Breaking through Thunderbolt with martial arts

Chapter 615 The beginning of the end

Chapter 615 The beginning of the end

"Immortals are not immortals, swords are not swords, do not look up to mountains and high fish and dragons; demons are not demons, Dao is not Tao, life and death are equal to things."

Within the Youjie, the fairy trail is as nameless as entering a no-man's land, going straight to the depths.

At the same time, the perception was released, but he did not feel the breath of the jade left in the Forbidden City.

The jade left in the Forbidden City bears the fate of the emperor star, and the aura of the emperor is like a bright moon in the dark, which cannot be hidden at all.

But now, there is no trace of her in the entire Youjie.

"Has it been withdrawn?"

Xian Zong Wuming whispered to himself, with a hint of vigilance in his eyes, "Removing the jade from the Forbidden City means that a more powerful character has come to Youjie. Could it be that he came in person?"

"But it shouldn't be, Old Man Bone and the others were staring outside, but they didn't see Yuan Wuji appearing, it's weird!"

Xian Zong Wuming thought for a while, and then his eyes fixed, "Hmph, no matter what tricks he has, this time he will leave with the devil's brain, merge with the body of Emperor Yao Tianyao, and then deal with Yuan Wuji after he has become close to God."

"All conspiracies, in the face of absolute power, are chickens and dogs!"

Xian Zong Wuming's words were cold, he liked to play tricks and tricks, but the main reason was that his strength was not yet able to crush the current world, so he had to do so.

It is also for this reason that he pursues the power of God so much, and goes through all kinds of hardships and calculations to achieve God's realm.

The purpose is to obtain the power that is invincible in the world.

As Xianzong Wuming came to the deepest part of the Netherworld, the mysterious method was in operation, and a different space appeared in the dense black mist. Countless mountains collapsed instantly, the shrill ghosts screamed unscrupulously, and the sky-shaking demonic energy began to permeate.

The most mysterious six-hundred-hundred-hundred-hundred-hundred-hundred-hundred-hundred-hundred-hundred-hundred-hundred-hundred-hundred-hundred-hundred-soul-moguan finally appeared.

In the territory of the Pregnancy Saint, Jiuying, whose belly was getting bulging, suddenly heard the scream of the demon, and looked up into the depths of the Nether Realm in astonishment, and then felt the monstrous demonic energy shaking the entire Nether Realm.

The atmosphere of the Youjie was unstable for a while, and the sky and the earth shook, as if it was the end of the world.

"What's going on here? What a pure demonic energy, this demonic energy is even inferior to the Demon King!"

Jiuying said in shock, his face changed dramatically, "Could this be the person behind Baiyi Xuehun? Also the real black hand of Youjie?"

The shocking change caused Jiuying to rush to the terrifying coercion of trembling. Jiuying didn't have the courage to leave the Pregnant Saint's habitat.

Thinking of this, Jiuying's face became paler, but soon she thought again: "He sent Baiyi Xuehun to contact me before, so it shouldn't be a problem."

At this moment, Jiuying didn't know that Baiyi Xuehun had been killed halfway by the Forbidden City Remains Jade.


The sound of deep breathing came from the dark stone hall, and in the huge magic pool, a huge demon brain was floating.

The surrounding traces of magic energy flowed, stirring the entire space and causing layer upon layer of ripples.

"Let's go!"

Xianzong Wuming raised his hand, and the huge demon brain shrank like a mustard seed.

In fact, Xianzong Wuming can completely separate the magic brain to break through the space, but he is worried that Yuan Wuji's trump card in the Youjie will cut off the space and put the magic brain into a dangerous place. Only being devoured, but facing a master like Yuan Wuji is absolutely irresistible, so this time he can only take it personally to be at ease.

And in fact it is.

At this moment, Xianzong Wuming's pupils suddenly constricted. He already felt a terrifying aura enveloping him. His body stiffened uncontrollably for a moment, and cold sweat oozed from his forehead.

"The three worlds are bright, and I give life to the best of my life. When one thinks of darkness, the whole world sinks."

The dark cave is bright for a moment, and dark for a moment, as if words can't follow.

The strange and indifferent voice, as well as the terrifying breath, have already proved the identity of the visitor.

Because he is too familiar with this breath, because he personally created this person, no, the appearance of this god.

"The evil kings of the heavens!"

Xian Zong Wuming turned around slowly, with a dry voice, "I never thought that you would choose to join forces with Yuan Wuji because you are as proud as you."

"Stupid, how can God join hands with people, Zhao came here today just to repay you with a sword!"

The evil kings of all the heavens were as proud as before, holding their heads high, holding the scale of the curse god in one hand, and the other hand behind their backs, their contemptuous gesture filled Xianzhu Wuming with anger.

"Hmph! Then just try again and how much you have recovered now!"

With the way out cut off, Xianzhu Wuming has no choice.

He already understood Yuan Wuji's scheme.

It is indeed ruthless and absolute.

Talking about mobilizing all the evil kings in the sky to attack him, it is obvious that he has set up a killing situation.

This is not his negligence.

But he really didn't expect that at this time, the evil kings of the heavens did not sit in the eight tribes to deal with the Confucianism and Immortal sects, or to unseal the dragon head, but appeared here.

But no matter what, since there is no retreat, the only way to survive is to fight. As long as he leaves this place, he still has a chance.

At the same moment, the sub-soul occupying the infinite body also sensed the information of the main soul, and his expression changed immediately.

"It's not good, the transformation of the head was blocked by the evil kings of the sky, and there must be other backups of Yuan Wuji in the future. The situation is critical, and we must find help."

Infinite eyes flickered, and after a while, he finally made up his mind, "Now my identity should not have been widely known to the world, so I went to find a page. The very gentleman beside him also has enmity with Yuan Wuji, and there is still room for change by convincing these two people." .”

"Furthermore, the evil kings of the heavens are members of eight groups, and a single page of the book will not allow them to cause harm to the common people."

Mo Shi didn't know that the current page of the book was not a page of the book, and the extraordinary gentleman was not the original extraordinary gentleman.

But no matter what, he had to give it a try, because he alone could not stop all of this, "Besides, I can't wait for the Huashou to come, I have to order Feng Jiyue to wait nearby with the body of Emperor Yao Tianyao .

As long as I integrate the god body as soon as possible, I can follow up, and at the same time capture the blood-dark power from the very king or Yi Yeshu, and integrate the remaining dead essence, I can become a near god, even if I am alone against the incomplete The evil kings of the heavens also have a great chance of winning. "

Yuan Wuji could not be missing in the battle to besiege Moshi.

After all, Moshi is immortal, so it is very difficult for him to feel at ease.

Today's round is the dead end he carefully planned for Mo Shi.

He will drive Mo Shi to his death step by step, so that he will be powerless to make trouble again.

The Netherworld is turbulent.

The power of God enveloped the entire Nether Realm, and countless ghosts and demons from the Nether Realm exploded under this majestic aura, and the ground was covered with flesh and blood.

The entire Netherworld began to shake, and huge cracks and rocks covered up all the blood.

In the Holy Land of Pregnancy and Birth, Jiuying was also attacked by the force of terror, his feet were unstable, and his figure swayed.


Under the impact of the turbulent force, Jiuying's physical strength is less than half of its heyday because of the fetus in the abdomen, and now the fetal gas is moved under this force, which is even more painful.

"No, it can't be this time!"

Cold sweat broke out on Jiuying's forehead. He leaned against the head of the bed and clenched his fists tightly, but the pain in his abdomen didn't stop, and instead came in waves like a tide.

But at this moment, under the supreme power of the gods, the demons in the Nether Realm fell, and even the survivors were fleeing frantically, and the entire Sacred Birth Realm was empty.

The majestic Holy Mother of the Nether Realm is in a situation where no one can help at this moment.

 The third update!Ask for support!

  There are only three rudder owners left to be enough for 30, and the cumulative rudder owners will not be updated by then!

(End of this chapter)

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