Supreme Destiny System

Chapter 109 Resolve

Chapter 109 Resolve
Zhentian Armor, as the name suggests, means that it can block and rebound attacks, and the name Zhentian means that wearing it can bounce back even the sky.

Although these words are a bit exaggerated, basically warriors of the same level can't compete with Yan Hongfei who is wearing the sky-shattering armor.

So when Yan Hongfei revealed that he was wearing the sky-shattering armor, those who knew the sky-shattering armor sighed for Xia Li, thinking that Xia Li would be defeated.

As a result, Xia Li's terrifying aura suddenly erupted, even a boss of Xiao Xinyuan's level could feel a hint of danger, which shows how terrifying Xia Li's attack is this time!
Xiao Xinyuan could tell that Xia Li's punch was the same as the punch that defeated Gao Lang before, because the method of kung fu is the same, but the power is very different.

Xia Li's current punch is enough to injure a martial artist of Monk Du'er's level, Xiao Xinyuan thought, probably Xia Li used this move to seriously injure Monk Du'er back then!
Xia Li's golden giant fist exploded his zhenqi crazily, blasting the air away, even the extremely strong arena was crushed to pieces by this extremely powerful force!

At this moment, Xia Li's complexion was a little pale, but with a satisfied smile, he glanced at Yan Hongfei who was already pale with fright, and punched him!
Originally, Xia Li really didn't intend to use the Domineering Fist, but since Yan Hongfei killed himself, it's no wonder he was there.

This Tiantian Armor is so powerful, if Xia Li didn't use his domineering punches, wouldn't he be unable to win?

If you don't win, the problem is not small, and it doesn't matter if you lose, but if you lose your place in Feiyun Mansion because of this, it's not worth it. After all, Xia Li is going to have a showdown with those young talents in the rivers and lakes down.

And if you don't defeat Yan Hongfei, everything will be just thinking about it, and you won't be able to complete it!
So Xia Li's choice was to defeat Yan Hongfei. Yan Hongfei was a member of the royal family and couldn't lose, but Xia Li couldn't lose because of the quota.

What about the royal family of your Dayan Dynasty?In this arena, no one cares what your identity is, even if you can't kill, you will be defeated!

Xia Lina's huge zhenqi fist exuded gleaming golden light, and rushed towards Yan Hongfei with an irresistible momentum. At this moment, the dust was flying, and Yan Hongfei's clothes were blown and thumped, and he wanted to run away. But can't run.

Seeing that the huge zhenqi punch was about to hit, a look of despair flashed in Yan Hongfei's eyes. The sky-shattering armor he was wearing could indeed resist and bounce back most of the attacks, but there was a limit.

If the attack is too powerful and exceeds the load of the shock armor, then the shock armor will not bounce back, otherwise the person who pierces the armor will also receive a lot of damage.

And now, Xia Li's fist is obviously too strong, it's astonishingly powerful, like a god's blow, judging by Yan Hongfei's current ability, it is absolutely unstoppable.

In other words, once he was hit, even if he couldn't die, he would definitely end up with a serious injury, there was no doubt about it.

And this serious injury is not the other serious injury, Xia Li's punch is too powerful, and he has the aura of a king who dominates the world. If he is hit, even his own foundation will be affected, and the impact will be too great He, Yan Hongfei, couldn't afford it!

Just when he was about to call for surrender, Xiao Xinyuan's figure suddenly appeared in front of him. With a wave of his sleeves, an extremely strong burst of true energy formed a cyan true energy tornado, knocking down Xia Li's giant golden fist. Swallowed in.

The cyan true energy tornado and Xia Li's golden giant fist began to bite each other, and finally disappeared. In this instant, the ground suddenly shattered, and the entire ring was suddenly split into two halves, separated by a middle!

In an instant, Xia Li's complexion turned pale, but he also saw that it was Xiao Xinyuan who blocked his punch, since Xiao Xinyuan had already made a move, surely he wouldn't be considered bad, right?

After Xiao Xinyuan dealt with Xia Li's punch, he glanced at the crowd, seeing that they were all looking at him, and said: "Xia Li's punch is too powerful, and I am afraid that it will kill my colleagues with too much power, and it will have a bad effect, so I will give it a try. Take action to resolve it. I have already discussed with several people. Xia Li and Yan Hongfei are both elites, so they are allowed to pass directly. Fight for it!"

Xiao Xinyuan's words basically calmed down the battle between Xia Li and Yan Hongfei.

What are you playing?What are you fighting for?Isn't it just a quota?
It's all right now, the quota is given to you, you can't continue playing after you get the quota, can you?
Unless the two of Xia Li were mentally ill, it would be impossible to continue fighting.

But no matter what, their battle was still very shocking.

To be honest, the arena this time is made of a few sturdy metals, and it is difficult for ordinary late Qingwu stage warriors to destroy this arena.

As a result, Yan Hongfei, a warrior in the middle stage of Qingwu Realm, actually broke part of the ring, and Xia Li, a warrior in the early stage of Qingwu Realm, was even more exaggerated. His punch was actually tied with Xiao Xinyuan's moves, directly shaking the ring into pieces. Two halves, amazing power!
With Xia Li's strength, what is the concept of shaking the ring into two sections?
To split the arena into two sections, only a martial artist above the early stage of True Martial Realm can do it with a full blow.

But now Xia Li has done it, what does this mean?This means that the power of Xia Li's punch can be compared to the full blow of a martial artist at the beginning of the real martial arts realm!
This is already an astonishing achievement. Many people present are amazed. The people here are not only the people from the Southwest Dao Spike Guards, but also some Southwest Dao warriors, warriors from other Dao and Spike Guards. man of.

At this moment, they all left a deep impression on Xia Li in their hearts!
Xia Li's complexion turned pale slightly, but he still smiled lightly and said, "Then I would like to thank Lord Xiao, in fact, I don't want to fight too hard with Brother Yan in this situation, after all, swords and guns have no eyes, and whoever hurts anyone will not be hurt." Great."

Yan Hongfei smiled wryly, and said: "If Master Xiao hadn't stopped me just now, Yan would have ended up with Gao Lang. Brother Xia, you are absolutely extraordinary. I admire Yan Hongfei. If this battle wasn't for my royal family's face, Yan is willing to admit defeat."

These words can be regarded as words from the heart, and Yan Hongfei really admired Xia Li from the bottom of his heart.

After all, Xia Licai was only at the early stage of the Qingwu Realm, and he was able to unleash such an attack comparable to that of the real martial arts realm. Even in the middle stage of the Qingwu Realm, he might be blown away wearing the Zhentian Armor, which indeed made him Yan Hongfei Not convinced.

At this moment, Yan Hongfei only had one sentence in his mind: there are people beyond people, and there is heaven beyond the sky. If this Xia Li does not die, he is afraid that he will also be a figure at the level of a palace master in the future!

(End of this chapter)

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