Supreme Destiny System

Chapter 183 Snatching the First Jade Medal

Chapter 183 Snatching the First Jade Medal
"Lu Xiaolou, hand over the second jade token!"

When three warriors at the late stage of Qingwu realm were besieging Lu Xiaolou, Zhao Fuhu of the Beast Heart Sect suddenly appeared, holding a giant hammer in his hand, and slammed towards Lu Xiaolou with violent true energy.


Lu Xiaolou flickered and dodged the powerful hammer. Zhao Fuhu's sledgehammer hit the ground, causing all warriors within a hundred meters to feel the ground tremble slightly, which shows how powerful it is.

"Zhao Fuhu, why don't you look for the first jade card, why come here to cause trouble?" Lu Xiaolou's eyes were gloomy at the moment. Although he is also a martial artist at the peak of the Qingwu realm, he is not very good at fighting. He is only known for his speed, so It's okay for him to deal with three warriors in the late stage of Qingwu realm, but with one more Zhao Fuhu who is also at the peak of Qingwu realm, he can't do what he wants.

Zhao Fuhu raised his sledgehammer and shouted: "The first jade card? I know it well. It's not so good. It's better to take the second jade card. Now you give up the second jade card and get out!"

Lu Xiaolou laughed back angrily: "If you tell me to get the hell out of here? How old are you? I don't believe it. I, Lu Xiaolou, can't even keep the second jade token!"

After all, Lu Xiaolou's figure flashed, like a vigorous fox in the snow, scurrying around at an extremely fast speed, and Zhao Fuhu majored in strength, and he was the fastest among the four Qingwu realm peaks in terms of speed. The weak one, so Lu Xiaolou rushed out of the battle circle for a while.

"Stop him!"

Zhao Fuhu's speed is not enough, but the speed of the three late Qingwu realm is not weak, coupled with the large number of people, they surrounded Lu Xiaolou in a circle and a half for a while. Although the three are not brothers from the same school, they At this moment, the cooperation was particularly tacit. They all slammed at Lu Xiaolou with one palm. Lu Xiaolou's flying kick knocked back the three of them, but the force of the countershock also made Lu Xiaolou stop.

Seeing that Lu Xiaolou stopped, Zhao Fuhu seized the opportunity and slammed over with a sledgehammer. With extremely violent qi, he directly locked onto Lu Xiaolou's figure and rushed over.

This Zhao Fuhu is a martial artist known for his strength. He was also born with a big shoulder and a round waist. In addition, his true energy is extremely strong. In terms of head-to-head confrontation, he is a peak martial artist in the Qingwu realm. No one is his opponent. At this moment, Lu Xiaolou has no way to retreat. , was locked by Zhao Fuhu's breath, I'm afraid it was dangerous.

"Earth Shaker!"

Zhao Fuhu let out a low shout, but it was a bit deafening. At this moment, the violent true energy that Zhao Fuhu erupted was like a wild beast. When a sledgehammer came down, it was also extremely powerful. Urge all the true energy, and attack suddenly!


The sound of genuine energy explosion suddenly came, and Lu Xiaolou's figure shot backwards like an archery, and he retreated hundreds of meters before stopping. Zhao Fuhu didn't retreat a step, but the counter-shock force in his hand made him feel a little nervous. It was numb, and the whole foot sank into the soil due to the strong infuriating energy.

No matter what happens, Lu Xiaolou is still a martial artist at the peak of Qingwu Realm like Zhao Fuhu, and a full blow at this moment cannot be ignored. At least Zhao Fuhu's impact is not small. On the other hand, Lu Xiaolou barely stabilized after retreating hundreds of steps. Staying in shape, feeling some turbulent zhenqi in his body, his hands were shocked enough, and there were many people staring at him, so he gritted his teeth and took out the second jade tablet in his bosom, fiercely Throw it to the sky.

"You go and grab it, the uncle will not accompany you!"

After Lu Xiaolou threw out the second jade token, he abruptly withdrew from the entire battle circle, but he did not leave. Instead, he kept urging his true energy to bombard the remaining stones, trying to find the first jade token among them.

After the second jade card was thrown out by him, Zhao Fuhu and the others ignored him, and they all went for the second jade card. For a while, they had just dealt with Lu Xiaolou's three late Qingwu stage with Zhao Fuhu. The warriors all went towards Zhao Fuhu and fought with him!
"Soul lock chain!"

Lu Xiaolou let out a low cry, and then countless jet-black chains of true qi flew out of his sleeves. Before the chains came out, they smashed the stones into pieces. In a short while, almost all the stones exploded. Almost all the jade tablets flew out, until the last stone exploded, and there was no complete tree in the entire forest, and as soon as the golden jade tablet flew out, it was engraved with the words 'one '.

"It's the number one jade token!"

Just as Lu Xiaolou played out the first jade card, someone in the chaotic battle circle saw this scene, and shouted fiercely, which shocked everyone.


Lu Xiaolou did not hesitate, his purpose was to get the first jade token and run away, he also knew that it was inevitable to be hostile by so many people, these jade tokens were obviously hidden in the stone, and the presence of None of the people here is blind and deaf. As long as he plays the first jade card, he will be found out.

This is also the reason why he chose to smash the stones to find the jade token after he ran out of the battle circle. When he was out of the battle circle and no one was in his way, no one could catch up to his speed.

"Lu Xiaolou wants to grab the first jade medal, stop him quickly!"

Seeing the birth of the first jade tablet, the eyes of countless warriors present were red, and they all rushed towards Lu Xiaolou. Even Zhang Jianyun and Kong Jing, who were fighting fiercely in the sky, stopped fighting instantly, turned around and rushed towards Lu Xiaolou. Lu Xiaolou went.

They all know that Lu Xiaolou's speed is the fastest. If you don't hurry to stop him, I'm afraid this guy will really take away the first jade card. No matter what others say, he is just a peak Qingwu realm. Among the warriors in the real martial arts realm, whether it is Kong Jing, Zhang Jianyun or Zhao Fuhu, they all feel that they are stronger than Lu Xiaolou. If Lu Xiaolou snatches the first jade medal, they will probably go crazy.

"Where to escape?!"

Several martial artists in the middle stage of Qingwu Realm who were relatively close to Lu Xiaolou rushed forward with red eyes, and their true energy kept gushing out of their hands. They were obviously doing their best to stop Lu Xiaolou.

A trace of murderous intent flashed across Lu Xiaolou's eyes. He held the first jade tablet in his hand, and the other hand continued to condense the true energy. The white true energy condensed on Lu Xiaolou's palm, and then it turned into a silver streak. Giant claws!

"Snowy Claw!"

The giant claws on Lu Xiaolou's palm continued to condense his true energy, and immediately became extremely cold. With extremely sharp true energy, he fiercely attacked these middle-stage Qingwu realm warriors.


The attacks of several people were instantly disintegrated by Lu Xiaolou's Yingxue Claw, and the silver-white giant claw directly penetrated their entire body, causing them to spurt blood from their mouths, and it is estimated that they would not survive.

With a successful blow, no one can stop Lu Xiaolou anymore. He flashed his figure and flew straight ahead, pulling away the chasing warriors almost instantly.

Just when Lu Xiaolou was about to show a successful smile, a very strong golden giant fist hit him in front of him. This golden giant fist gave him a strong sense of threat.

"Overbearing Fist!"

(End of this chapter)

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