Breaking through Thunderbolt with martial arts

Chapter 607 Earth Soul and Dao Seed

Chapter 607 Earth Soul and Dao Seed

"Hongxue, what you say makes me seem like I don't care about my family."

Yuan Wuji was in a low mood, but Hong Chenxue didn't appreciate it, and sneered, "Home? Is there such a word in your dictionary? For you, this is probably just a base that hides many of your secrets?"

"What are we? The Golden House Cangjiao? Or your private collection?"

Hong Chenxue asked directly, who is she?
She is Luoshen Hongchenxue!She is Tianzi Gun!
A versatile and powerful heroine, not Canary.

Now they can only stay in one place.

Yuan Wuji frowned. He didn't expect Hongchenxue to have such a big reaction, but he didn't seem to be blamed for this matter, "Hongxue, it's home where you are. Besides, the control of Wanxiang Tiangong is in your hands. In your hands, if you want to leave, no one can stop you."

"You sound nice. If I leave, what will happen to Li Yu and Chen Yuan? Will you come to feed me?"

Of course Hongchenxue knew that Yuan Wuji could not be blamed for this, but as a man, not being by her side when she needed care the most, even a strange woman like Hongchenxue couldn't bear it.

If the heart is a bit evil, maybe it is another empress.

The only reason why the world has become what it is now, apart from Moshi's temptation to lure her ambition, is because of the indifference of Tiangui and Jiutian Xuanzun to her.

Especially during her pregnancy and childbirth, her indifference, and postpartum depression, gradually became more distorted.

Thinking about Hong Chenxue becoming like that, Yuan Wuji shuddered, but why did he have a little expectation?
"What are you thinking?"

Seeing Yuan Wuji distracted while she was speaking, Hongchenxue became more and more annoyed.

It's too disrespectful to her. Do you think that having a child can hold her back?It's a big deal to take the child and leave!
Hong Chenxue thought bitterly in her heart.

I don't know why after seeing Yuan Wuji again, she felt very angry in her heart. She never felt anything before, but this time when she saw Yuan Wuji, it seemed that she had always had resentment in her heart, and now the resentment accumulated in her heart found a way to vent. Can't help but want to fight.

But before Hong Chenxue continued to erupt, Yuan Wuji had already embraced Hong Chenxue into his arms, and at the same time comforted softly: "Hong Xue, it's my fault, don't worry, soon, I will be able to quell all the troubles from the outside world in a short time , to create a world free of disasters and peace for you.”

Man Li, who was also leaning in Yuan Wuji's arms, showed a hint of envy, Hong Chenxue was probably the only one who could make Yuan Wuji admit his mistake.

The anger on Hong Chenxue's face was slightly calm, but then she thought of something, and quickly pushed Yuan Wuji away, showing a shyness on her face, "The children are tired, I will take them to rest first."

After speaking, Hong Chenxue pushed the baby carriage and left the garden.

Apparently Hongchenxue, who has always been grand, felt ashamed that her previous posture was a bit childish.

But Yuan Wuji could already feel that Hongchenxue's mood was very unstable, maybe he really ignored them, he thought that a strong woman like Hongchenxue could overcome it, but obviously some things were different from facing the enemy.

First, I spent a good time with Manli.

After paying attention to her body and doing an in-depth examination, Yuan Wuji stepped into the Vientiane Heavenly Palace.

As soon as he stepped in, Yuan Wuji saw that at the core of the Heavenly Palace, the earth soul closed his eyes tightly, trapped in a transparent light shield.

The whole mask seems to cut the space, not in the same space.

This also led to the failure of information to be communicated externally.

"It's those two tokens!"

Soon, Yuan Wuji found the core of the enchantment, and the two keys were suspended in the air, and the energy of the enchantment came from the key.

Seeing this scene, Yuan Wuji snorted coldly, raised his fist and was about to collapse, at this moment, the earth soul inside the barrier suddenly opened his eyes.

At close range, even a barrier cannot isolate the connection between the two.

In the instant exchange of information, Yuan Wuji suddenly stopped, and his brows were also tightly frowned.

"You mean that these two keys are connected with the lives of Li Yu and Chen Yuan, unless they are destroyed voluntarily, otherwise the destruction by external force will threaten the lives of Li Yu and Chen Yuan?"

It was a matter of life and death for him and Hong Chenxue's child, so Yuan Wuji naturally couldn't be ruthless.

"That's right. It's a thing thrown from the realm of the six heavens. Its destiny has already been connected with Li Yu and Chen Yuan. Before the mission is completed, it cannot be destroyed. Using external force forcibly will only cause the lives of Li Yu and Chen Yuan to be damaged."

"Purpose? Their purpose is obviously me?"

Yuan Wuji sneered, how could it be such a coincidence, "But since it's going to deal with me, wouldn't it be easier for the Six Heavens Realm to attack early? Why does it have to be so complicated?"

Yuan Wuji looked thoughtful.

Although it is said that the gods of the Six Heavens cannot enter and leave the miserable environment, but when Emperor Yao Tianyao fell into Emperor Underworld, the Realm of the Six Heavens was sanctioned with the Sword of Heaven's Punishment, which shows that they can mobilize some power to affect the miserable environment.

If he had noticed this outsider who had changed his destiny when he was born, he would have been able to kill him if he wanted to.

Even if he couldn't kill himself, he would still be severely wounded, and in the end he would fall completely surrounded by a group of enemies.

But they did not do this, instead they used such a roundabout method, which made Yuan Wuji a little confused.

"Perhaps there have been other changes in the realm of the six heavens, so they can't take action directly, so they can only use this method to calculate."

Earth Soul spoke indifferently, but pointed to the point.

"Maybe, but how can I get out of trouble now?"

"Since they are used to deal with us, they will naturally be completely exposed when they become gods. At that time, they will stop us, and I will return at that time. However, during this time, I can no longer control the Vientiane Temple. Hong Chenxue will take care of it."


Yuan Wuji narrowed his eyes slightly, nodded after a while and said: "Alright, I will discuss the importance of this matter with her later, at most one month, everything will be over."

After finishing speaking, Yuan Wuji said again: "You are trapped here, the strength you have accumulated these days is useless, let it return to the original body now, and boost the strength of this deity!"

"it is good!"

Earth Soul naturally wouldn't object, in fact the power he accumulated was just for the convenience of his own research on martial arts.

He has involved many Taoist and magical skills such as Wangqing Tianshu, Daoxin Seed Demon, etc., and even integrated them into one.

As the figure of the earth soul became illusory, streams of true energy began to condense in front of his chest.

Finally, a cyan dao seed was condensed.

"This Dao Seed combines the concepts of Wangqing Tianshu and Dao Heart Seed Demon. It is a combination of ruthless and sentient. Next, you, the main soul, will continue to fill in the content and improve the Dao Seed. In the end, it will evolve into a God Seed and become the body of God. The source of power."

As the Earth Soul's voice fell, the Dao Seed changed from reality to emptiness, from existence to nonexistence, directly shuttled through the six-day barrier, and was printed on Yuan Wuji's chest.

This enchantment mainly imprisons Yuan Wuji's soul, so the suppression of the Dao Seed is not strong, and this Dao Seed, which combines various Dao Seeds, seems virtual and real, unless time and space are cut off, otherwise it cannot stop him. path.

"God's body! God's seed! God's soul!"

Yuan Wuji murmured, the Dao seed entered his body, all kinds of mysteries immediately came into his mind, and at the same time, the true energy in his body also poured into the Dao seed, and his foundation increased again by [-]%.

At this moment, even if he faced the heavens again, Yuan Wuji had the confidence to fight head-on, and promised to be undefeated. Even the evil kings of the heavens would be defeated because it was not his body and could not bear his strength in the end.

"Very good, with my current strength, even Baqi is qualified to fight head-on without losing!"

Sensing the surging power contained in the Dao Seed, Yuan Wuji's eyes showed satisfaction.

After all, this is the foundation of the divine realm constructed by the earth soul who is good at deduction, and it is naturally extremely powerful.

 Feel sorry!There may only be two updates today!
(End of this chapter)

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