Breaking through Thunderbolt with martial arts

Chapter 616 A helping hand?killer?

Chapter 616 A helping hand?killer?
Suzaku Yi, who was originally with Yulijing, also learned that Wuwu might have been occupied by a terrifying existence during the communication from Xianmen to Confucianism. Back to the Netherworld.

But as soon as he stepped into the Nether Realm, a powerful aura swept out from the depths of the Nether Realm, waves of air roiled, countless rocks, grass and trees were rolled, and a scene of doomsday that would destroy the heavens and the earth appeared.

Without noticing for a while, the air wave bombarded his body, Suzakuyi spit out a mouthful of blood immediately, and fell to the ground.

"No, I want to go back to the Nether Realm to find the Holy Mother, tell the Holy Mother the news, and then go to Yuan Wuji to save Wu Wuji together."

Although Suzakuyi is sometimes reckless, but at this time she also understands that even if she can't deal with infinite people, even if she finds infinite, she can't change the result alone, so she will return to Youjie, because the Virgin can contact that people.

Although the relationship between her and Yuan Wuji was not good, and he even hated this person, he always felt that it was because he intervened in other people's families as a third party that his family became what it is now, and the Holy Mother's temperament changed drastically .

But at this time, Zhu Quyi could only trust Yuan Wuji, and only this person would help her.

With certainty in mind, Suzaku Yi stood up with strong support for her body, and at the same time protected her body with zhenqi, and hurriedly rushed towards the holy pregnancy environment.

As soon as she stepped into the Pregnant Saint's habitat, Suzaku Yi heard a miserable howl.

"It's the Virgin!"

Zhu Quyi ran in quickly, only to see Jiuying was already sitting on the ground with a puddle of blood on her body.

Hearing the movement, Jiuying weakly opened his eyes, his face was happy when he saw Suzaku Yi, and said with difficulty: "Yi'er, I, I'm going to give birth, hurry up..."

Originally, with the foundation of Jiuying, even if he gave birth to a child, he would not be so weak, but he was hit by an unprecedented force, the magic energy in his body was reversed, and his meridians were damaged, so he was unable to support him for a while.

At this moment Suzakuyi also understood what happened, her face turned red, but the matter was urgent, although she was impatient, she couldn't leave the Holy Mother alone, and she still needed the help of the Holy Mother.


At the same time, in the Six Soul Demon Pass, the battle of gods and demons clashed every other time.

"Stupid human being, Zhao will give you death today!"

"Six Paths of Prohibition!"

The evil kings of the heavens raised their hand slightly, and six vortexes gathered around their body. It seemed that countless howls were transmitted from the vortex. As the evil kings of the heavens pushed out with a palm, the six vortexes blasted towards the nameless fairy trace one after another.

Facing the desperate and forceful move, Xianzong Wuming has the same destiny, "Magic and martial arts to the end, cruel gods and Xuanhuang!"

With both palms moving together, reappearing mysterious magic and martial arts.

One style shocks the sky, and the mysterious and yellow tools are useless.

The tyrannical impact directly shattered the other six Hunmo Pass.

The huge magic pool in the center even set off huge waves.

The first collision between the hand of God and the palm of the devil caused the world to be in turmoil.

As the aftermath gradually calmed down, Xianzong Wuming's expression turned cold, and he used the second palm, wanting to forcefully repel the evil kings of the heavens and open up the way of life, "Mo Wu Ultimate · Destroying the Wheel Seal!"

Accompanied by Shen Yin, a round of black roulettes about Zhang Zhang was condensed in front of Xianzong's Wuming palms. During the rotation of the black roulettes, the other space was wrinkled, and there was a feeling of being stirred.


As soon as the word Leng Li killed came out, the huge roulette rotated faster, and the surrounding space seemed to be fragmented, like a black hole trying to swallow the evil kings of heaven.

At this moment, the Six Soul Demon Gate was disintegrating, and the figures of the two were completely exposed in the depths of the Netherworld.


Facing the unnamed and powerful power of Xianzong, the evil kings and gods of the heavens remained indifferent, and raised their hands again, "Six paths are forbidden, and the three realms are gone!"

The six vortexes followed the evil kings of the heavens and merged into one, turning into three vortexes. Each vortex produced a huge suction force, corresponding to the soul, qi and body of a person.

Xian Zong Wuming felt that his soul, energy, and body were being pulled away from a long distance away, showing signs of instability.

"Evil Kings of the Heavens, you are indeed somewhat stronger than before."

Xianzong Wuming gave a cold shout, no longer delaying, gathered all his strength to push the huge black wheel and rushed towards the evil kings of the heavens.

"But you haven't improved much compared to before."

All the evil kings of the heavens spoke indifferently, and their eyes also gleamed coldly. After the Shiliu battle, he rushed to the fairy gate because he was incompetent, so he gave Mo Shi a chance to attack.

"All the evil kings of the heavens, Xuanzun Nine Heavens can hit you once, so can this deity. Your existence is the proof of this deity. Sooner or later, you will perish at the hands of this deity."

While Xianzong Wuming was attacking, he did not forget to say that he wanted to divide the gods of the heavens.

As gods, the evil kings of the heavens were so insulted by a human being, their cold eyes flashed with anger, "Sigh from all directions!"

One is to kill, the other is to escape.

Xianzong Wuming broke out with all his strength, pouring out the power of vast immortals and demons, forcefully breaking through the barriers of the heavenly evil kings, and one of them escaped.

Naturally, the evil kings of the heavens couldn't tolerate a human being escaping in their own hands, and the divine palm slashed directly through the space.

Immediately, the fleeing fairy trace spit out a mouthful of blood, and the blood dripped from his back, staining his robe red, but at this moment he kept walking.

In fact, with his current state, even if he is not a complete self, he is still qualified to fight against the evil kings of the heavens, at least not much inferior to Jun Fengtian and others.

But he knew that Yuan Wuji would never be the only killer, he had to bring the demon brain to join Feng Jiyue as soon as possible, so he would not stay there, and would not fight to the death with the evil kings of the heavens.

Because it makes no sense.

On the other hand, Unlimited caught up with 'One Page Book' and 'Very Jun'.

Zhan Tianjiao, who occupied the body of the very monarch, suddenly moved his eyes, and began to sneer in his heart, "I knew you would find a page for help, Mo Shi, you will definitely die today."

"On one page, the evil kings of the heavens are making trouble in the Nether Realm. If you don't stop it, the entire Nether Realm will collapse. Please help me."

Unlimited was born in the Netherworld, so with this identity, it is only natural to ask for help.

The very king who occupied a page of the book thought for a while, and then said with a serious face: "It should be like this, Brahma will never tolerate the rampant evil."

The three people who met did not spare any effort, and they approached the Netherworld Baili in an instant.

But at this time, without any warning, 'One Page Book' and 'Very Jun' both shot at Infinity at the same time.

An unsuspecting blow landed on Infinite's body at the same time, and Infinity spewed out a big mouthful of blood. At the same time, he looked at the two of them in astonishment, and his heart was full of doubts, "Could it be that I showed a flaw somewhere?"


But he shook his head immediately after 'Infinity', because a page of a book would not make a sneak attack, in an instant, he understood the reason, couldn't help but asked: "You are not a page of a book, who are you? "

The game gets even more interesting when three people occupying other people's bodies come together.

Hearing the question of 'Infinity', Yi Ye Shu laughed wildly, "Infinite, as long as you are caught, the absconding Yi Ye Shu can no longer hide, die!"

With another punch, there is an evil spirit hidden in the Buddha's essence, the Buddha is not a Buddha, the devil is not a devil, it is extremely strange.

"I see, you are very gentleman, then he is..."

At this moment, 'Unlimited' finally understood the strangeness between the three of them at that time. He really did not expect that Mr. Fei would have the Soul-changing body, and even successfully performed it.

"In that case, I will take away your blood and darkness power."

'Infinity' roared angrily, the eyes exploded with inexplicable power, the ability to merge the eyes of the future and the eyes of martyrdom, the simultaneous activation of both eyes can arouse the power of the ancient world, and even the power of blood and darkness in the two people, "Havoc Open·Universe Earthquake Bipolar God Amaterasu!"

At this moment, Infinity's eyes seemed to turn into two balls of light, and at the same time, two rays of divine light were projected from the eyes, directly covering the 'one page book' and 'very gentleman'.


Feeling that the power of blood darkness in the body seemed to be separated from the body, the expressions of the two of them changed slightly, and the very gentleman who occupied a page of the book snorted coldly: "I didn't expect you to be able to activate the power of blood darkness. Come on, this is the restraint method left by the earth."

"That's right, Di Ming was worried that after his death, the power of blood darkness would not be able to make full use of it and fall into the hands of treacherous people like you, so he left this coercion method."

Since he was not identified, Mo Shizi would not take the initiative to expose, and shouted with righteous words on his face, while buying time for Feng Jiyue.

"After entering my body, you still want to take it back? Idiots are dreaming!"

'One-page book' snorted coldly, and Foyuan slammed to suppress the power of blood and darkness that was about to move.

On the other side, Zhan Tianjiao, who occupied the body of the very monarch, also sneered, "Infinite, you can't escape today!"

Two against one, the situation is chaotic, and the world is turbulent.

Another powerful storm broke out a hundred miles away from the secluded world.

At this moment, a familiar poem sound came, and the eyes of 'Infinity' suddenly became happy.

(End of this chapter)

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