Supreme Destiny System

Chapter 107 escape

Chapter 107 escape
The two passed by with one move, both of them were a little surprised.

And just like the two of them, those inspectors were also very surprised.

They are members of the Spike Guards, so they naturally understand the martial arts of the Dayan royal family. Just now, Yan Hongfei's move is already a very strong martial arts in the Yan Dynasty. Warriors of the same level want to continue unscathed. Almost as hard as it gets.

But this was something that was difficult in their eyes, but it was easily done by Xia Li.

Moreover, with the strength and insight of these inspectors, it is natural to see at a glance that although Yan Hongfei didn't use all his strength, Xia Li was the same.

Perhaps it can be said that the move of the two just now was just to test each other!
This made several inspectors a little uneasy. After all, Yan Hongfei was a figure in the middle of the Qingwu Realm, and he was also a relative of the Yan Dynasty. He was powerful, and Xia Li's realm was not as good as him. From the beginning, he felt that it would be difficult for Xia Li to defeat Yan Hongfei.

But after this move, they were a little afraid to grasp it.

Because Xia Li's performance was really amazing, and with an understatement, he actually tied with Yan Hongfei, which made them feel a little uncertain.

It's not just them inspectors who have no idea, but also the younger generation of Spike Guards on Jiangnan Road.

Maybe other people don't know how strong Yan Hongfei is, but they know it very well.

Even among the three warriors in the middle stage of Qingwu Realm, Yan Hongfei is the strongest one, not for anything else, just because he is a relative of the emperor and he is practicing the martial arts of the royal family!
The martial arts of the royal family can't be said to dominate the world, but it can still be ranked among the top three in the world!
Learn some superficial and differentiated martial arts, and you will be invincible at the same level!

Therefore, in the eyes of these Spike Guards, if Yan Hongfei went into battle, Xia Li would definitely be defeated.

But the fact is otherwise, after the first move, the two were evenly divided, and neither of them could do anything about it.

Those people in Jiangnan Road were suddenly dumbfounded. Although Yan Hongfei didn't use his full strength in that move just now, if they bombarded them, they wouldn't be able to follow it easily.

In other words, Xia Li's strength is above theirs.

The mace guard who had insulted Xia Li before, but was afraid to speak because of what Xia Li said, asked a pretty woman above: "Senior Sister Mu, can Senior Brother Yan defeat this lunatic?"

Before, he also had the idea of ​​letting Yan Hongfei teach Xia Li a lesson, but after one move, he was at a loss.

The woman known as Senior Sister Mu said indifferently: "Senior brother Yan is powerful, how could he not be able to beat Xia Li in this barren land? The move just now was just a test."

Although she said so, Senior Sister Mu's hand was also tightly clutching the hilt of the sword at her waist, which showed her nervousness.

Brother Yan, whom she worships like a god, has no advantage
In this battle, it is hard to say who will win and who will lose.

Xia Li smiled, and said with his hands behind his back: "Brother Yan is indeed powerful. I defeated Gao Lang's punch just now, but it's not even one-tenth of the strength of this punch."

Although these words sound arrogant, they are also true. The reason why Gao Lang despised him before was that he never thought that Xia Li would fight back, which almost showed his flaws.

When Xia Li punched him, he couldn't even resist it, which shows his arrogance. In Xia Li's eyes, this kind of person is like a piece of trash.

As the saying goes, a lion fights a rabbit with all its strength, you Gao Lang and I, Xia Li, are both warriors of the same level, yet you are so arrogant, if you don't beat them, who will you kill?

Yan Hongfei also showed a faint smile for the first time, and said: "Your strength is not bad. It seems that arrogant people also have their own capital. It is rare for Yan to meet an opponent, so let's do it again!"

This Yan Hongfei was obviously not a long-winded person either, as soon as he finished speaking, he jumped up, his true energy burst out, and condensed into a giant hammer of true energy several feet high.

This zhenqi giant hammer radiated might and power, shaking away all the dust on the ring, and with an irresistible force, ruthlessly blasted towards Xia Li below!
Facing the zhenqi giant hammer, Xia Li's eyes showed a solemn look for the first time. This Yan Hongfei really deserves to be a member of the Dayan royal family, and each of these skills is better than the other.

It's just this move, if Xia Li didn't use the Domineering and Wild Fist to resist it, he might be seriously injured, but even if he used the Domineering and Wild Fist, if he couldn't control the strength and accidentally killed Yan Hongfei, it would be a big trouble.

Facing the huge zhenqi hammer, Xia Li tapped his toes, and the zhenqi quickly condensed under his feet. Suddenly, two golden lights appeared under Xia Li's feet. When the zhenqi hammer was about to come down, Xia Li's The figure suddenly disappeared.


The huge zhenqi sledgehammer slammed into the arena, but I don't know what kind of metal the arena is made of. The mighty zhenqi sledgehammer didn't respond when it hit it. It just felt like the ground within a hundred meters was shaken. A few shakes!

Xia Li's figure appeared more than a hundred meters behind Yan Hongfei, with a slight smile at the corner of his mouth. This knowledge of supernatural powers is also very useful. If he is really forced to use domineering fists, it will not be good Well, it would be troublesome if Yan Hongfei was beaten to death.

Now it is a good way to easily dodge Yan Hongfei's attack by relying on the supernatural powers.

After all, under the Qingwu realm, those warriors who major in speed often have such cases of killing warriors who major in strength. Of course, if a warrior who majors in speed is hit by a warrior who majors in strength, he will basically be seriously injured with one punch. .

Xia Li was still thinking to himself that the supernatural powers are so powerful, but the others were blown up.

Yan Hongfei looked at Xia Li in disbelief, this was the first time he lost his composure.

Xiao Xinyuan, Li Yuanding and the others were all shocked. The move Yan Hongfei used just now was called the Shaker. Although the name is plain, it is one of the profound skills of the Dayan royal family. It is also difficult to lock the enemy on weekdays. Fleeing in name.

But today Xia Li escaped under his nose, this is simply subverting their three views!

Kuangsha Hammer blocked all exits with absolute power, even if he wanted to escape, he would have to pay a high price, at least he would end up in a mess.

In the end, Xia Li seemed to be walking, and dodged by the way. What the hell is going on? ! ! !

"How did you escape?" Yan Hongfei opened his mouth, but only asked this silly sentence.

Xia Li smiled lightly: "Could it be that Brother Yan didn't see it just now?"

"I..." Yan Hongfei couldn't help but blushed, thinking about his own question is really a bit silly, he hides away, what's the use of asking him?

But Yan Hongfei has also seen the big world, so he quickly adjusted his state, and said seriously: "Brother Xia Li is powerful, so Yan will not hide his clumsiness, let's see!"

(End of this chapter)

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