Supreme Destiny System

Chapter 120 Three Lives Transferring Skills

Chapter 120

Xia Li took a light breath, this was the first time he discovered his own shortcomings.

And it's a fatal deficiency.

He has always been a little too dependent on the system. The system's martial arts skills are powerful, but they make him ignore his own reasons.

It's like playing games. If you become addicted to killing people with money, no one wants to rely on their own skills.

After discovering his own shortcomings, Xia Li was not depressed, but beamed with joy.

Because he has discovered his own shortcomings, and as long as he finds them, he will have the opportunity to make up for them. What he is afraid of is not finding the shortcomings, but not being able to find out the reason.

As long as it is found out, Xia Li will definitely try his best to make up for the shortcomings.

But Xia Li's problem now is that he doesn't know what to do to make up for his shortcomings. After all, he rushed to the Qingwu realm directly with the Xiaohuan Dan. The so-called consolidating the realm is just to prevent the realm from falling That's all.

Xia Li thought that the Green Martial Realm was the transformation of the internal energy in the dantian into true qi, which was used as an introduction to martial arts and derived from martial arts skills, but he didn't know the process of transforming his internal energy into true qi, because he was seriously injured and fell into a coma at the time.
At that time, Xia Li failed to attack the Qingwu Realm, and was seriously injured and unconscious. If he hadn't called the system to save me before he fell unconscious, he would probably have died.

So Xia Li's Qingwu Realm, strictly speaking, was raised by the system for him, and it was raised in a coma state, so he didn't have a little Qingwu Realm, so he had no strength.

The result of having no strength is that the strength does not have to be inferior to martial artists of the same level, but it is much worse in terms of perception, including the use of true energy, etc., including learning martial arts.

This is the reason why Xia Li couldn't figure out how to practice kamikaze repeatedly.

The kamikaze hand is a high-level martial art of the royal family, not to mention the green martial arts, it is a very powerful martial skill even for a real martial artist, but Xia Li's understanding of martial arts is still at the alchemy level, so naturally he cannot completely use the kamikaze hand. Practice is successful.

"It seems that there is only a lack of understanding to break through to the Qingwu realm, so I will break through again."

Xia Li took a light breath, sat cross-legged on the ground, sorted out the true energy in his body, gathered it in the dantian, and then changed his handprints, changing his pressure.

Xia Li's zhenqi was gradually suppressed, and his own aura also dropped rapidly, and soon fell to the level of the late stage of the alchemy realm. At this moment, there were already a few drops of sweat on Xia Li's forehead.

Forcibly suppressing one's realm is not a joke, and one's dantian might be crushed, but as the so-called wealth and wealth are sought in danger, Xia Li also understands this truth.

Xia Li runs the Supreme Demon Kung Fu, which divides the energy in his body into two paths, one path suppresses the true energy, and the other path retains the internal energy at the peak of the Danwu realm, feeling the power of the Qingwu realm, and progresses step by step.

Since Xia Li has already broken through the Qingwu Realm once, even if he doesn't have the perception and realm of the Qingwu Realm, his body's instincts are still very strong.

Xia Li can clearly feel that the internal force transformed from energy is gradually becoming true energy, and the realm is also gradually changing.

The peak of the Danwu realm is the process of transforming internal energy into true energy. If he spends it here again, it is equivalent to making up for the shortcomings of breaking through the Qingwu realm.


Xia Li's body trembled slightly, and then he let out a breath. Now he, the energy of separation has broken through to the realm of Qingwu Realm.

The next thing to do is to combine the two energies into one and put them into Dantian.

The zhenqi from before at Qingwu Realm slowly merged with the zhenqi this time, and Xia Li could feel a strong energy wandering through his body, and finally turned into a whirlwind and entered his dantian.

Infuriating whirlwind!

Xia Li's spirit was shaken, and he felt the most suitable martial skill for him, which was the martial skill based on wind.

And he could feel that the zhenqi whirlwind in the dantian was constantly spinning, and while spinning, it could be fused with the Supreme Demon Art to generate more energy.

Although this energy is not much, it is enough for him to perform a martial skill once, and the derivation time is only tens of seconds!

That is to say, Xia Li can use the Whirlwind Martial Skill that he has comprehended, combined with the Supreme Demon Art, to continuously recover his true energy!

In this case, even if it is a wheel battle, Xia Li will not be afraid at all. With such a short recovery time, Xia Li's true energy will hardly be exhausted.

Moreover, the derived zhenqi energy can also be used for cultivation. That is to say, Xia Li does not have to be in the practice room to cultivate. To the role of a practice!

Although the generated zhenqi energy is not much, it is better than nothing, and after a day, the total zhenqi energy generated is equivalent to half an hour of Xia Li's cultivation.

Add up!

The energy generated by this whirlwind of zhenqi is a process of accumulating less and more, which also gave Xia Li an unexpected joy.

"This zhenqi whirlwind skill gives me continuous zhenqi energy, which circulates endlessly, so it's called the Three Lives Flow Skill."

Xia Li smiled with satisfaction, this time he made up for his shortcomings, and realized the almost perverted martial arts of the Three Lives Flow Technique, Xia Li was also very satisfied.

If Xia Li's guess is correct, the Three Lives Transferring Technique should be a martial skill that he realized because of his practice of the Supreme Demon Kung Fu.

After all, the supreme magic skill is different from other magic skills. Other magic skills are full of magical flames, but when the supreme magic skill is used, it seems that it is only stronger than ordinary skills, and there is no magic at all. mean.

If Xia Li hadn't used the Supreme Demon to absorb human blood to refine his internal energy last time, he would have doubted whether the Supreme Demon Kung Fu was still a magic skill.

But that's good too, Xia Li's strength is not strong right now, if someone finds out that he is practicing magic arts, the Spike Guards probably won't protect him, and his mere Qingwu realm strength is probably about to die prematurely.

In the top ten demon halls, there are many people who want to overthrow the Great Yan Dynasty and establish themselves as the emperor, so the Great Yan Dynasty will take action to suppress the forces of the Demon Sect.

So they knew that if Xia Li practiced magic skills, Xia Li must have died without a place to bury him, and even the one who killed him might be the Spike Guard.

Therefore, the featurelessness of Supreme Demon Art is a kind of protection for Xia Li.

Xia Li, who has made up for his shortcomings, feels that he is a little different, but he can't say exactly what has changed, but he feels that his strength is stronger than before, and he is not even a little bit stronger.

Therefore, Xia Li practiced kamikaze again.

This time, it went much smoother than last time.

Xia Li condensed his true qi, and a cyclone instantly condensed into a huge claw of true qi, which ruthlessly blasted towards the floor below.


Like the sound of an air explosion, Xia Li's zhenqi claws collided with the floor, instantly vanishing into nothingness, and there were several cracks on the floor.

(End of this chapter)

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