The storyteller who walks the rivers and lakes

Chapter 54 The Beginning of Chaos

Chapter 54 The Beginning of Chaos

After leaving Zuixian Tower and saying goodbye to his two daughters, Lu Fei was still a little speechless as he walked on the street, feeling that these martial artists actually had big brains.

He actually associates Guo Jing with the No. 5 master Tie Zhan on the local list.

To be honest, Lu Fei really doesn't know much about Iron War, and what he knows is limited to the introduction of the top three rankings.

The people who appeared on the top three lists of Jianghu are all top figures in the entire land of China, regardless of nationality.Among them, the Twelve in the Tianbang, also known as the Twelve Supremes, are all powerful figures with the ability to reach the heavens and the earth.

The current Twelve Supremes have not changed for more than 50 years. Even if some people have not appeared in the arena for decades, their status is still unshakable.

As for the 72 place list, most of the people who appear on the top are those in power among the top forces, who can be regarded as people who really control the world of China. Those who can appear on the top are at least masters of the fusion of gods.

Tie Zhan can be ranked fifth. It can be seen that in today's arena, except for those Twelve Supremes who can't see their heads and tails, he is one of the top few.

Yinfeng Pavilion, one of the eight factions in charge of ranking the land rankings, gave him a comment: Iron Fist is unparalleled, Iron God of War, with one hand covering the sky and overwhelming all races!

Just because he stands alone in the northeast of the Great Qin Dynasty, those alien races who covet the prosperous land of the two counties outside the pass dare not go one step further!
While thinking about these things, Lu Fei wandered to a simple teahouse.

After walking in, led by a plainly dressed tea seller, she came to a wooden table, sat down, ordered a pot of tea, and drank it slowly.

Not long after, another obscene middle-aged man with long sharp-mouthed monkey cheeks and a pair of small eyes wandering around walked in at the door.

After looking at the whole tea shop, seeing Lu Fei sitting in the corner, his eyes lit up immediately, and then hurried over.

"See you son!"

Lu Fei nodded lightly, asked the tea shop girl to take a cup, and then asked softly, "How is it? Did you find anything?"

This time Lu Fei returned to Guangning City from Montenegro, the main purpose was for the news that Liu Tong told him back then.

Although Lu Fei can't tell others about this matter now, this does not prevent him from investigating the whole story of this matter.

Moreover, Lu Fei was also very curious about why the four bandits were staring at the Fang family.

If it's really because the Fang family has something worth coveting by those people, then Lu Fei doesn't mind being an oriole in secret...

Well, money is touching.

No matter how good the relationship between the Fang family and the Lu family is, no matter how good his second mother Fang Luoyun is to him, but when encountering such a thing, to be honest, Lu Fei will think of his own interests first.

Although the old scorpion is not from Guangning Mansion, he is very good at inquiring about news.

After all, as a treasure hunter before, if you didn't even have this ability, let alone investigate some ancient tomb remains.

"Young master, I have found a lot of local Qingpis to learn about the news in the past two days. There is nothing special about the Fang family's news, and I haven't heard any rumors about the Fang family's recent acquisition of treasures. But I have inquired about it. In the past few days, a group of mysterious people have also been inquiring about Fang's family, but the specific reason is unknown."

Lu Fei slightly paused the hand holding the teacup, frowned and said, "Is the news from those Qingpi mouths credible?"

The so-called green skins are some idle rogues and hooligans in the city. These people have nothing to do every day and are always wandering in the streets, but they also know a lot of secrets in the city.

Guangning City is divided into four areas, of which the Lu family is in the east, the Fang family is in the south, and the Zheng family is in the north.As for the last Xicheng District, it is a mixed land, and it is also a place where many poor or homeless people live.

The former old scorpion made a special trip to the west city and spent dozens of taels of silver to inquire about all the things he wanted to know.

Of course, this kind of thing seems simple, but it is not easy to do.

Even if you want to sell news, sometimes you can't find a way.Or they were cheated of money directly by those people.

Those are some people who don't know how to live tomorrow after today, so they are also people who can do anything!

Hearing Lu Fei's skeptical words, the old scorpion patted his chest and said, "Don't worry, my lord. I'm very familiar with those guys. I can tell at a glance whether they're telling the truth or not!"

He gave the bragging old scorpion a contemptuous look, then Lu Fei thought for a while, and said: "In this case, then you should find a way to find out the details of that group of mysterious people, it is best to be able to find out their location .As for the Fang family, don’t pay too much attention to it for the time being. And remember not to scare the snake away.”

"Hey, young master, just take a look, my old scorpion will never make mistakes!"

Ignoring the old scorpion's bragging, he waved him away directly.

Although Lu Fei has many people in his hands now, the only one who can really do these things is the old scorpion, so this time he deliberately brought the old scorpion out of the mining area.

In the following time, the old scorpion also showed his ability as a treasure digger for decades, and he was able to bring some latest news to Lu Fei from time to time.

Although the identity of the mysterious person who was eyeing the Fang family has not been clarified yet, the old scorpion has almost figured out the hiding place of the other party.

During this period of time, the old scorpion mixed himself among the local green skins, and became one of them, so he had seen the true colors of some of them.

According to the old scorpion, everyone in this group is very strong, and there is even a martial artist who does not feel like a martial artist in the meridian state...

"Are you sure the other party has a martial artist in the innate realm?" Lu Fei asked solemnly.

The old scorpion also had a serious face, and assured him: "It must be true! Although the other party deliberately concealed his cultivation, but I, the old scorpion, have also been in the world for decades, and I have seen many powerful warriors. So I still have some confidence in my eyes.”

Nodding silently, Lu Fei chose to believe.

After all, it would probably be unrealistic for those who dared to fight the Fang family's attention if they didn't have innate masters.

However, this is Guangning City. Not only are the three major families sitting in the city, but there is also a congenital chief arrester of the state government from the God Catchment Sect, so the other party will never dare to do it openly. In this case, it will be given to Lu Fei. a chance……

(End of this chapter)

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