Breaking through Thunderbolt with martial arts

Chapter 801 3 Yu Wumengsheng's Little Book

Chapter 801 Sanyu Wumengsheng's Little Book (Pay attention to your body)

Within the demon world.

Not long after the consciousness of the ruler of the six realms returned, Ghost Desolation Hell Transformation and others also returned.

"Underworld, the action was destroyed by the people of the Desire Realm."

Guihuang Hell said with a face of shame.

Huang Chu Yanshe also lowered his head.

The Master of the Six Paths narrowed his eyes slightly, but he was not angry.

As a god, how can he be dissatisfied because of such a trivial matter?
That was Mo Shi's strength, not his.

"The people in the world of desire are entrusted to you, Huang Chu, to be responsible."

The Master of the Six Paths gave indifferent instructions, because the Buddha bone fierce soldiers controlled by Huangchu Banshe had an extremely powerful restraining effect on Buddha cultivation.

Although people in the Desire Realm believe in the Demon Buddha, the Demon Buddha is also a Buddha.

Their martial arts are also Buddhist martial arts.

Therefore, Huangchu banshe can gain an advantage by virtue of the advantage of weapons.

"As for you, let's go to Donghuang for a while and bring him here."

The Lord of the Six Paths looked at Guihuang Hell Transformation again, and ordered indifferently.

"Underworld God rest assured."

Guihuang Hell Transformation said solemnly, last time he thought he had seriously injured Donghuang, but he didn't expect that the other party was just cooperating with her in acting.

Unknowingly, I became a pawn in the opponent's hand, so humiliated, this hatred, Guihuang Hell became natural and wanted to take it back.

After ordering the matter, there was only one Master of the Six Paths left in the hall again.

Now that Bian Xijun is released in advance by him, it means that Nihai Chongfan will appear soon.

Similarly, Sen Prison will also be opened again.

"Bo Xun came to this world, and his hidden desires came out again. Things are getting more and more interesting."

The corners of the Master of the Six Paths' lips curled up slightly, revealing an inexplicable smile.


On the other side, Sanyu Wumengsheng returned to Feima Mengqu after parting with Chao Tianjiao.

After learning about Yi Qixing's situation, Sanyu Wumengsheng also had to think about countermeasures. He knew Yi Qixing's character better, and no matter what dangers would arise in the future, he would never back down.

More important at the moment, though, is what role the time traveler actually plays in it.

For the past few days, Sanyu Wumengsheng's mind has been filled with the gods that the Lord of Time said.

And now the time traveler's information is already on the desk.

"Bu Xiangchen."

"Twilight becomes snow."

"Arrogance to Heaven."

"Beside or behind them are Ce Menghou, Chao Yizhu, Zhan Yunjie Yi Qixing and others."

On the case table, each name is reflected in the pen, and finally connected into a series of lines.

And all goals point to one person.

"Time Traveler."

"What exactly are you planning?"

Just as Sanyu Wumengsheng fell into deep thought, a sudden sound of hurried footsteps came from outside.

"Three fish, it's not good, the big thing is not good..."

Qin Jiaxian rushed in in a hurry, and before he arrived, his voice had already resounded throughout Feimamengqu.

"What made you hurry?"

Sanyu Wumengsheng's expression was still calm, he slowly held the white feather fan, raised his head and asked.

Panting heavily, Qin Jianxian directly handed the book in his hand to Sanyu Wumengsheng, "You... hurry up, take a look."

"Before the Buddha and after the Buddha?"

Sanyu Wumengsheng read out the title of the book, not knowing what Qin Jiaxian asked him to read, and opened up his doubts, but the next moment, the content of the book made Sanyu Wumengsheng's mouth twitch, and he couldn't help laughing.

"This is the new book written by Yan Ling Bu Zhe Liu. It is really unreasonable for him to dare to arrange a page of the book at will."

Qin Jiaxian looked annoyed, and continued: "I originally wanted to buy and destroy all the books, but I didn't expect Cheng Yaojin to kill me halfway, and bought the books before me."

"Oh? Is there anyone richer than you in the world?"

Sanyu Wumengsheng put down the book with a smile, and joked that although the book was indeed somewhat stigmatized, it was not a big deal.

"The problem is that I lost my purse when I was going to buy the books. They must have stolen it."

Speaking of this, Qin Jiaxian became very angry, thinking that his old Qin had been in the rivers and lakes for so many years, and he had never suffered such a big loss.

"Huh? What do you mean?"

"It's not that time and space traveler, he is still a patient with a page of books, not to mention helping, but he still falls into the stone."

Afterwards, Qin Jiaxian told what happened.

"It's him again!"

Sanyu Wumengsheng narrowed his eyes slightly, and then added a few more names on the white paper of the desk.

They are Lianzhuang and Golden Lion coins.

"He is also coveting the Golden Lion Coin."

Sanyu Wumengsheng's eyes flickered, and he didn't think it was a coincidence.

It can also be seen from this that the other party's purpose is not pure.


"Now that the Golden Lion Coin has been stolen, there is no other way to trade with Bu Xiangchen."

"Such a coincidental timing really makes people suspect that this is a game they did together."

Sanyu Wumengsheng fell into deep thought, and raised his head after a while and said, "Qin Jiaxian, I'm sorry for your trouble, it seems that you need to pay more attention to this person's whereabouts."

"Don't worry, even without you, I will take care of this matter to the end. I, Lao Qin, have never suffered such a big loss."

Qin Jiaxian said angrily, and thought of something at random, and continued: "Also, you asked me to pay attention to the demon world and that god of the underworld before. I received news before that the people from the demon world confronted Beigou. Later, it seemed that the people from the desire world Also dispatched."

"Oh? Then do you know why?"

Sanyu Wumengsheng paid the same attention to the matter governed by the six realms.

After all, this person clearly said that he wanted to play a game with the world, and he didn't like himself very much.

"It seems that it is also for the Golden Lion Coin. Now that the apoptosis is banned, no one pays attention to it. It seems that my life-defying enemy is safe."

"It's the Golden Lion Coin again."

Sanyu Wumengsheng was taken aback for a moment, and then he thought of the reason, "It seems that he wants to liberate Bo Xun. Isn't he really worried about Bo Xun's strength?"

Thinking of this, Sanyu Wumengsheng became more dignified, because it meant that the opponent was not afraid of Bo Xun and had the power to suppress Bo Xun.

This is not a good thing.

Because if the other party's heart is on the right way, Sanyu Wumengsheng will be very happy, and the pressure on him will be greatly reduced.

No matter what you face, it is easy to solve.

But if it's an enemy...

"Since it doesn't work here, maybe I can start with Bo Xun."

Just when Sanyu Wumeng was thinking about it, Qin Jiaxian seemed to suddenly think of something again, "By the way, there is one more thing about the trend of the demon world."

"As for that yellow hair, I seem to be looking for someone in Jianghu recently, but I'm afraid you can only find out who it is by asking yourself."

"Okay, I will also pay attention to this matter."

Sanyu Wumengsheng nodded slightly, not a single thing has been simple recently.

"However, one mountain cannot accommodate two tigers. Maybe we can use people from the Desire Realm to deal with the masters of the six realms, and destroy the relationship with each other first."

Soon, Sanyu Wumengsheng had a clue.

And at this moment, two more people came.

Seeing the visitor, Sanyu Wumengsheng was a little surprised.

Because he might also get some news about the time traveler from Mu Chengxue.

In this way, the next time they face Bu Xiangchen, they will also have confidence in their price.

 Please take two days off, and I will reply and update tomorrow. The epidemic has been serious recently. Everyone pay attention to protection and take care of your health. I will stay in the village for a while and try to write more.

(End of this chapter)

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