Supreme Destiny System

Chapter 184 Xia Li Arrives

Chapter 184 Xia Li Arrives
"Overbearing Fist!"

A low voice that was familiar to countless people came, and a giant golden fist came in front of Lu Xiaolou almost instantly. The terrifying momentum directly made Lu Xiaolou's hairs stand on end, and he hurriedly mobilized all his strength to fight.


The sound of the explosion of true energy came, and Lu Xiaolou was directly knocked back tens of feet by the force of the counter-shock, and fell within less than a hundred meters in front of the chasing warriors. Shocked by Xia Li's terrifying attack, a jade tablet flew into the sky, attracting a group of people to fight for it again.

"Want to run away after taking the first jade card? You have to ask us if we agree."

There was a burst of laughter filled with genuine anger, and two figures flew towards them not far away, they were Xia Li and Liu Chenbai.

Seeing Xia Li and Liu Chenbai, Yan Hongfei, who was fighting against seven with one enemy, was immediately refreshed, and then the zhenqi in his hands exploded, and they were divided into eight zhenqi handprints.

"Level [-] Kaishan Seal!"

The eight handprints directly bombarded the seven people, knocking them back a few steps. Yan Hongfei used this to escape from the battle circle and flew to Xia Li and the others.

Seeing that Yan Hongfei was fine, Xia Li also smiled and said: "It seems that I did not misestimate Brother Yan's strength. Within the same level, one against seven is still not behind. It's amazing."

Yan Hongfei also laughed and said: "Don't laugh at me, that is, these four guys didn't make a move, otherwise I would have to kneel."

To be honest, Xia Li's punch just now directly knocked Lu Xiaolou back tens of feet. This kind of terrifying power also made Yan Hongfei a little shocked. He thought that Xia Li could not be much stronger than him Even if he is powerful, it doesn't make sense to be able to beat this is a martial artist at the peak of the Qingwu realm, but he never thought that Xia Li would beat Lu Xiaolou back in a face-to-face meeting. Although Lu Xiaolou was in a hurry to escape, Xia Li's strength It was also a bit shocking.

Not only Yan Hongfei, but also the martial artists who were watching the battle in Feiyun Mansion at this moment were all horrified. They also knew that Xia Li was powerful, and some people guessed that Xia Li had the ability and these four Qingwu Realm peaks, half-step true martial arts The warriors in the realm will decide the winner, but no one thought that Xia Li would repel Lu Xiaolou in a single face-to-face. This is a bit food for thought. What is the situation? stronger?

"Oh my god, what did I see? Xia Li punched Lu Xiaolou back dozens of feet, but he didn't take half a step back?"

"Before, I thought that Xia Li would be equal to these four at best, but now it seems that the slap in the face hurts a lot. Could it be that Xia Li has the ability to defeat the peak martial artist of Qingwu Realm?"

"Nonsense, obviously Lu Xiaolou was repelled by Xia Li just now because he didn't notice the attack in front of him."

"Fart! Does this have anything to do with paying attention? Can you repel a peak Qingwu realm warrior in the middle of Qingwu realm without paying attention?"

"That's right, this in itself is an absolute gap. A martial artist at the peak of the Qingwu Realm, let alone not paying attention, can easily defeat several mid-stage Qingwu Realm warriors even while drinking tea. Lou's middle-stage Green Martial Artist was instantly killed by him!"

"There's no need to flatter Xia Li too much. Lu Xiaolou is not good at fighting, and Xia Li's domineering punches are powerful. It's normal to be knocked back accidentally. You can also quarrel about this."

"But no matter what, I'm excited to see it now. Now that Xia Li, Liu Chenbai have arrived, everyone is complete, and now all the jade cards have come out. It is estimated that a big battle will start soon!"

"That's right, no matter if it's Xia Li who is strong or those four who are at the peak of Qingwu Realm, the ending will be known soon, Xia Li and others will definitely have a fight with this warrior at the peak of Qingwu Realm , Who wins and who loses is still unknown.”

"I don't know if Zhang Jianyun will go crazy. Li Jiankong was killed by Xia Li. What other disciples of Tianjian Villa, their boss Su Chen also died under Xia Li's hands. It is estimated that Xia Li will deal with the first A martial artist at the peak of Qingwu Realm is Zhang Jianyun, right?"

"If you say that, then I'm looking forward to it. Zhang Jianyun is also an expert in swordsmanship since he was a child, and in this respect, Xia Li and Liu Chenbai are both abnormal. No matter who they fight, We can all watch the fun."

"Hahaha, I have seen so many big news this time, after the election fight in Feiyun Mansion is over, I will still be famous in the world?"

"Let's fight quickly. I want to see how strong Xia Li is. Don't let us down. Xia Li must defeat those four warriors at the peak of Qingwu Realm!"

The happiest thing now is the onlookers and the Jianghu wind matchmaker. For the casual warriors, this kind of scene is simply a situation that makes people's blood surge from top to bottom. After a chaotic battle, the fight is absolute strength , and Jianghu wind media are also very happy, this kind of battle is definitely big news, they have witnessed the battle here from beginning to end, and after the election battle in Feiyun Mansion is over, they can go to the Jianghu to brag about it , You can also receive a lot of silver taels as the cost of news dissemination, think about it, you can make a fortune.

But different from these people, the disciples of Xiaoyao Sect and Tianjian Villa all wailed.

"Eldest brother, that bastard Xia Li killed Senior Brother Li, you must avenge Senior Brother Li!"

"Senior brother Su is dead, brothers, go and besiege that bastard Xia Li, the people in my Tianjian Villa can be killed and cannot be humiliated."

"Eldest brother, kill Xia Li!"

"Kill Xia Li!"

The difference from casual cultivators and Jianghu wind media is that the warriors of Xiaoyao Sect and Tianjian Villa are all depressed at the moment, and there are even many people who continue to cry. Whether it is Xiaoyao Sect or Tianjian Villa, they are all very important disciples Being killed by Xia Li, especially Tianjian Villa, their big brother Su Chen, who is also the future successor of Tianjian Villa, was killed by Xia Li, this is simply a hatred, and it has not yet been repaid !
Anyway, whether it is those who are optimistic about Xia Li, or those who are clamoring to kill Xia Li, or who is waiting to see the excitement, they are all debating loudly at the moment, no matter whether it is the people from Feiyun Mansion or those from the world At this moment, they all became onlookers, shouting and howling, and even Chen Daoxuan was staring closely at the scene on the sky-peeping mirror.

Chen Daoxuan also wanted to know, who is better than these warriors who are at the peak of Qingwu Realm and half-step True Martial Realm? Of course, it is different from others. Others care about Xia Li's strength, but only Chen Daoxuan What he cares about is how strong Xia Li's swordsmanship is. Chen Daoxuan is also coveting that seemingly miraculous swordsmanship at the moment.

(End of this chapter)

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