Supreme Destiny System

Chapter 137 Open one eye and close one eye

Chapter 137 Open one eye and close one eye
on the stone platform.

Liu Chenbai smiled and said: "Brother Xia is powerful, much more majestic than me. I have never been used to those thieves and monks from the Buddhist sect. They are meddling with grinning mouths all day long. It's good to teach them a lesson."

Liu Chenbai's words can be regarded as from the heart, Yan Hongfei also said before, because Liu Chenbai had some conflicts with the monks of Shaolin Temple before, Liu Chenbai obviously rescued those monks, but those monks retaliated for their kindness.

He wanted to drag Liu Chenbai to Shaolin Temple, saying that he would wash away his sins, that Liu Chenbai had struck too hard and killed too many people, which angered Liu Chenbai, so he killed those stupid monks who didn't know what to do, which led to The grievances between Liu Chenbai and Shaolin Temple.

Although the grievance has basically been settled now, after all, it is for the face of the Spike Guard, so Liu Chenbai still has no good impressions of these monks. On the one hand, he thinks they are hypocritical, and on the other hand, he thinks they are pedantic. Now Xia Xiali slapped them in the face like this, which also made Liu Chenbai very happy.

Xia Li shook his head and said with a smile: "I don't really want to provoke anyone. After all, I'm alone. It's not good to provoke too many enemies. Unfortunately, some people don't know what to do. They come up and stretch their faces over for me to step on, so I'm too embarrassed not to step on them." gone."

Xia Li's words can be regarded as half-truth and half-false. In fact, he doesn't like those monks from Shaolin Temple. Of course, it's not because of their behavior, but because of Duer's incident.

After all, Duer is also a member of the Buddhist sect, and this time it was indeed Kongwen who came up to him to step on his face. No wonder Xia Li, after all, Xia Li didn't do anything illegal, he just did a normal ring fight .

But Kongwen and the others just want to come over to get in the way. It is estimated that this kind of thing, anyone who changes it will be irritated, and what Xia Li has done is enough to save face for Kongwen and the others. Divide your efforts, otherwise whether Kongwen can stand up and talk is still a big problem.

Xia Li's words did not deliberately cover up his voice, including Liu Chenbai's previous sentence, they did not deliberately cover up their voices. The people present are all capable warriors, and their ability to listen to the wind and distinguish weapons is far beyond ordinary people.

So the words of both of them were heard by the people present, and the people of Fozong naturally looked a little ugly, because they were first insulted by Liu Chenbai and then by Xia Li, and now the two of them talked about them as if no one else was there, and insulted them. They, they can't do anything.

Because it is very likely that there is no one in the sect, they have beaten Xia Li and their brother Kong Jing, so at this moment they can only be angry here alone, and now they think of what their master gave them. words.

Buddhist warriors need to keep calm, but now they feel that they can't do it. After all, their sect is insulted by others, and it is estimated that no one can stand it.

Kong Jing saw that his family's emotions were a little weird, and Kong Jing naturally understood what was going on with them.In fact, including Kong Jing himself, it is also uncomfortable in his heart, but they don't have the capital to challenge Xia Li and others now.

So at this moment, I can only look at my sect's disciple Chuanyin and said: "Those who achieve great things often don't care about small things, they can say whatever they want, if you are angered because of such a trivial matter, it will be difficult to achieve great things in the future.

People from our Shaolin sect have always been the leaders of the justice sect in the martial arts. If you are so unable to stand provocation, how can we support our Shaolin Temple in the future, and how can we achieve our Shaolin Temple’s status? "

To be honest, Kong Jing's mood is a bit complicated now. On the one hand, he sighs at the anger of his disciples, whose self-control is still a bit weak, and on the other hand, he is a little angry at the arrogance of Xia Liyi and others.

To be honest, his mood was similar to those of those disciples, except that he was much more mature than those disciples, and he hid all his anger in his heart. He could achieve the state of not expressing his emotions, but those disciples could not.

What he has to do now is to control the emotions of those disciples.Otherwise, if any disciple gets too angry and takes the initiative to challenge Xia Li, wouldn't he be rushing to die?
And Kong Jing is now facing Xia Li's group of people. To be honest, he is still a little shocked by Xia Li's strength. Now even he is not sure that he can win Xia Li. It was an order from the top to make a name for the Spike Guard.

If he intervenes now, it is very likely to cause conflicts between Shaolin Temple and the Wolf Fang Guard. The Shaolin Temple and the Wolf Fang Guard had some conflicts before. There is friction.

Now the relationship between the two parties is quite urgent. If he is acting as a stumbling block on behalf of Shaolin Temple and Spike Guard, it will only make the situation worse for the two forces.

So on the one hand, Kong Jing didn't have the certainty of winning against Xia Li, and on the other hand, he didn't want to damage the relationship between Shaolin Temple and Spike Guard too much, so he didn't make a move and chose to wait and see what happened.

But if he doesn't make a move, and he waits for him, he will never let his disciples make a move, because the effect is the same, and it is very likely that they will be killed by Xia Li directly. To participate in this election battle, you don't have to do anything except advance to the battle.

At this moment, not only Kong Jing and Shaolin sect, but people from other sects have the same idea. To be honest, some of them hate Spike Guards, some hate Xia Li and the other three, and some subconsciously exclude them.

After all, Xia Li and the others were not the forces of the Jianghu in their hearts, but the Spike Guards of the Dayan Dynasty, but they did not have the guts to force Xia Li and the others too much, because Xia Li and the others belonged to the Spike position.

The strength of the Wolf Fang Guard is stronger than all these Jianghu forces put together. If anyone completely angers the Wolf Fang Guard, it may lead to the destruction of the family. They are not that stupid.

Warriors like them love their sect very much, and no one wants to bring about the disaster of destroying their sect just because of their little provocation, so they turn a blind eye to Xia Li and others, and Xia Li They didn't insult them like they insulted the Shaolin faction, and they had nothing to be angry about, they just turned a blind eye and watched Xia Li and the others be so presumptuous.

Even if it doesn’t look good to say these things, but to be honest, it’s not just their family. All the forces present are keeping their mouths shut and turning a blind eye, so there’s nothing shameful about it .

(End of this chapter)

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