Supreme Destiny System

Chapter 125 Unqualified

Chapter 125 Unqualified


Finally, Zhou Dao's big sword was overwhelmed and exploded suddenly. Zhou Dao, who had lost his long sword, was slammed into the chest by Bai Zhi's punch, and directly passed through Zhou Dao's chest, blood spattered violently. !

Blood spurted out from Zhou Zhou's knife, his eyes were full of disbelief, and then the vitality quickly dissipated. Just now, Bai Bai's punch could withstand even his full strength of the knife, let alone his flesh.

Bai Zhi's Black Killing Fist directly penetrated his chest, smashing his internal organs, even if the Immortal Da Luo was here, he would not be able to save him.

It wasn't until Zhou Yidao's body fell to the ground that everyone realized that the battle was over.

Qiuhua didn't even blink his eyelids, and said with an expressionless face, "Qianshan Zongbai won this battle, and died on Monday."

When the battle was over, everyone was in an uproar.

Even though everyone knew that they were likely to be killed during the battle, they still couldn't accept Zhou Yidao's body in front of them.

"I didn't expect to kill people. Loose cultivators are no match for the disciples of the big factions. These big factions are not as benevolent and righteous as Feiyun Mansion. They will really kill people when they do it."

"That's right, it's still the benevolence and righteousness of the fighters from Feiyun Mansion. They only talk about fighting, not killing people. This Qianshan Sect's Baizhi is too hostile, and I'm afraid he will fall into the devil's way in the future."

"Fart! Fighting, wounding and death are inevitable. Could it be that if you kill a person, you will fall into the evil way? Then let me ask you, which one of you has never killed someone? Are you all demon warriors?"

"Killing is also divided into targets. Palace Master Chen Daoxuan has already said before that this battle is mainly about learning from each other to advance in martial arts, but Bai Zhi actually kills people with a tricky hand. Can a child with this kind of mind achieve great things?"

"Indecision is the only way to make big things happen. In the last match, Gu Hong was originally a stronger disciple of Feiyun Mansion. His strength surpassed that of Li Yuan's by far, so he can retract and release freely and can control his strength. However, Baizhi and Zhou Yidao are not far behind in strength. , How can you make a good effort, and you have to make a fuss about a dead person? Of the people who appeared here today, who has never seen a dead person?"

"You are taking it out of context. I didn't say that killing people is wrong, but if the big faction kills us casual warriors, should we still applaud the big faction?"

"Hehe, no one asked you to applaud the Qianshan sect, just to let you not lose face of Sanxiu. There is nothing wrong with Qianshanzong in this matter. Do you still want to call Qianshanzong to seek justice for Sanxiu? If you have this Go if you can, if you dare to go, I will give you one!"

"Murder is too cruel after all. It's fine if the disciples of the Devil Dao are like this. After all, everyone in the Devil Dao can be punished, but the Qianshan Sect is a famous and decent sect, and it is one of the five sects in the Jianghu. It is a famous sect in the Jianghu. If you act, you are afraid that you will fall into the shoes of others."

"Stupid, when is the big faction afraid of others' comments? Do you dare to say that if you are decent, you must be a good person? What's the matter with killing people? It's not that killing people is not allowed, and more than half of the Spike Guards will die every time they are selected. What do you do? Don't talk about them?"

"Nonsense, whoever dares to speak ill of Spike Guard is not courting death."

The audience quarreled again about whether to kill or not, but Bai Zhi on the stage didn't seem to hear it, so he saluted the crowd and returned to the Qianshan sect.

In fact, someone in the audience was right. When did the decent sect of the famous sect ever fear other people's comments? Qianshanzong didn't say anything, but said that the strength was far inferior to Qianshanzong's Feiyun Mansion.

Feiyun Mansion can be called a famous sect in Jianghu, a large part of it is because of people's words, everyone said that Feiyun Mansion is righteous, and then when they went to investigate, Feiyun Mansion also acted with benevolence and righteousness, this is Feiyun Mansion. Although Yunfu's strength is not strong, it is one of the biggest reasons why no one can influence its reputation in a trance.

Although the reputation of Qianshanzong is not as terrifying as that of Feiyun Mansion, but the strength is real. To be honest, even if people talk about it, even if someone talks about Qianshanzong, it is still gossip. How can there be a real powerful warrior? Time to pull this set?

And who would have the guts to mock Qianshanzong in front of Qianshanzong?If someone dared to do that, the people of Qianshan Sect would definitely beat them to death.

So even if today's incident is reported, it is said that the Qianshan sect is not good, it is just a group of weak warriors under the Qingwu realm, and it is just a joke after dinner, which has no effect on the Qianshan sect.

After all, the strength of Qianshanzong is there, they don't need the illusory name of Feiyunfu, just mention the three words of Qianshanzong, and the warriors will feel admiration and awe, instead of thinking of Feiyunfu. The first reaction is that Feiyun Mansion is benevolent and righteous, and the second reaction is that Feiyun Mansion is very powerful.

Qianshanzong has always been a bit disdainful of Feiyunfu's way of handling things, but he didn't say much. They are not qualified to be among the top sects in the Jianghu, and it is not worth worrying about Qianshanzong.

You must know that being unqualified and not wanting to be included in the top schools of Jianghu are two different things. For example, Chunyang Palace, the head of the Taoist school, is not weaker than Shaolin Temple in the slightest, but it is not ranked among the top schools in Jianghu.

This is because Taoist people are indifferent to fame and wealth, and they don't think this ranking is so important. They have always used it to mock the Buddhist Shaolin Temple, which attaches so much importance to fame and wealth.

In fact, it’s no wonder that the people in Chunyang Palace joked that the monks of Shaolin Temple valued fame and fortune. After all, Shaolin Temple has enmity with other forces, and most of them are hostile because they say that Shaolin Temple warriors are weak.

But Chunyang Palace is different. Apart from being hostile to the Buddhist sect, they basically have no enemies in the entire Jianghu.

You know, the situation of making enemies on all sides is very embarrassing. In the end, maybe you have no allies and are all enemies, and the day of your own demise will come.

For example, Shaolin Temple, now Shaolin Temple is supported by their strong strength, but what if all the senior management of Shaolin Temple fall down?so what should I do now?
Shaolin Temple basically has no friends in the entire rivers and lakes. On the contrary, it has a lot of enemies. At that time, those enemies will definitely make trouble, and Shaolin Temple will be in danger!
On the contrary, Chunyang Palace is different. They have no enemies in Jianghu, but they have many friends. Therefore, even if the high-level officials of Chunyang Palace fall, the descendants will not live up to it. , Waiting for a new person who can carry the big tripod to appear again, at least there will be no calamity of extermination.

All in all, there may be some powerful forces that do not want to be included in this top force, but the forces that are ranked among the top powers in Jianghu are definitely genuine. Feiyun Mansion wants to be included in this ranking, but it is not qualified!

(PS: For the third watch, please subscribe and reward the monthly pass, and there will be two more updates in the evening!)

(End of this chapter)

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