Supreme Destiny System

Chapter 139 Complete Suppression

Chapter 139 Complete Suppression
Qian Yuanlong and Xia Li had explained this skill level in detail before.

The martial arts skills in this world are divided into four levels, from bottom to top are mortal, spirit, heaven, and emperor.Each grade is divided into first grade, middle grade and high grade.

These mortal-level exercises are usually created by warriors with the strength of the Earth Martial Realm, and have been passed down to the world. There are even many less-than-mortal exercises that are regarded as treasures by many small families.

As for spiritual-level exercises, even martial artists at the Martial Realm may not be able to create them. Compared with mortal-level exercises, spiritual-level exercises are extremely rare. Even those warriors with some background behind them may not have spiritual-level exercises. Law.

Those who have spiritual-level skills are all warriors with a strong background. For example, Zhao Jian, who was in the Jiangnan Dao Spike Guard Warrior election, his Hunyuan Hammer is a mid-level spirit-level skill, so he can With the strength in the middle stage of Danwu Realm, he defeated Li Yongsheng in the late stage of Danwu Realm.

It stands to reason that among the big powers, the spirit-level kungfu can be regarded as a relatively high-level kungfu. At the beginning, Zhao Jian only showed a little bit of superficiality. Has long been a hero.

Therefore, it is already very remarkable that this piece of Kaiyun can display a mid-level spirit-level kung fu, which has nothing to do with his strength. If he is not a core disciple of Xuehu Villa, he has not practiced this level of kung fu treatment.

If Zhang Kaiyun's enemies today were other ordinary warriors, under this move of breaking the mountain claws, he might not die or be disabled!

Zhang Kaiyun's opponent is Yan Hongfei.

Who is Yan Hongfei?

In the Great Yan Dynasty, the people of the royal family, even if they were not at the level of elites, were still rich in all kinds of talents and treasures since childhood!

As for martial arts and martial arts, there is no need to say more.

Yan Hongfei looked at the Poshanclaw that Zhang Kaiyun was about to attack, his face remained unchanged, his figure jumped up, and the light red true energy burst out like a hot flame!
Yan Hongfei pounced straight down in the air, like a hungry tiger pouncing on his food, with his hands clasped into claws, and with a strong wind, he swept wildly for hundreds of meters, and a dark red giant hand of zhenqi appeared!
"Kamikaze hand!"

Vigorous zhenqi gathered on Yan Hongfei's claws like huge cannonballs, and then exploded out. These zhenqi immediately turned into giant thorns one by one, fused into two dark red giant claws, He slammed Zhang Kaiyun below him fiercely.

An extremely strong pressure came out of Yan Hongfei's body, and Zhang Kaiyun, who was under the pressure, was a little out of breath, and he couldn't help being shocked. He and Yan Hongfei were both middle-stage Qingwu Realm fighters, and He also performed a mid-level spirit-level kung fu, how could he be suppressed so thoroughly?

Zhang Kaiyun originally thought that with one move, he used his full strength to use the mountain-breaking claws of the spirit-level middle-grade, as long as he could hurt Yan Hongfei and make Yan Hongfei suffer a little, then it would not be a shame for him to lose this battle. After all, it is already something to be proud of injuring the warrior of the Spike Guard during the battle.

But the reality gave him a loud mouth, and Yan Hongfei suppressed the mountain claws he used with all his strength so thoroughly!
Zhang Kaiyun really couldn't imagine it, he and Yan Hongfei were both warriors in the middle stage of Qingwu Realm, so it stands to reason that the gap shouldn't be so outrageous.

But how could he be so completely suppressed by Yan Hongfei when he exerted his full strength? Just now when Yan Hongfei slapped the palm, the huge palm of true energy gave him a strong feeling of death, as if he was going to borrow this One move, you have to pay the price of life.

Such a terrifying gap caused Zhang Kaiyun to collapse a bit. He has always been very proud of his own strength. Although he is not as good as the seniors in Xuehu Villa, he thinks he is not far behind.

Even if he faced Yan Hongfei of the Spike Guard today, he would lose at most, but he must not lose too much shame. This is the goal he set for himself, but now it seems that if he wants to make a move, he will be defeated by Yan Hongfei. Fei defeated, and it was still a fiasco.

Recalling that when Liu Chenbai and Xia Li defeated their opponents, they used one move to control the enemy. Zhang Kaiyun thought that if he could last a few more moves and accidentally injured Yan Hongfei, he would become famous.

Because what Xia Li defeated was Master Kongwen from Shaolin Temple, and Kongwen was a well-known young martial artist in Jianghu, so he was defeated by Xia Li like this.

If he can do a few more tricks under Yan Hongfei's men and hurt Yan Hongfei, then his rumors will be stronger than Kongwen's in the world, so this is also a good way to earn fame, Even if you lose, you still gain.

So this is also the reason why Zhang Kaiyun used all his strength at the beginning of the game. He wanted to injure Yan Hongfei, shock the world, and spread Zhang Kaiyun's reputation!

But he never expected that Yan Hongfei would suppress him so thoroughly with his full blow. Even before his mountain-breaking claws collided with Yan Hongfei's kamikaze hand, he felt that Yan Hongfei had been suppressed by Yan Hongfei. Fei's aura made her chest tight, and she had an urge to vomit blood!
It is conceivable that if his Broken Mountain Claw collided with Yan Hongfei's Kamikaze Hand, how miserable he would be defeated!

The strong oppressive aura emanating from Yan Hongfei's body made Zhang Kaiyun a little breathless, and a trace of deep despair flashed in his eyes.

He originally wanted to use this battle to win some fame for himself, but now it seems that he was lucky to be able to save his life in this battle.

The huge palm of zhenqi collided with the claw of zhenqi, and an extremely strong wind exploded in a radius of hundreds of meters. Even the onlookers in front felt a little tight in their chests and felt an urge to vomit blood!
All casual martial practitioners were astonished. Yan Hongfei had seen Xia Li use this move before, and he instantly killed Li Mu of the Beast Heart Sect. Now seeing Yan Hongfei using it, the power is no worse than Xia Li.

And this Kaiyun is not much stronger than that Li Mu, so the result is very likely that Zhang Kaiyun, like that Li Mu, was instantly killed by this kamikaze hand!

The extremely strong energy raged wildly within a radius of [-] meters, and the two strands of true energy also merged together, biting like two wild beasts, and the crazy true energy raged and splashed everywhere. I'm afraid that he was shaken into countless pieces by the powerful true energy of these two people.

And Zhang Kaiyun's complexion has become like a pig's liver at this moment, he can feel the pressure so strong that he can't even stand up, his chest is like a mountain pressing down, a mouthful of blood is in his throat, It seemed that it was about to be sprayed out, but it couldn't be sprayed out.

He could feel that his mountain-breaking claws were being gradually corroded by Yan Hongfei's kamikaze hand, and the moment the corrosion was completely eliminated was when he vomited blood and fell back, suffering backlash.

(End of this chapter)

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