally subsided gradually, and he fell into a coma again.

"It's okay."

Yun Huizi murmured with a long sigh of relief.

On the other hand, Furong Zhuke put aside his doubts, and instead looked at Hua Xiao Zhaowu who was in a coma with interest, "It turns out that the foster mother looked like this when she was young!"

The corners of Yun Huizi's mouth twitched slightly, and he thought to himself: "When Grandma Zu wakes up, you will definitely not think so."

However, Yun Huizi felt troubled and helpless when he thought that Yuan Wuji was the boy who had an affair with his grandma before.

He believes that if this is the case, it is very likely that the other party has also lost his memory, which is why he is so close to Yun Kui.

At this moment, an extremely fast figure suddenly rushed into the fairy gate.

As soon as Yiqingtian appeared, she hurriedly said, "Take me to Jie Hongyan quickly."

"what happened?"

Yun Huizi stood in front of him and asked directly.

It is even more strange why so many people came to grandma today.

"I need to ask her one thing. Her former name was Hua Xiao Chao Wu, the girl you brought back."

Naturally, Yiqingtian will not just listen to one person's words, whether Jie Hongyan is Shiyu's mother, he has to confirm it himself.

"Huh? You also know about this?"

Yun Huizi's eyes widened. He didn't expect Yiqingtian to understand such a secret in a day.

"Huh? It seems that you also know."

Yiqingtian calmed down slightly, and raised her brows and said in a calm voice.

"That's right, Yunkui has been hit by the immortal sect's forbidden move 'Returning to Children'. I just found out about it. Where did you find out about it?"

After Yun Huizi finished speaking, he looked at Yiqingtian suspiciously.


Yiqingtian murmured, with a dazed look on her face, and then said, "It doesn't matter where I got it from, what's important is that I need to confirm one thing with her."

"What are you talking about? Can you explain everything clearly?"

Seeing that the two were always secretive, Furong Zhuke couldn't help interrupting, her curiosity was already overwhelmed.

Yun Huizi and Yiqingtian turned their heads to look at Furong Zhuke at the same time.

Yiqingtian didn't want to say much at first, after all, this matter has nothing to do with other people, but after knowing that Furong Zhuke called Yunkui his adoptive mother, he could be counted as his sister-in-law, so he hesitated and said: "Yunkui may be my wife. mother of."


Yun Huizi and Furong Zhuke stared wide-eyed at the same time, and then said in unison: "Impossible, Yunkui (the adoptive mother) has no daughter at all."

After finishing speaking, Furong Zhuke added, "The mother-in-law has only one pair of sons, and that is the gift of the longevity tree."

Seeing the shock of the two, Yiqingtian was still calm, "Whatever you say about this matter is irrelevant, I need to check with Yunkui."

Yun Huizi took a deep breath, calmed down, and said, "Since you said that Yun Kui is your wife's mother, then who is your wife, and who is his father?"

"My wife's name is Jun Shiyu."

"Jun Shiyu? Jun..."

Yun Huizi murmured, and then his eyes widened, "Could it be? Impossible..."

Immediately afterwards, Yun Huizi shook his head abruptly, "It can't be Xuanzun."

Naturally, Yun Huizi didn't know about Moshi's affairs, and Xuanzun was the only one whose surname was Jun. As for the second senior brother, Jun Fengtian, who was a junior, when Yiqingtian was in Xianmen, Xuanzun hadn't married the Queen Yan Devil Let alone birth.

"And Shi Yu's father is..."

Yiqingtian didn't expect that Yun Huizi would think of Xuanzun. Just when he revealed the secret, a clear voice suddenly came from outside the sky, "It's Jun Xuanyuan."

As soon as the words fell, a proud figure stepped on the five-colored clouds and descended, "Taiye hooks the Chen Rui and floats, and the palace flowers are decorated with five-cloud fur. Zhan Lu's light intercepts the flying fox and the moon, and the weak wind calls Zhuolu Qiu."

"Yuan Wuji, why are you here?"

Seeing the person coming, Furong Zhuke raised his eyebrows and asked directly.

After all, as an old couple, there are naturally not so many rules and taboos.

But seeing Yuan Wuji appear, Yun Huizi and Yi Qingtian shrank their pupils at the same time. They were thinking about each other, but they were both vigilant.

"Why do you both look like this when you see me? Are you not welcome?"

Yuan Wuji came to Xianmen after realizing that Mo Shi understood his intentions in Zao Youjie. When he saw the two of them, he didn't feel unfamiliar at all, but looked very familiar, which made Yun Huizi's frown deepen. Unsure of Yuan Wuji's reason for coming, "Accordingly, if he was a young man by Grandma's side, he shouldn't have appeared here like this. Could it be that there are other reasons for it?"

Thinking like this in my heart, but everything is not confirmed, Yun Huizi would not ask directly, after calming down, he smiled slightly, "It's just that Mr. Yuan has been silent for a while, and I feel a little surprised by his sudden appearance."

Yiqingtian didn't speak, but stared at Yuan Wuji closely with his eyes, which were not friendly but full of complexity. After all, Jun Shiyu's soul was still preserved in the other party's blood mirror.

He didn't say much about the matter between the two, but just looked at what Yuan Wuji wanted to do.

"I just returned from the West Huang Buddhist Realm. I have been in retreat before listening to your voice body. What happened?"

The Hibiscus caster on the side also asked.

Yuan Wuji looked around for a week, then sighed, and said: "Actually, the last time I met Jun Fengtian in a battle with the evil kings of the heavens and was on the verge of death, in order to save Fengtian, I received a palm from the evil kings of the heavens, then took Jun Fengtian, who was seriously injured and dying, fled."

"I originally wanted to go back to Xianmen or Confucianism for help, but I was also seriously injured at the time, and there was an enemy tracking my whereabouts, so I had to take Jun Fengtian to find another place to heal my injuries."

"What? Do you know the whereabouts of Second Senior Brother? Where is he now?"

Hearing the news about Jun Fengtian, Yun Huizi immediately beamed with joy, and couldn't help asking directly.

Yuan Wuji had expected Yun Huizi's anxiety. He coughed lightly to signal Yun Huizi to calm down, and then continued: "Actually, Jun Fengtian and Yihun have been shot out at the beginning, and a lot of memory has been lost. He has gone to Yan Luo Ghost Prison is looking for his half-soul, one of his strength, you don't need to worry about his safety."

"Yan Luo Ghost Prison?" Yun Huizi frowned, and Yuan Wuji continued: "That's right, Jun Feng's natural mother is the Queen of Yan Demon, and she is very similar to Ren Jue. They are both the sons of ghosts, with holy souls in their bodies, but ghosts. But he has already returned to the ghost prison, in order to restore his integrity and find a way to save the heavenly traces, he can only go to the Yama ghost prison."

After getting the whereabouts of the second senior brother, Yun Huizi already had the idea of ​​going to investigate, but now that the fairy gate is empty, he can only suppress the thoughts in his heart, and he also needs to find out who the boy next to his grandma was before, so he looked at it again To Yuan Wuji, "Then what is your purpose for coming this time?"

Mentioning this, Yuan Wuji's face became solemn for a moment.

This is a rare case.

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(End of this chapter)

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