Supreme Destiny System

Chapter 159 I admit defeat

Chapter 159 I admit defeat
"Spike Fang Guards is really great, but I won't hold back in the next battle!"

Li Gankui said coldly, this time he didn't attack directly, but stepped in the void, striding towards Liu Chenbai.

His right hand suddenly moved towards Liu Chenbai Huidong, a terrifying hot flame rushed towards Liu Chenbai from a distance, this time Li Gankui had learned his lesson, so he stopped confronting Liu Chenbai head-on with absolute qi, and switched to martial arts Turn into flames and attack from the side.

This fiery flame went straight to Liu Chenbai, and the soldiers divided into two groups, attacking at Liu Chenbai's left and right directions respectively. The space they passed seemed to be ignited, making a squeaky sound, which shows that this martial skill The power is not weak!

"Keep your hands?" Liu Chenbai smiled coldly, with a mocking look in his eyes, watching the flames on the left and right attacking, Liu Chenbai swung his sword without any hesitation. Above the space, a sword energy instantly turned the two flames emitted by Li Gankui into nothingness.

As soon as he made a move, Liu Chenbai showed his super strength again. The two seemingly extremely powerful flames were easily wiped out by Liu Chenbai.


Li Gankui couldn't help but gasp in pain, the two flames just now basically used his original strength to swing out, but he didn't expect to be shattered so easily by Liu Chenbai, and they were completely shaken into nothingness. As a result, his original strength was backlashed, that is, his dantian was injured, so Li Qiankui's dantian was as painful as a knife.

But what frightened him even more was how the flame power condensed by his two original qi was so easily shattered by Liu Chenbai. Is this something that humans can do?
In fact, what he didn't know was that Liu Chenbai's sword qi has always been strong and capable of breaking through ten sessions. Liu Chenbai's sword qi never needed any martial arts to be condensed, but the power it exerted, But it is several times stronger than ordinary martial arts, this is Liu Chenbai's strength.

No martial arts, better than martial arts!Breaking through ten sessions with one force, sword cultivators naturally have their own way of sword cultivating, the sword is the king of all soldiers, attacking with powerful and sharp sword energy is the best choice!
Li Gankui was already a little afraid of Liu Chenbai at this moment. He was directly suppressed by Liu Chenbai's swordsmanship when he fought with each other before. Afterwards, he forcibly found an excuse for himself to keep his hand. In fact, he did not attack with all his strength. So he urged the original fire to fight again, but he was easily killed by Liu Chenbai with a single sword!
Don't underestimate the original fire, although Liu Chenbai's slaying the original fire seems easier than when he knocked him back with a sword, but in fact, the destructive power of the original fire is far greater than his just now. Martial skills, that is to say, even though he used all his strength, he was still easily broken by Liu Chenbai's more powerful attack.
After these two moves, it can be clearly seen that Liu Chenbai's strength is definitely far above Li Gankui, and what is even more shocking is that Liu Chenbai's swordsmanship is really a bit abnormal, and he doesn't use martial arts at all. It's just that he has a super understanding of the way of the sword, and he can easily defeat the enemy with a single thrust of the sword. This kind of talent in the way of the sword, his cultivation in the way of the sword, and his comprehension of the way of the sword all make Li Gankui feel a little powerless.

And what makes Li Gankui feel a little scared is that Liu Chenbai's ruthlessness!Liu Chenbai must have recognized his original fire just now, but he still stabbed out with a sword without reservation, completely shaking his original fire into nothingness, causing his dantian to be injured, and it is difficult to recover. You know, warriors The dantian is also a terrible thing. Most people will never hurt someone's dantian easily, because it is too extreme and too ruthless.

But when Liu Chenbai swung that sword, he didn't hesitate, he was sharp and decisive, and he could even tell that Liu Chenbai never knew what it means to be lenient when dealing with the enemy. Li Gankui didn't doubt it at all. If he can't beat Liu Chenbai in the next battle, will Liu Chenbai kill him without hesitation?

Will do!

Most definitely!
for what?Because Liu Chenbai didn't even hesitate to destroy his original fire just now, which means that he is not afraid of offending him to death, or Liu Chenbai is not afraid of offending Qianshanzong to death at all.

But when you think about it, it is true. Liu Chenbai is a warrior of the Langya Guard, and he is also one of the top young warriors of the Langya Guard in Jiangnan Road. His master is also enshrined in the royal seismograph. Lan is either a member of the royal family or has a monstrous background, neither of which is stronger than his Qianshan sect.

Therefore, other fighters may think that his Qianshanzong's face is worth killing, but Liu Chenbai will never care whether Qianshanzong is not Qianshanzong. In Liu Chenbai's eyes, there are only opponents. If you can't stop my sword , that is death!Even if you die, you are incompetent. Even if you die, the people behind you will not dare to trouble me!
This Liu Chenbai is simply a lunatic!But the frightening thing is that this lunatic has a monstrous background, and Li Gankui can't afford to mess with him!
"Cough, cough, cough..." Li Gankui coughed twice, a trace of blood dripped from the corner of his mouth, thinking about the thought just now, and Liu Chenbai's gleaming golden sword that was about to be swung, he couldn't help but bitterly said, "I surrender!"


As soon as Li Gankui said this, the audience was in an uproar, because in the eyes of all the spectators, Liu Chenbai and Li Gankui had just exchanged two moves. Chenbai Ha Li Gankui was wounded and vomited blood, but Li Gankui was in a state of embarrassment, but he was obviously capable of fighting, so why did he just admit defeat?
Not only the people present, but also the disciples of the Qianshan Sect were puzzled. Although they were a little concerned about the fact that their senior brother could not defeat Liu Chenbai, they all felt that Li Gankui still had the strength to fight, even if he could not defeat him, he would still be able to fight. It wouldn't be too ugly to lose, but I didn't expect Li Gankui to admit defeat like this!Isn't this funny? !
Among the people present, only Chen Daoxuan understood what was going on. Liu Chenbai's two sword qi just now, although one was stronger than the other, obviously did not use his full strength, even half of his strength was useless. However, Li Gankui had already used all his strength, but in the end he was easily crushed by Liu Chenbai, so it would be meaningless for such a fight to continue.

Liu Chenbai's strength obviously surpassed Li Gankui's too much, not even at the same level, and because of Liu Chenbai's background, he didn't have to be afraid of the Qianshan sect behind Li Gankui at all. I'm afraid that if I don't die, I will be seriously injured.

Moreover, Chen Daoxuan could see just now that the flame technique Li Gankui used was actually his original fire, but it was easily cut off by Liu Chenbai, which had already hurt his dantian and shaken his foundation. If he quickly recovers by taking the elixir, he is afraid that the sequelae will be huge. Anyway, he will not be able to fight now. It is better to admit defeat and save himself, so Chen Daoxuan thinks that Li Gankui made the right decision.

(End of this chapter)

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