Breaking through Thunderbolt with martial arts

Chapter 800 Earth Broken Holy Inquisitor

Chapter 800 Earth Broken Holy Inquisitor

After Hunqian doubtfully checked that his seal hadn't changed, he left to track down Yuan Wuji's identity, and was about to continue paying attention to the demon nun whom he had long thought was wrong.

Under the action of a mysterious force, the soul under the seal has been stolen.

This is the secret technique that Yuan Wuji obtained in the strange city of mountains and seas at the earliest time.

It is also a magical skill of emptiness. Unlike stealing souls, he can steal things from other people's bodies into his own hands without anyone noticing, and even steal things under the seal without touching the seal.

I just never had a chance to show it before, but I didn't expect to use it now.

"The light in front of you is about to be dark. The holy light in despair is about to come."

"God has mercy, God is immortal!"

Accompanied by the sound of the aria, a person in a dark blue robe, with a high crown on his head, and strings of blue and white bead curtains hanging down on both sides, holding a seal ring of six Fu in his hand, with a black birthmark on his face and a pair of peacock eyes, was in China. Manifest in light.

The second person of Nihai Chongfan symbolizes "punishment", and is in charge of preaching and preaching. He is in charge of preaching and preaching, and is punished by precepts. show up.

"Who saved me? God will have mercy on you!"

Bian Xijun looked noble, but the next moment, his expression froze.

I saw Bian Xijun looking up, on the sky, a majestic phantom sitting high on the throne, casting cold and ruthless gazes down, unexpectedly Bian Xijun only felt the chill all over his body.

Obviously, breaking away from the seal may not be a good thing.

"The six realms reincarnate because of me, and the three worlds are created because of me. I am the ruler of the six realms, the master god of the underworld—the god of the underworld!"

The indifferent and calm words were like a boulder falling on a calm lake, breaking the mood of the stern and noble Ben Xijun who had just appeared in this world.

Apparently, Mr. Benxi didn't expect that he would meet such an appalling master as soon as he came back.

Just a projected coercion made him feel as if he was carrying a huge mountain on his shoulders, and he didn't even have the strength to lift his legs.

However, his strength is extraordinary. If Hun Qianshou hadn't been given an opportunity after the decisive battle with Du Wuyu, it would be very difficult for Hun Qianshou to succeed in normal times.

"What's the purpose of letting me out?"

Bian Xijun let out a deep drink, resisting the pressure on his head, and said forcefully.

Obviously he understood that he was able to get out of the seal because the existence in front of him intervened.

"Since Nihai Chongfan is a religion, how can there be no source of belief? From now on, Ming is the only true God of Nihai Chongfan, leading you lost lambs to find hope in despair and break through difficulties in adversity."

The indifferent words struck heavily on Ben Xi-kun's heart.

Bian Xijun did not expect that the goal of existence in front of him would be Ni Hai Chong Fan, and he would become the god of Ni Hai Chong Fan, controlling the entire Ni Hai Chong Fan.

"Ambition needs to be matched with strength."

Bian Xijun's eyes flashed wildly, and then he said in a cold voice.

As one of the top leaders of Ni Hai Chong Fan, how could he submit easily.

"You spread faith in the name of latent desire under Bo Xun's eyes, but you don't know that even if Bo Xun came to the world, it is still worthless under Ming's eyes."

"Nihai Chongfan can only gain real power if he believes in Ming and becomes the kingdom of Ming God."

"Those who believe in the underworld will have eternal life!"

As the huge divine shadow raised the scepter, in an instant, the entire sky melted into darkness.

"The so-called dark night in the world, in Ming's hands, is just a matter of effort."

The bloodthirsty imperial power in his hands had already incorporated the power of Xiebingwei.

According to the first volume of the Shanti Sutra of the Western Buddhist Kingdom, Xie Bingwei came from the Mara Way.

The second volume of the Sutra of Explanation shows that evil soldiers and guards gather together to form, transform into invisible, turn sharp blades into weapons, change mountains and rivers into a desperate situation, merge into the sky, and the clouds will cover the three lights; Becoming a monster can be said to be a kind of power that can do whatever one wants.

The most important thing is that when the sky is merged, the clouds will cover the three lights, and the whole world will be plunged into a dark night.

Because only in the dark night, the bloodthirsty can appear unscrupulously.

This is the case of the world of extinction hope that Yuan Wuji and Fojian stepped into separately. The whole world has only darkness and no light, so the human race is forced into a state of extinction.

Therefore, Nihai Chongfan's "Dark Night on Earth" plan is not worth mentioning in his eyes.

Facing the miracle, Bian Xijun was shocked.

Unexpectedly, their plan to create a "dark night on earth" in the Zaohai Dala array that they worked so hard to prepare now seems to be a joke.

Bian Xijun fell into silence, and said after a long time: "I'm just Nihai Chongfan's boss, I have no right to decide Nihai Chongfan's direction, let alone decide Nihai Chongfan's beliefs."

"I need to unseat Nihai Chongfan and discuss with the four seals of Heaven's Mandate and Birth, Aging, Sickness and Death."

In fact, the most important thing is to discuss with Tianyu. Tianyu Jiushenlian, also known as the holy sailor, if Nihai Chongfan is compared to a big ship sailing on the sea, then Jiushenlian is the navigator, responsible for guiding the ship .


The Lord of the Six Paths nodded slightly, and then he bent his fingers a little, leaving a mark of reincarnation on the palm of Bian Xijun, "This is the mark of turning the wheel, it can die for you three times, and it can also be used to save people. The reappearance of reincarnation is a gift from Ming to you, and the time given to you by Ming is not much, so take advantage of it!"

As the voice fell, the dark night time and space gradually disappeared and turned into day again, and the huge divine figure sitting on the throne above the sky also disappeared.

The coercion like an ancient giant mountain dissipated silently.

"God of the Underworld!"

Bian Xijun muttered in a low voice, even though he was noble and ruthless, he couldn't help but look forward to the divine power he felt before.

He looked down at his palm, and three thick lines of different colors were imprinted on his palm, like reincarnation.

"Is there really such a magic?"

Ben Xi-kun has some expectations.

If so, perhaps this is the majesty and power of a real god.

One word can bring the dead back from hell and reappear in the world.

"Since he wants me to start Nihai Chongfan as soon as possible, then I will do as you wish."

With a decision, Mr. Benxi didn't hesitate any longer, and after leaving, he began to prepare all the elements, open the door of subconscious desire, and let Nihai Chongfan reappear in the world.

Nihai Chongfan was born in response to Mofo Bo Xun's desire realm.

A long time ago, the word "desire" was transformed from primitive worship, and was transformed by the absorption of Buddhist scriptures by the demon Buddha Bo Xun, and became a religious organization, which is the "sixth day of the world of desire".

But at the same time, another belief also emerged from it, using the word "subconscious desire" as a cover, absorbing the teachings of other religions, and secretly strengthening itself.

Its purpose is to create a belief that people can trust and look forward to, find hope in despair, and break through difficulties in adversity. '.

Nihai Chongfan was founded by Jiu Shenlian, Bian Xijun, and Huo Fengxing. It is respected by "Holy Navigator·Tianyu" and "Holy Judge·Dibo" and has four seals of "life, old age, sickness and death" .

Among them, the seal of death of the emblem of death is a sword to start a prairie fire·Hua Fengxing, and it is also the master of Fengdao among the four wonders, a sword of wind emblem·Du Wuyu.

However, he has already left Nihai Chongfan, and he was the one who fought the decisive battle with Bian Xijun, which also caused Bian Xijun to be sealed by stealing his soul for so long.

 On the first day of the Lunar New Year, there is only one update at present, crying...

(End of this chapter)

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