Chapter 126
With a lot of controversy, Bai Zhi returned to the position of Qianshan Sect.

Chen Daoxuan raised his brows slightly, and said, "Little friend Baizhi, this election is mainly about exchanging ideas, and I hope that next time we will not be so vicious."

If this were other ordinary warriors, it is estimated that Chen Daoxuan would have shown his benevolence and righteousness long ago, but Qianshanzong is stronger than their Feiyunfu, so he dare not say too much.

But for the sake of their Feiyun Mansion's image, he still has to say something, so that it can also bring out his image.

Bai Zhi clasped his fists and said, "This junior understands."

No matter what, Feiyun Mansion is the host, and Bai Zhi is just an ordinary disciple of Qianshan Sect, facing Chen Daoxuan, he still has to call himself a junior.

A white-robed young man from the Qianshan Sect said with a light smile: "Palace Master Chen, this junior knows that you regard yourself as benevolent and righteous, but it is inevitable that you will accidentally injure and kill a warrior when fighting. You are a bit too benevolent and righteous."

This white-robed young man is the leader of the younger generation of Qianshan Sect. His name is Yu Wenxiang. His strength is at the late stage of the Qingwu Realm, and his martial arts are extremely superb. His physical strength is even more astonishing. Lossless!
Bai Zhi respected Chen Daoxuan, but Yu Wenxiang didn't have to. He was a disciple of the Qianshan Sect Master. In terms of status, he was not inferior to Chen Daoxuan, but his seniority was lower.

Although Yu Wenxiang said words like 'senior' and 'benevolence and righteousness', his tone was relatively blunt.

In fact, to be honest, from the very beginning, Yu Wenxiang looked down on Feiyun Mansion's way of gaining fame. If his master hadn't asked him to come here this time, he would not have come back to Feiyun Mansion to participate in this so-called election.

His master had also told him that although the strength of Feiyun Mansion was far inferior to that of Qianshan Sect, its reputation in Jianghu was no joke, so try not to cause friction if possible.

But if he had to have friction with Feiyun Mansion, Qianshanzong would not be afraid of him, a small Feiyun Mansion.

This time it was Bai Zhi, a disciple of his Qianshan sect who killed someone, but it was within the rules. Chen Daoxuan's words sounded like a beating, so Yu Wenxiang also resolutely chose to fight back. His disciple of Qianshan sect did nothing wrong , must not be easily beaten by Chen Daoxuan.

As soon as Yu Wenxiang's words came out, everyone present looked at Chen Daoxuan with great interest, not knowing how he would handle this matter.

Although Feiyun Mansion had a good reputation over the years, many people criticized Feiyun Mansion for its hypocrisy, so there were quite a few people who wanted to see Chen Daoxuan's jokes.

Chen Daoxuan's complexion was a little ugly, but before he could speak, he saw a monk from the Shaolin faction jump onto the ring.

The monk looked about 20 years old, wearing a red cassock, with a simple and honest face, but the two sword-like eyebrows like eagles completely destroyed this simple and honest.

"Amitabha! Bai Zhi killed someone, so naturally he has to pay back the karma. The poor monk Kong Jing wants to challenge Bai Zhi." Kong Jing clasped his hands together and said slowly.

Originally, Chen Daoxuan was a bit difficult to step down, but at this moment, Kong Jing's words almost saved him.Chen Daoxuan said indifferently: "Kong Jing challenged Baizhi, but Qianshan Zong Baizhi dared to fight?"

Originally, Chen Daoxuan should have asked "whether to fight", but because Yu Wenxiang's words just now made him a little angry, so he said, "the Qianshan sect dares to fight". Zong's face.

Yu Wenxiang is also a little angry about Kong Jing's sudden appearance. You Shaolin faction meddles in the rivers and lakes all day long. I didn't expect you to come here today to meddle in our Qianshan Sect's affairs. Don't you think your hands are too long?
Bai Zhi has no idea now, Kong Jing is the top martial artist of the younger generation in Jianghu. If it is clean, it is estimated that within three moves, it will be defeated miserably.

And the meaning of Kan Kongjing is to end the cause and effect of him killing Zhou Dao. Zhou Dao died, how to end the cause and effect?It can only be that he died too, so Kong Jing wanted to kill him!
Bai Zhi could only cast some help-seeking eyes on Yu Wenxiang. At this moment, only Yu Wenxiang could save him if he asked, right?
Yu Wenxiang's face was gloomy at the moment, and he said, "Kong Jing, don't push people too much. None of you present have killed anyone. If you follow your theory, will all of us, including senior Chen Daoxuan, commit suicide too?" cause and effect?"

Yu Wenxiang is obviously an old fritter, and he directly gave Kong Jing a big hat, but the words are not rough, and there is still a reason. After all, the people present basically have other people's blood on their hands. Strictly speaking, it is really true. If they all commit suicide, there is cause and effect.

Facing the big hat worn by Yu Wenxiang, Kong Jing said with a calm face: "The poor monk has limited strength, and he will only do what he can do. Karma will be repaid sooner or later. Bai Zhi, please come on stage."

Yu Wenxiang's face turned black. He didn't expect that Kong Jing would be so shameless and distort the truth in a serious manner, but he hadn't refuted it yet. It's not the first time that people from the Buddhist sect meddle in their own business. If it weren't for the powerful Buddhist sect , It is estimated that it has been exterminated long ago.

On the stone platform, Xia Li and the others also looked at the change of gaffe with great interest, and couldn't help but said: "People who have heard of the Buddhist sect for a long time like to meddle in other people's business. Seeing it today, it is a well-deserved reputation."

Liu Chenbai lazily said: "Those fellows in the Buddhist sect are all cheap. When I was suppressing bandits in the Northeast Road, I saw a few monks from Shaolin Temple being chased and killed by bandits, so I rescued them and killed those few. a bandit.

But what I didn't expect was that after saving people, those monks asked me to go to Shaolin Temple with them, saying that it was something to wash away the hostility, and that I was too murderous. So up to now, people in the Buddhist sect look at me as if they saw the enemy of life and death. "

Speaking of the latter, Liu Chenbai couldn't help but babbled. What happened at the beginning was completely committed by the Buddhist sect. What's the point of him beheading those monks? As for holding grudges so much.

Yan Hongfei said helplessly: "That's because you did too much. Those monks are not your opponents at all. You just teach them to drive them away. Why do you want to kill people? You offended Shaolin Temple. People who meet Buddha Sect are all tit-for-tat, why should it be like this."

Yan Hongfei also knew what happened back then, although Liu Chenbai is no wonder, but it was Liu Chenbai who killed the Buddhist sect after all, some things only look at the result and not the process, just like Bai Zhi killed Zhou Dao , were all within the rules, but in the end they were still scolded by everyone, and even found fault by Kong Jing himself.

(End of this chapter)

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