Chapter 108

Yan Hongfei's face was frosty, and when he held his palm, a crimson heavy hammer appeared in his hand. On this heavy hammer, the true energy was surging, giving people an extremely heavy feeling, and people could tell at a glance that it was not Everything, if it gets hit, I'm afraid it will end up with a serious injury and defeat.

"Senior brother Yan actually took out the red golden hammer." Seeing the red giant hammer in Yan Hongfei's hand, there was an uproar on Jiangnan Road. This red golden hammer is Yan Hongfei's treasure. Using this hammer to kill three warriors in the late stage of Qingwu Realm, it can be seen that it is strong.

"Brother Xia has to be careful with the next move."

Holding the double hammers in his hand, Yan Hongfei's aura became much sharper. He looked at Xia Li with a blank face, and he rushed straight towards Xia Li with a stature above his body!


Yan Hongfei's speed was extremely fast. Although it was not as fast as when Xia Li was using his supernatural powers just now, it was not much worse. The double hammers in his hands were like two hills, directly blasting the air, and smashed Xia Li head-on. past!

Xia Li's eyes sharpened, and his hands were shining with gold. He had already thought up a strategy just now. If he couldn't stop it with one punch, he would throw a few more punches. With the intention of domineering and violent fists, the power will naturally not be small!
The true energy quickly condensed on the fists, and Xia Li's fists became golden at this moment. Facing the giant hammer that was about to hit, Xia Li's fists exploded like lightning, directly regretting the red golden hammer!


When the huge counter-shock force came, Xia Li felt that his fists were slightly numb, but he couldn't retreat. His arms shook continuously, and he punched out several more times. The golden fist seemed to have turned into several fist shadows. Boom over!


Faced with Xia Li's crazy boxing techniques, Yan Hongfei never panicked at all. He kept swinging the extremely heavy hammer in his hand, his hands were already bulging, and powerful true energy was poured into the giant hammer. Swing out, the momentum is amazing!

Xia Li didn't panic at all, facing Yan Hongfei's heavy hammer, Xia Li's figure suddenly turned into an afterimage. Yan Hongfei was startled at the time, but the strength could not be recovered, the heavy double hammer It slammed into the ring!

The red gold hammer hit the arena, and after a loud noise, cracks appeared in the arena, and Xia Li's figure suddenly appeared behind Yan Hongfei, his hands were condensed with golden light, and he slammed into Yan Hongfei's back!


Unexpectedly, Xia Li's fist seemed to hit a ball, and a powerful shock came to his face, actually pushing Xia Lizhen's figure back a few steps!

"It's actually Zhentianjia. It seems that this Yan boy is well prepared." Xiao Xinyuan smiled lightly, but there was some dissatisfaction in his tone.

Just now Xia Li made a feint with his supernatural powers, dodged behind Yan Hongfei and beat him with a punch, but was shocked by his footsteps and retreated sharply, while Yan Hongfei was unscathed. This is the credit of Zhen Tianjia.

This Zhentian Armor is also a treasure of the Dayan royal family. I didn't expect to give it to Yan Hongfei now. With this Zhentian Armor, it can be said that even if Monk Du'er is here, he probably won't be able to hurt Yan Hongfei. Something against the rules!

"Hehe, having a treasure is also a sign of strength. Even if Xia Li loses, it's an honor to lose." Qin Kai, the inspector of Jiangnan Road, laughed, but the smug look in his eyes is probably everyone's surprise. I can tell.

"Xia Li may not be defeated yet." Xiao Xinyuan's complexion is not very good-looking, Xia Li is a casual cultivator, how can he compare his background with Yan Hongfei, the birthplace of the royal family?Although what Qin Kai said was reasonable, it was shameless enough to use such unfair means in this competition.

At this moment, Xia Li in the arena was shocked, looking at Yan Hongfei, who was unharmed, and asked: "What kind of treasure are you? How can the attack that hits you bounce back?"

To be honest, Xia Li's punch just now didn't kill him, it was just a punch with a bit of domineering and violent punch, which was enough to defeat Yan Hongfei, but it wouldn't seriously hurt him either.

As a result, after this punch hit Yan Hongfei, Xia Li was actually repelled by his own punch. Although the power was not as powerful as when he punched out, it was enough to shock Xia Li.

Yan Hongfei explained: "This is the sky-shattering armor bestowed on me by the ancestors of my family, it can counteract all attacks, even if I wear this armor, the attacks at the late Qingwu stage can't hurt me a bit.

This time, I, Yan, cheated, but owning treasures is a symbol of strength, and as a member of the royal family, Yan must not be defeated, so I can only feel sorry for Brother Xia. "

After speaking, Yan Hongfei's tone was somewhat apologetic. To be honest, Xia Li should have won this match, but as a member of the royal family, he must not lose, otherwise he would lose face to the royal family, so he cannot lose!
As soon as Yan Hongfei said this, all the people present were amazed at Yan Hongfei's background, and at the same time they were not worth it for Xia Li. If Yan Hongfei didn't have this sky-shaking armor just now, he would have lost.

But there is no way, because what Yan Hongfei said is right, having treasures is a symbol of one's own strength, who would be so stupid as to have treasures and not use them.

Everyone sighed a little. They were afraid that Xia Li would lose this battle. How could Xia Li hurt him, a precious armor that could not be hurt in the late stage of Qingwu Realm?
At this moment, no one noticed the weird smile on Xia Li's mouth, nor did they see the crazy look in Xia Li's eyes.

"Brother Yan is right. Having treasures is a sign of strength, but I, Xia Li, am not someone who admits defeat lightly."

Xia Li smiled strangely, "Since Brother Yan's face-shocking armor can't hurt you at the late stage of the Qingwu realm, then I, a warrior at the early stage of the Qingwu realm, will try to see if I can hurt you!"

After saying that, suddenly Xia Li's zhenqi erupted, and a whirlwind formed around him, and the surrounding zhenqi frantically gathered towards him. Everyone was shocked by this scene!
Xia Li, a martial artist at the early stage of Qingwu Realm, can actually forcibly refine the spiritual energy of heaven and earth!
Xia Li's right fist suddenly shone with golden light, and zhenqi was poured into it crazily, and it directly turned into a giant fist of zhenqi that was several feet in size and shimmering with golden light!

At the moment when this great fist of zhenqi appeared, all the expressions of everyone present changed, including Xiao Xinyuan, Qin Kai and the others below also changed their expressions drastically!
Because even if he was them, there was a faint hint of danger in Xia Li's zhenqi fist!

What does this mean? !

This meant that even if they were punched by Xia Li, they would still be injured!

With their real martial arts strength, even if Xia Li stood here and beat them, they wouldn't be able to hurt them at all. As a result, Xia Li's attack made them smell a little dangerous!

Now their expressions changed drastically, and the five inspectors immediately stood up. The power of Xia Li's punch was a bit terrifying. If Yan Hongfei was really hit, Zhentianjia might not be able to stop it!

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(End of this chapter)

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