Supreme Destiny System

Chapter 143 Disciple?

Chapter 143 Disciple?

on the ring.

Xia Li didn't seem to know that after his punch, he became the focus of everyone.

He still feels strangely the true energy in his body and the power of this Wave Fist.

Since Qian Yuanlong passed the Wave Fist to him last time, he has only practiced it for less than a month, but because Linyang City was too busy with things, he neglected to practice the Wave Fist.

Now that I think about it, I don’t need a domineering fist to deal with these little shrimps, so I can easily defeat them with only some ordinary martial arts, but the wave spring, and the previous Qianyuanlong in Jiangnan Road. His swimming dragon legs are the best choice for fighting against warriors of the same level.

Maybe this kind of mid-level spirit-level kungfu is not very effective against those warriors whose realm is much higher than his, but against the same level, it can basically kill one with one move, and its power is not small.

This time when Xia Li used Wave Punch to hit Mo Daoming, he only used three points of strength. Xia Li also wanted to try the power of Wave Fist, because the secret book of this Wave Punch said it was to punch from the air. people.

This is a very powerful technique. To be honest, Xia Li has heard of this technique before, but he didn't understand it after thinking about it. He only mastered this technique after practicing Wave Fist.

You know, being able to use true energy to hit people from a distance is equivalent to mastering a skill to kill an enemy thousands of miles away.

That is to say, Xia Li's strength is average, and his power is not that great. When Xia Li cultivates to a certain level, he can kill people hundreds of miles away, which is equivalent to a very powerful true energy skill.

It's just that Mo Daoming didn't know that Xia Li used him to practice skills and was seriously injured by one move. This was also the reason why Xia Li kept his hand and didn't use his full strength.

Because it is impossible for him to use his full strength to test the exercises. After all, some exercises have backlashes. Although Qian Yuanlong didn't tell him, Xia Li also subconsciously kept a hand.

Wave Fist is used to hit people from a distance, while Youlong Kick is used to hit people close to the body. The effect of Youlong Kick is actually very powerful, and its power is not small. It was written in Qianyuanlong's introduction and cheats before, this game Dragon kick is a very powerful close-up kick.

When he cultivated to great success, he could even easily defeat warriors of the same level, just relying on the powerful explosive power.

Xia Li can also see that Qian Yuanlong and him have no secrets, because Xia Li was only a fighter in the alchemy realm back then, and Qian Yuanlong was willing to teach him the middle-level spirit-level exercises, which already shows a lot problem.

It shows that Qian Yuanlong values ​​him very much, and he doesn't treat him as an outsider. Both the Dragon Kick and Wave Fist are the top skills among the mid-level spirit-level skills. They are powerful and very practical.

The auxiliary effect in the battle is also very powerful, so Xia Li can completely become invincible at the same level by relying on these two exercises, without the need for the Domineering Kuangquan, and the Domineering Kuangquan can be saved for the leapfrog battle.

After a battle, Xia Li's wave punch also caused a burst of surprise and a wave of shock from everyone present, and it was also because his relationship with Qian Yuanlong was somewhat unclear.

It's like master and apprentice say they're not master and apprentice, no one clarifies this matter anyway, but today Xia Li showed Qianyuanlong's Wave Fist, almost for those who think about the relationship between Xia Li and Qianyuanlong an answer.

It is estimated that from now on, the rumors in the world are that Xia Li is Qian Yuanlong's disciple. This point may not be dispelled in a short time, unless Qian Yuanlong personally clarifies this matter.

But Qian Yuanlong is the figure second only to the master of the wolf tooth guard, and he is very busy dealing with affairs in the world, so he has no time to clarify these matters.

Moreover, Qian Yuanlong was very optimistic about Xia Li, and he also said that he wanted to take him as an apprentice, so the two of them were not masters and apprentices, but they were masters and apprentices.

Therefore, it is estimated that Qian Yuanlong is too lazy to clarify these matters. In the hearts of people in Jianghu, Xia Li will probably be Qian Yuanlong's personal disciple, and it will be much more convenient to do things in the future.

So when Xia Li thought of this, he didn't intend to clarify the matter. After defeating Mo Daoming, he jumped back to the stone platform and returned to his position.

Liu Chenbai came up and said, "Damn, Wave Fist? Brother Xia, you can't really be the disciple of Qianyuan Longgan, right? I've heard many such rumors before, but you two didn't say anything. , is the evidence conclusive this time?"

Regarding this matter, Liu Chenbai is still very puzzled, and wants to know the specific truth. After all, he is also a member of the Spike Guard, and he has also been in contact with Qianyuanlong. Regarding Qianyuanlong's old-fashioned and pedantic character, to be honest He also has a headache.

So it was hard for him to imagine how Qian Yuanlong could accept Xia Li as his apprentice so easily. Liu Chenbai was originally a hyperactive and curious person, and he also wanted to find out about this matter.

Xia Li smiled lightly and said, "What are you youngest? When he was in Jiangnan Dao, his old man said he was more optimistic about me, so he taught me two sets of exercises. That's why I learned Qianyuanlong's old exercises. The reason is that if we talk about relationship, it is better to say that we are the relationship between the predecessors, and I also respect and look up to him very much."

What Xia Li said was very orthodox. On the one hand, he didn't directly talk about his relationship with Qian Yuanlong, but only talked about the seniors. In fact, strictly speaking, master and apprentice are also seniors!

On the other hand, it also expressed respect for Qian Yuanlong, so people can't find any faults.

Yan Hongfei couldn't help it now, and said: "As far as I know, Mr. Gan never seems to pass on his skills to outsiders. He once said that he only passed on his skills to himself. Brother Xia, if you are not a disciple of Ganlao, how could he pass on the exercises to you? I think you should admit it, I think we should all know it."

In Yan Hongfei's view, Xia Li is Qian Yuanlong's disciple, otherwise how could he be awarded such a high-level martial skill by Qian Yuanlong?
Even though this mid-spirit level martial skill is not very powerful in Xia Li's eyes, but the mid-spirit level kung fu is such a practical skill that it can be said that even if it is passed on by a disciple personally, he will not pass it on.

Even among the powerful clans in the Jianghu, spirit-level middle-grade exercises can be obtained by relatively few core disciples, so Qian Yuanlong gave Xia Li such exercises, it is simply a super big gift, if not How could Qian Yuanlong treat Xia Li so well when he passed on the words of his disciples himself.

So what Xia Li said just now made Yan Hongfei a little annoyed, and he thought: I wanted to worship Mr. Qianyuan Longgan as a teacher, but I was rejected. You have become an old man so easily Disciple, it's so cheap and good-looking, how can you be so brazen.

(End of this chapter)

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