Supreme Destiny System

Chapter 138 Yan Hongfei Takes the Stage

Chapter 138 Yan Hongfei Takes the Stage

A farce passed.

Qiu Hua said indifferently: "Now all the fighters who came to participate in the competition have passed the election. From now on, the debate will start until the last person is left. The winner of this election for our Feiyun Mansion will get a treasure! "

The rules of the competition have become more and more simple. Now, to be honest, Xia Li is the only warrior left at the early Qingwu stage in the field, and the others are above the middle stage of Qingwu stage, and their strength is not weak.

So now it is completely broken up, and the method of randomly selecting opponents of the same level is adopted, until the last person is eliminated, and the challenge is leapfrog.

When the battle reaches the end, the remaining person is the final winner, and you can get the treasure.

Xia Li felt a little helpless when he heard Qiuhua talk about the rules. He was the weakest in realm, so he would be challenged more times.

Even if those forces don't want to be enemies with Xia Li, but Xia Li's realm is the lowest, and he will definitely be turned the most times.

It might even be wrong, he has to defeat all the warriors in the middle stage of the Qingwu realm before he is eligible to challenge the late stage of the Qingwu realm, and then only after defeating all the warriors in the late stage of the Qingwu realm and the peak of the Qingwu realm can he get No.1. Talent is the winner.

From Xia Li's point of view, the battle has already started to get a little fierce, and to be honest, the four fighters at the peak of the Qingwu Realm, Kong Jing from the Shaolin School, Zhang Jianyun from the Free and Unfettered School, Zhao Fuhu from the Beast Heart Sect, and Xue Xue Lu Xiaolou in Fox Villa.

I'm afraid that Xia Li will have no absolute chance of winning against anyone at random, unless some other methods are used.

For example, Xia Li discovered before that the Supreme Demon Art can suck blood from people and turn it into energy to fight, and it has a very strong burst ability in an instant. Coupled with the cooperation of his domineering and wild fist, it is also possible to defeat a warrior at the peak of Qingwu Realm.

But if this move is seen by other people, there is basically nothing to say. Veteran fighters like Chen Daoxuan have participated in the battle between evil and evil. Naturally, they know the characteristics of magic skills. To show off.

Therefore, there are some methods that Xia Li cannot fully use. Even if he uses some magic methods, even if he wins this competition, it will still cause him a lot of trouble.

In the end, Xia Li could only rely on righteous means, such as Domineering and Wild Fist.

Domineering Mad Fist is the strongest martial skill that Xia Li can display now. If Xia Li uses Domineering Mad Fist with all his strength, even a martial artist at the peak of the Qingwu Realm will at least end up with a serious injury, but the aftereffect is that he will be drained of his true energy. Unable to fight in time.

Kong Jing from the Shaolin Sect, Zhang Jianyun from the Free and Unfettered Sect, Zhao Fuhu from the Beast Heart Sect, and Lu Xiaolou from the Snow Fox Villa all have their own methods, and Xia Li doesn't dare to underestimate them, so this battle, Even if Xia Li's combat power is abnormal, he has to be careful.

Qiuhua took two scrolls from somewhere, put them on the stone table in front of him, and spread them out. Everyone's names were written on the scrolls, and he said, "In the first match, Yan Hongfei fought against Zhang Kaiyun."

The first match was Yan Hongfei?Xia Li was taken aback for a moment, and then he was relieved. Yan Hongfei didn't make a move before, but Xia Li and Liu Chenbai made a move, which made everyone feel that Yan Hongfei's fighting power is definitely not inferior to Xia Li's, so they directly listed It's on the list.

Now that Yan Hongfei has never made a move, it is natural that he should be the first to make a move, so that everyone can understand his strength.

And the opponent arranged for Yan Hongfei is Zhang Kaiyun, a disciple of Xuehu Mountain Villa. Zhang Kaiyun is also a warrior with strong talent. He has some reputation in Xuehu Mountain's generation, but in this kind of occasion where the heroes of the world are here, he seems a bit mediocre.

So Xia Li didn't even need to look at it. He knew that Yan Hongfei would definitely win. After all, he had learned Yan Hongfei's strength. Even if he was not as good as him, it was still the result of his overbearing fist.

If Xia Li hadn't used the domineering fist, Yan Hongfei would have been invincible just by relying on the Heaven-shaking Armor.

So this little Zhang Kaiyun is not a problem at all. From Xia Li's point of view, the only ones present who are qualified to hurt Yan Hongfei are Kong Jing from the Shaolin School, Zhang Jianyun from the Free and Unfettered School, Zhao Fuhu from the Beast Heart Sect, and Xuehu. Lu Xiaolou in the villa is the four ruthless people at the peak of Qingwu Realm.

Yan Hongfei nodded to Xia Li and Liu Chenbai, and flew onto the ring, his figure was extremely elegant, and he seemed to be a not weak martial skill.

Sure enough, he is a member of the royal family, full of treasures.

Xia Li thought in his heart that this Yan Hongfei could build a good relationship. After all, if there is anything in the Wolf Fang Guard or the royal family in the future, Yan Hongfei will have some face.

Zhang Kaiyun came to the stage and looked at Yan Hongfei opposite, feeling a little helpless in his heart. Facing an opponent like Yan Hongfei, everyone would probably feel a little uncomfortable, because he knew from the moment he took the stage that he would lose this battle .

Yan Hongfei clasped his fists and said, "Spike Guard Yan Hongfei, please enlighten me."

Unlike Liu Chenbai's playfulness and arrogance, and Xia Li's calmness, Yan Hongfei greeted him very formally.

This also made Zhang Kaiyun feel a little more comfortable. If Yan Hongfei and Liu Chenbai Xiali were similar, and both had the strongest voice in the world, then he would really collapse.

Because he knew that he would lose this round, if Yan Hongfei still humiliated people like Liu Chenbai and Xia Li, then he would really be ashamed to face others.

From the looks of it now, Yan Hongfei was considered polite, and he probably wasn't the kind of arrogant Xia Li and Liu Chenbai who didn't take the heroes of the world seriously.

Zhang Kaiyun suppressed the thoughts in his heart, bent his palms into claws, his true energy rushed out from his cuffs, and rushed directly towards Yan Hongfei with his body.

From Zhang Kaiyun's point of view, when fighting an enemy like Yan Hongfei who basically has no chance of winning, it is better to strike first. As long as he can hurt Yan Hongfei, it is not a shame to lose!
"Broken Mountain Claw!"

Zhang Kaiyun let out a low cry, the sides of his claws were made dark brown, and his true energy wrapped around his claws, a sharp breath like a sword cultivator shot up into the sky, Zhang Kaiyun's claws showed long claws of true energy, and rushed towards him Yan Hongfei.

Although the name of this broken mountain claw is ordinary, it is a martial skill that can only be learned by the core disciples of Xuehu Mountain Villa. It is not small. Strictly speaking, it is a middle-grade spiritual skill. Even if it is performed by a real martial artist, it is still useful. A lot of martial arts.

It's just that this move is already the strongest martial skill that Zhang Kaiyun can display. He thought that if he faced Yan Hongfei, he would be defeated in all likelihood. It is not bad to be able to leave an impression of not being weak in front of the warriors in the world.

(PS: It’s embarrassing to think of the grading of exercises because I read the previous article. The relevant settings will definitely be added soon.)
(End of this chapter)

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