Supreme Destiny System

Chapter 158 One Sword Repels

Chapter 158
"Get out of here!"

Li Gankui let out a rage, swung his palms continuously, and kept retreating. Liu Chenbai's sword was extremely sharp and powerful. At this moment, he had no way to resist it. He could only attack desperately to resist Liu Chenbai's Kai Tianyi. sword!
At this moment, the horror in Li Gankui's heart was less than the movements of his hands. Liu Chenbai's swordsmanship soared into the sky, without any fancy sword skills, nor any martial skills. , with my own understanding of the way of the sword and the power of the way of the sword, stabbing out with one sword, breaking through ten times with one force, the power is amazing!
At this moment, Li Gankui only felt that Liu Chenbai's strength was probably no longer inferior to that of Xia Li's, and he was stronger than his senior brother Yan Hongfei, but he hadn't seen it before. How many battles will it take to attack?How many people did this have to kill?How much talent does it take for a person to attack with his understanding of the way of the sword, without using martial arts or sword skills, to defeat his mid-level spirit-level martial arts with a single strike?How high comprehension?
Li Gankui didn't dare to imagine, and couldn't imagine, what he can do at this moment is to block this sword with all his might, because he knows that if he can't block this sword, all that awaits him is serious injury, defeat or even being hit by this killing sword Seal the throat!

Li Gankui yelled fiercely, and the true energy in his whole body erupted wildly. He blasted out with both palms with all his strength, and collided with this sword of true energy, and both of them shattered. Platinum is shining, like the image of a god-man, it can be said that it is very different!
Liu Chenbai's complexion was indifferent, he didn't say anything, he just held the sword in his hand, while Li Gankui's complexion was not very good-looking, he had already fallen into a complete disadvantage with just one move, in this battle, I'm afraid he will lost.

And the crowd present all stared blankly at Liu Chenbai who was standing in the sky, the shock in his heart could not be added!
Was Liu Chenbai's shock to them too strong? Standing in the air with one hand holding a sword, the breeze blew by, his long hair and gown fluttered slightly, and the golden light enveloped his whole body. , Compared with the warriors of the Xiaoyao faction, they are only strong but not weak.

What shocked them even more was Liu Chenbai's strength.

Previously, there was a record of Xia Li, Yan Hongfei and other elite warriors fighting against other sects. Xia Li fought with Li Jiankong of the Xiaoyao faction. Chen Daoxuan had no choice but to block it. In the end, it was a draw and both advanced, but people are not stupid. Xia Li's domineering fist before was obviously stronger than Li Jiankong's Tiandao swordsmanship.

Moreover, after the battle, although Xia Li was pale, he could easily jump back to the stone platform, while Li Jiankong was about to lose his footing, and it was two Xiaoyao Sect disciples who helped him back. Li Jiankong is superior!
As for the second match, Yan Hongfei fought with Guo Yuan from the Bloody Hand Pavilion. This Guo Yuan was also a well-known young warrior of the younger generation in Jianghu. The eight pavilion disciples also fought fiercely with Yan Hongfei. They fought hundreds of moves, and the fight was so dark that the winner was determined.

But everyone can also see that Yan Hongfei's victory in this battle is not easy. He fought hundreds of moves and consumed a lot of his true energy. Although Guo Yuan was seriously injured and unconscious, after the battle, Yan Hongfei quickly swallowed it. Xiao Huan Dan has recovered, which shows that he has consumed a lot.

It can be said that the two battles between the three fighters of the Wolf Fang Guard, Xia Li and Yan Hongfei, cost a lot of energy, and they defeated their opponents after a hard fight. Among them, the people watching the battle were also famous People, you can see the most clearly, the strongest fighter among the Spike Guards is obviously Xia Li who seems to be the weakest, but Xia Li's domineering fist, it is estimated that none of the young fighters present dare to say that they can take it 100% down.

Moreover, although Guo Yuan is strong, he is definitely not as good as Li Jiankong, and it can even be said that he is far behind. After all, no matter how strong Guo Yuan is, he does not have a heavenly skill, so Yan Hongfei's victory over Guo Yuan can only be said to be due to his strength. Very strong, but can't beat Xia Li.

Secondly, they thought that Yan Hongfei was Liu Chenbai's senior brother, and that Yan Hongfei was more famous than Liu Chenbai in the Jianghu, so they also thought that Yan Hongfei was the second master of the younger generation of Langya Guard. , the third is Liu Chenbai.

Moreover, Guo Yuan had fought against Li Gankui before, and the winner was not determined. Therefore, when Liu Chenbai and Li Gankui faced each other, many people watched it with the intention of watching the excitement, because Guo Yuan and Li Gankui were about the same strength. Yan Hongfei defeated Guo Yuan after a hard fight. I wonder if Liu Chenbai can defeat Li Gankui?This is the best comparison of strength between the two Spike Guards.

But they didn't expect that Li Gankui, who was about the same strength as Guo Yuan, would be forced into a panic by Liu Chenbai's sword, and even suffered a certain degree of injury. Not coming out, Liu Chenbai looked a little exhausted, and even this killing spirit was stronger than that of the sword just now!
What does this mean?It means that Liu Chenbai's sword just now has not yet used all his strength!And Li Gankui has definitely exerted his full strength, because if he hadn't exerted all his strength, he would not have been forced into such a mess by Liu Chenbai, and judging by Li Gankui's aura, he was obviously injured by the shock, and his aura is not as good as before .

So when the two fought against each other, they immediately decided that Li Gankui was definitely not Liu Chenbai's opponent. Even if he confronted Liu Chenbai, he would have to be unilaterally crushed by Liu Chenbai until he was crushed. Lose!The result of this would be serious injury or even death!
More importantly, when Yan Hongfei fought against Guo Yuan, who was similar to Li Gankui, he went through a hard fight. The first hundreds of moves failed to determine the winner, and the last move defeated Guo Yuan, knocking Guo Yuan away. Hit into a coma with serious injuries and win.

However, when Liu Chenbai fought against Li Gankui, who was about the same strength as Guo Yuan, he was forced to practice and retreat with a single blow. This was in stark contrast to Yan Hongfei's fight just now. After a hard fight, one was repulsed with one sword. The gap between one sword and one sword is obvious. Yan Hongfei's strength is obviously not as good as Liu Chenbai's.

Everyone only thought that they had misjudged themselves, but Liu Chenbai, who was so arrogant at the beginning, had real talents and practical learning. Many people even thought that even Xia Li could fight well without overbearing fists. Overcoming Liu Chenbai is also a problem. This Liu Chenbai's swordsmanship is already too strong, so strong that he can easily defeat warriors of the same level without using martial arts!

(End of this chapter)

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