Supreme Destiny System

Chapter 121 Treasures

Chapter 121 Treasures
The effect is not bad.

Xia Li nodded in satisfaction.

The strength of this floor is about the same as that of the wall. As Yan Hongfei said, even a domineering fist can barely break the wall.

But now, the kamikaze hand he used can crack the floor, which is as strong as the wall, which is already quite remarkable.

At least if you were an ordinary mid-Qingwu martial artist, you would be seriously injured after such a move.

You know, Xia Li is only at the early stage of Qingwu Realm.

Xia Li is also quite satisfied with his entry into the country. After all, the election is about to start, his strength has improved, and his shortcomings have been filled. Xia Li also wants to fight against the younger generation in the arena. Think about what that so-called weapon is.

One night, in a flash
The next day, Feiyun Mansion was a hundred times more lively than yesterday. A huge arena had been set up in Feiyun Mansion. There were countless seats under the arena, and the positions of each faction were written on the seats.

The first place is the master seat of Feiyun Mansion, there are three seats next to the master seat, which says Spike Guard.

Even if the people of Feiyun Manor knew why the Wolf Fang Guard came here, they would never dare to use such a trivial matter to target the Wolf Fang Guard.

After Xia Li and the others arrived at the venue, they found that there were already many people here. Although the building of Feiyun Mansion was relatively simple, it was very large. They knew that the younger generation of Jianghu had already arrived yesterday.

In fact, there were not many people sent by the gate of the venue. On the contrary, there were a lot of casual cultivators and many people who came to watch the battle. There could be tens of thousands of people in Nuoda's venue at one time.

Loose cultivators are also allowed to participate in the election of the younger generation of Feiyun Mansion, so those who are not low in talent also want to try their luck, and also want to rely on their own strength to become famous in the world with the help of Feiyun Mansion's election.

In the seat, Xia Li paid attention to the few people who Yan Hongfei said yesterday that their strength surpassed them, the Shaolin faction, the Xiaoyao faction, the Beast Heart Sect, and the Snow Fox Villa.
Kong Jing from the Shaolin School, Zhang Jianyun from the Free and Unfettered School, Zhao Fuhu from the Beast Heart Sect, and Lu Xiaolou from Xuehu Mountain Villa, these four are the strongest of the younger generation in Jianghu.

But there may also be some dark horses who stand out. Anyway, there are thousands of people running for the election. It is estimated that it will be many days before the end of the election.

Looking around, it's so lively.

Countless casual warriors held swords on their backs and whispered to each other. They were probably mercenary knights who traveled the rivers and lakes. Now Feiyun Mansion is so lively, and there are also many Jianghu wind media who come here to recruit the people from Feiyun Mansion. The battle situation is big news.

Most of these people are warriors of the Dan martial arts realm, and there are a few of the Qing martial arts realm, but they are only in the early stages of the Qing martial arts realm, and they are still weak, so there is nothing to see.

But most of these people are here to watch the excitement, or they are the Jianghu wind media who are waiting for big news. Their minds are not on participating in the election, but on fighting among the younger generation of the major forces.

And those who want to participate in the election battle are basically casual warriors above the Qingwu level or small family warriors, and they are all at the forefront, because they have no seats, so they are all at the forefront, and there is a short stone wall behind them Block it, indicating that they are participating in the election fight, and those behind the stone wall are all onlookers.

The person who presided over the election fight this time was an old man who looked about 70 years old. His name was Qiuhua, and he was the old housekeeper of Feiyun Mansion. He usually handled trivial matters in Feiyun Mansion, and his own strength At the late stage of True Martial Realm, he is fully qualified to be a referee.

Qiuhua looked serious, and shouted: "Quiet!"

This shout was filled with genuine energy, so it was like a thunderbolt for a moment, and the originally chaotic stone platform became very quiet in an instant.

Seeing this, Qiuhua nodded in satisfaction, and said: "This time, I got a long knife by chance in Feiyun Mansion. After being appraised by the mansion master, it is a treasure. I believe everyone knows what the treasure represents. , warriors under the Martial Sovereign Realm, and treasures can bring a great increase in combat.

There are no warriors in the Feiyun Mansion with swords, so the mansion master wants to take this opportunity to gather the younger generation of heroes in the rivers and lakes to obtain this long sword through elections and fighting.

The ranking in the election is also to fill the list of heroes since the last Great War between Righteousness and Demons. On behalf of Feiyun Mansion, the old man announced that the election battle has officially begun! "

While Qiuhua was speaking, several disciples of Feiyun Mansion brought up a weapon box, which contained a long knife with lavender hair.

When everyone saw it, they all coveted the long knife.

Not for anything else, just because this long knife is a treasure!
These weapons can be roughly divided into two types, the first is ordinary weapons, and the second is treasures.

Ordinary weapons are all over the world, because any blacksmith can make ordinary weapons, but treasures are different.

The forging of treasures is very complicated, and it needs to be forged by masters of martial arts and above, and the failure rate is not low.

In addition, master craftsmen at the Martial Artist level are generally not easy to sell, so this treasure is even more cherished. It is estimated that there are not many treasures in the world.

A martial artist below the Martial Martial Realm is basically invincible at the same level if he holds a treasure.

For example, taking Xia Li as an example, the only way he can seriously injure a true martial artist is to use his full strength to hit a domineering fist. After all, a true martial artist has a very high physical strength. Except for the domineering fist, other methods can't hurt him at all. As for the real martial artist, even if he stood here and let Xia Li fight, Xia Li couldn't hurt the real martial artist.

Moreover, once the domineering punch is released, Xia Li will be exhausted after one blow. If the enemy counterattacks, he will definitely die!

But if Xia Li has a treasure, his strength will be greatly improved. The treasure is already sharp enough to hurt a real martial artist, and even if he grasps it well, a sneak attack can kill a real martial artist in one blow!
This is where the power of the treasure lies!

Xia Li was also a little tempted. If he had a chance to get this treasure, how could he give it to others.

That is a treasure that is very useful for warriors under the martial arts realm!
What is the concept of Martial Respect?
Qianyuanlong is Martial Respect Realm. When Xia Li first met Qianyuanlong, Qianyuanlong and the people from Extreme Cold Night Palace fought in the sky. That battle was shocking, even now Xia Li Thinking of it, Li couldn't help being a little shocked.

The nearby hills hundreds of meters high were smashed to pieces with one blow!

This kind of strength is really beyond the scope of human cognition.

And this treasure can be of great use to warriors under the Martial Martial Realm, which shows how powerful this treasure is.

This kind of treasure, not to mention Xia Li, probably even Xiao Xinyuan would be salivating here, right?

(End of this chapter)

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