Breaking through Thunderbolt with martial arts

Chapter 608 The Road to God 【Ask for a monthly ticket】

Chapter 608 The Road to God 【Ask for a monthly ticket】

In the Dao Seed, there is the principle of the Dao Law expounded by the Earth Soul.

It is the core power of the origin of heaven and earth.

Complete control is equivalent to mastering the power of God.

For example, Baqi evil god represents the seven original sins of human beings in plight.

Gluttony, anger, sloth, lust, jealousy, greed, arrogance.

This is the source of his strength.

Therefore, as long as there are human beings living in adversity, even if the bad god is killed, the bad god will still appear in the world after endless years have passed.

Unless human beings are completely destroyed, without the source of power, the bad god will perish in constant wear and tear.

Of course, Yuan Wuji has another guess.

That is the "Shenruxuanzhang" of Haozheng Wudaozang. The plan of asking Naihe in the future is to eliminate human desires. When all people are desireless and ruthless, to a certain extent, it will also cut off the evil spirit of Baqi. The source of undying power.

But Yuan Wuji is different.

He is not an innate god born in the plight itself, and does not have the innate power to control the rules, and he will not do this because the restrictions are too great.

Even the gods of the six heavens are restricted for various reasons and can only live in the realm of the six heavens forever. Yuan Wuji neither wants to exist in the illusory heaven nor become a god restricted underground.

Therefore, he will not accept external power.

For example, the power of blood and darkness and death, he actually had the opportunity to obtain these two powers, but if he used this power to step into the near god at most, and the restrictions were too large, it did not meet Yuan Wuji's expectations at all.

So he used dead yang to temper weapons.

Use Dark Yang to make other plans.

But he still chooses the path he set, and moves forward steadily.

Relying on his own strength, he became the first human god in a difficult situation who is not bound by time and space. He condenses all Taos with Tao seeds, and finally, like the emperor who abandoned the sky, recreates the world. He is not even bound by various constraints and is more free.

And only when he reached that level, would he be qualified to seek revenge from Liu Tian, ​​who dared to plot against him!
If it is only at the level of the bad god, it is far from enough.

The adversity can only carry [-]% of the power of the Abandoned Emperor's consciousness, but can't carry his body. However, even if the evil god Baqi is the beginning of disaster and the beginning of all evils, he can still stay in the affliction, which is enough to illustrate the gap between the two How big.

Since it is to be done, it must be the strongest.

Only the strong can be unfettered, only the strong can do whatever they want, and only the strong can become the last living victor.

After leaving Wanxiang Tiangong, Yuan Wuji became more relaxed when he figured out the state of the earth soul and who was behind the scenes.

The enemy is very powerful, but there is always a way to deal with the enemy on the surface.

Although I don't know what conspiracy the Six Heavens Realm has, but as long as he is strong enough, he can naturally solve everything.

The day of becoming a god is the time when everything ends.

"First solve the matter of breaking the sky, then get rid of Mo Shi, suppress the ghost prison, and then cut off the enemies in the eight tribes one by one. At that time, I will become a god."

After roughly filtering everything, Yuan Wuji felt that one month was enough.

However, according to the progress of the eight tribes, it won't be long before the bad god will appear in the world.

But Baqi Cthulhu is not a calamity, as long as there is no unity, at most it is a stronger near god who is not afraid of the wear and tear of the wheel battle.

Although difficult and terrifying, it still did not pose a threat to his life.

His real body has already reached the pinnacle of the human world, and now with the Dao Seed entering his body, martial arts and true energy are integrated into the Dao Seed, not only the foundation has skyrocketed by at least [-]%.

The most important thing is the existence of the Dao species, which reconciles the conflicts between the different attributes of the true energy in his body and different martial arts, allowing them to perform their duties in a perfect fusion, and also makes him more handy and powerful in performing any moves. Different attributes The true element conversion is also faster.

It can be said that in the past, Yuan Wuji's merits and martial arts were stragglers, and many times he could not fully coordinate his strength and martial arts power, nor could he change the attributes of his strength in time, but from now on, he finally has a marshal to lead and command .

The benefits brought to Yuan Wuji are not limited to 01:30.

However, the real effect needs to be faced with a real strong enemy to show.

Afterwards, Yuan Wuji checked the progress of the birth of the divine body and became more confident.

It can be said that everything is ready, only the east wind is owed.

After finishing these, he returned to Hongchenxue's room.

At this moment, Hongchenxue has coaxed Yuyu and Chenyuan to sleep.

Speaking of which, so far, although there is a lot of noise about the birth of Yu and Chen Yuan, they are most like ordinary children, growing up slowly rather than quickly.

This may also be due to the existence of the six-day key, which makes it impossible to reverse nature.

"Hongxue, besides seeing you when I come back this time, I also need your help."

Knowing the reason why the earth soul was trapped, Yuan Wuji could only solemnly ask Hong Chenxue for help.

The blood of dragon and phoenix entered Hong Chenxue's body during her pregnancy, which also benefited her a lot. Let her cleanse her essence and cut her marrow, she has a reborn performance, and her foundation has skyrocketed several times, probably even stronger than her previous life.

It's just that now Hongchenxue's main identity is mother, not Luoshen and Tianziqiang, and she has only been paying attention to the Jianghu for several months, let alone fighting with others.

In addition, Hong Chenxue can also use the Vientiane Heavenly Palace to condense the Vientiane Battle Armor. At that time, there may be few enemies under the God.

"whats the matter!"

Hong Chenxue also lived an ordinary life during this period, Hong Chenxue liked the ordinary life, but felt that if she didn't do anything, it seemed that she had no sense of existence.

Therefore, Hong Chenxue was a little happy when Yuan Wuji asked her for help.

The gaze towards Yuan Wuji was also somewhat pleasing to the eye.

In addition to the relationship between the two, it is also because Yuan Wuji took back the Dao Seed.

You must know that the Dao Seed is a fusion of the concepts of "Tao Heart Seed Demon" and "Wang Qing Tian Shu".

Correspondingly, there are also some effects of these mental concepts, such as the "Tao Heart Seed Demon" can unconsciously attract the eyes of the opposite sex, and plant the devil seeds for the other party silently, making them fall in love with themselves .

This is not controlled by Yuan Wuji, but a kind of attraction inherent in the Dao Seed. Of course, for a master like Hong Chenxue, it is only limited to making her not disgusted.

It's just that Hong Chenxue and Yuan Wuji are already married and have children, so even a slight influence is enough to change a lot.

In addition, there is also the "Wangqing Tianshu" from the feeling to the forgetting, from forgetting to the state of mind above the feeling, so that Yuan Wuji can maintain the most rational state at all times.

Of course, even if the state of high emotion in Wangqing Tianshu is still within the scope of heaven and earth, this is not what Yuan Wuji wants, he also wants to transcend emotion.

Detached from heaven and earth, detached from all shackles in the world, good and evil, good and evil, Buddhas and demons can't be explained, and they have no scruples, act recklessly, and look down on each other.

 140 million words, please vote for support!Thank you fellow Taoists!

(End of this chapter)

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