Supreme Destiny System

Chapter 142 Wave Fist

Chapter 142 Wave Fist

Yan Hongfei also wanted to make friends with Xia Li, and Xia Li also wanted to make friends with him. Both of them felt the other's idea of ​​making friends, and their personalities were more compatible, so the relationship between the two of them is not bad now.

In fact, the purpose of the two of them is also very simple, they just want to make a good relationship for their future, and hope that their future road will be easier.

on the ring.

Mo Daoming suppressed the overwhelming anger in his heart, and said coldly, "Xia Li, why don't you make a move?"

To be honest, Mo Daoming was still afraid of Xia Li.

So he wanted to let Xia Li take the lead, so that he could easily take countermeasures.

Xia Li just stood there without saying a word or even looking at him, which made Mo Daoming couldn't help being annoyed.

This Xia Li thief is simply deceiving too much!
Xia Li didn't speak, but secretly circulated his true energy, gathering it in the palm of his hand.

"Are you dumb? Didn't you hear me asking you?" Regarding Xia Li's attitude, Mo Daoming's eyes could not bear the anger, and he shouted angrily, and rushed forward with the long sword in his hand. Coming over, the powerful zhenqi suddenly churned, and swept away fiercely towards Xia Li.

However, for such a seemingly not weak attack, Xia Li stretched out his hand to grab it in the air, and his true energy exploded out of thin air, and it instantly turned into nothingness.

Mo Daoming was startled, and was about to back up, but Xia Li didn't give him a chance to back up. He stretched out his hand and clenched his fists together!

Mo Daoming suddenly spat out a mouthful of blood, his body was sent flying by Xia Li like a dead dog, and fell unconscious under the ring.

One move to defeat the enemy!
Compared with the Beast Heart Sect warrior who was killed by Xia Li with one move before, Mo Daoming's different IQ is not dead.

However, Xia Li's punch from the air surprised many people.

What surprised me was not the technique of punching through the air, but Xia Li's punching method.

Because of this boxing method, it is called Wave Boxing.

It sounds like a very casual and plain name, but the founder of this wave boxing is a martial artist who no one dares to give three points of face in the world.

His name is Qian Yuanlong.

Qian Yuanlong is one of the highest-ranking warriors of the Spike Guard, and he is also the Spike Guard warrior who is mainly responsible for dealing with affairs in the Jianghu. Naturally, everyone in the Jianghu is well-known.

Qianyuanlong himself is not only the strength of respecting the martial arts realm, but also the several hall masters of the wolf tooth guard are all juniors of Qianyuanlong, who have received the favor of Qianyuanlong, so compared to the background and popularity, Qianyuanlong is also very The strong ones can even be said to walk sideways in the rivers and lakes.

At the time of the Great War between Zheng and Demon, Qian Yuanlong once participated in and performed this Wave Fist, killing a big demon at the Martial Realm with one move, and became famous for a while.

Since then, the name of this Wave Fist has spread all over the Jianghu, but apart from Qian Yuanlong himself, no one has ever seen it used.

Later someone asked Qian Yuanlong, and only then did he know that this Wave Fist was created by Qian Yuanlong himself, and it was not passed on to the outside world.

But now that Xia Li used Qianyuanlong's Wave Fist, it had a different meaning.

In Jiang Hu, there have always been rumors that Xia Li is a disciple of Qian Yuanlong, and it is precisely because of this that Xia Li has spread his reputation in Jiang Hu. This is also the reason why Chen Daoxuan knew his identity when he reported his name.

Otherwise, with his No. 1 in the Jiangnan Dao Spike Guard election, his mere Qingwu level strength, he is not qualified to be remembered by a big man like Chen Daoxuan.

It was only at this moment that the people present remembered that Xia Li still had a close relationship with Qian Yuanlong. Could it be that Xia Li was really Qian Yuanlong's disciple?

Otherwise, how could Qian Yuanlong pass his boxing skills to Xia Li?

Thinking of this, everyone present sighed slightly in their hearts, but it was a pity that Qian Yuanlong was a loyal person, even if he dealt with the affairs of the world with integrity, now he had such an arrogant, ruthless disciple like Xia Li.

on the stone platform.

Yan Hongfei and Liu Chenbai also looked at Xia Li's martial arts with some surprise. They are disciples of the top masters of the royal family, so they naturally knew that Xia Li had saved Qianyuanlong, and also knew that Xia Li had rescued Qianyuanlong through Qianyuanlong. He just entered the Wolf Fang Guard.

But within their understanding, Xia Li just met Qian Yuanlong once, Xia Li rescued Qian Yuanlong, Qian Yuanlong repaid Xia Li and brought him into the Spike Guard, nothing else.

But today Xia Li displayed the martial arts of Qianyuanlong, which surprised Yan Hongfei and the two of them. The two of them knew Qianyuanlong's character well. His disciples will never pass on martial arts.

In their view, Qian Yuanlong and Xia Li were just acquaintances, and they were together for only a few days. Qian Yuanlong actually taught Xia Li his proud martial arts?How can this be?

But the facts are right in front of our eyes, the impossible is also possible, the fist that defeated Mo Daoming just now, isn't it Qian Yuanlong's wave fist.

This also made Yan Hongfei and Liu Chenbai a little suspicious. They are warriors of Jiangnan Dao, so they were also very concerned about the election of the Spike Guards in Jiangnan Dao. The name Xia Li was no stranger to them. Xia Li knew about Xia Li's situation when he just won.

But what they knew was only about Xia Li's background as a casual cultivator and how he saved Qian Yuanlong, but they didn't understand the relationship between Qian Yuanlong and Xia Li, or Qian Yuanlong didn't reveal too much.

From today's point of view, the rumor that Xia Li and Qian Yuanlong are master-student relationship is probably true.

But what Yan Hongfei and Liu Chenbai couldn't understand was that Qian Yuanlong and Xia Li had only known each other for a few days, so how could it be possible that Xia Li became Qian Yuanlong's disciple?With Qian Yuanlong's personality, how could he be so hasty in accepting apprentices?

To be honest, Yan Hongfei wanted to join Qianyuanlong's sect before he went, but Qianyuanlong declined politely.

Looking at it now, Xia Li actually became Qian Yuanlong's disciple after a few days of acquaintance, which also made Yan Hongfei feel a little shocked. How could he be so useless?My many pleadings are not as good as Xia Li's few days.

At this moment, it wasn't just Yan Hongfei and Liu Chenbai who were surprised. The other warriors present basically confirmed the fact that Xia Li was Qianyuanlong's disciple in their hearts. It was rumored but there was no evidence before, but Xia Li It was obvious that Li had displayed the martial arts of Qianyuanlong today.

Now the happiest people are those Jianghu wind media. The election fight in Feiyun Mansion is a big event that can resound all over the Jianghu. News, such as the big news that Xia Li is Qian Yuanlong's apprentice, the more news that comes, the better.

(End of this chapter)

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