The storyteller who walks the rivers and lakes

Chapter 55 The Beginning of Chaos

Chapter 55 The Beginning of Chaos ([-])
It is said that when the snipe and the clam fight, the fisherman benefits.But it is not an easy task to become a fisherman without being pecked by cranes or pinched by mussels.

Lu Fei is in such a mood these days.

Because he didn't dare to make too much noise, Lu Fei could only use a few people he brought out from the mine if he wanted to inquire about the news.

However, most of them are not familiar with Guangning City, and only Old Scorpion can help out with his experience in the world and his long-term experience in low-level martial arts.

Sure enough, it only took three days for the good news to come from the old scorpion again.

After three days of secret investigation, he finally found the whereabouts of the group of mysterious people, and also learned a crucial secret.

"My lord, those people have been hiding in an abandoned manor in Taipingfang, Xicheng. In the past few days, the innate master who showed up before went out a few times and seemed to meet someone. No one ever came out of that yard."

Lu Fei said softly with a gloomy face: "Taipingfang..."

He knew this place, but it was one of the few prosperous markets in Xicheng.The people who live there are wealthy businessmen with considerable financial resources, but they are not from Jianghu, so they can only settle in Xicheng, and finally a bustling and prosperous market is formed.

The old scorpion nodded solemnly, and said, "Yes, it's Taipingfang!"

"Moreover, I accidentally discovered a servant in his 60s who used to work in the abandoned manor, and learned from him that in that manor, the former owner built a building in the manor in order to prevent war. A tunnel directly outside the city!"

Lu Fei's eyes widened suddenly, and he looked at the old scorpion with burning eyes, and said in a deep voice, "Are you sure what he said is true?!"

"It's absolutely true! I even went outside the city to check it out. The tunnel's exit is in a deserted forest at the foot of the mountain in the west of the city. But I suspect that someone is watching secretly there, so I didn't get too close."

"it is good!"

A hint of excitement flashed in Lu Fei's eyes.

"It seems that those people have also known about this tunnel for a long time, and they must be planning to leave the city through this tunnel!"

Since the other party wanted to attract the Fang family's attention, it was definitely not possible to do it during the day.

But at night, the entire Guangning City will impose a curfew, and the gates of each city will be guarded by government soldiers. If they want to leave the city, they will have to force their way in.

Even if they were able to go out at that time, their whereabouts would definitely be exposed, and they might be chased by people from Guangning Mansion.

Let's not mention the Zheng family and the Shenchamen. If they find out what happened to the Fang family, then the Lu family, as in-laws, will definitely not stand by and watch.

In this case, the risk of their hands is too great.

"Don't worry about the exit of the tunnel now, so as not to startle the snake. Now you have someone to watch those people's whereabouts for me. As soon as they make a move, notify me as soon as possible!"


In Yan County in November, it was already deep winter and bitterly cold.

However, this winter seems to have very little snowfall, and the whole air is filled with a dry and cold atmosphere, which makes many people feel colder than in previous years.

Lu Fei still got up early this morning. Although the weather was cold, he had already entered the Meridian Realm and washed his face with icy cold water first, letting the extreme cold stimulate his drowsy mind , become more spiritual.

The thick cloud in the sky is very low, making people feel a little dull in their hearts.

There was no sound, not even a breath of wind.

"Hehe, it looks like it's going to snow heavily today..."

Shaking his head and chuckling, Lu Fei began to practice the hitting martial arts he had mastered in his yard.

Just when Lu Fei thought that today would still pass smoothly, the old scorpion rushed back from the outside in the evening.

"My lord, those people are ready to attack!"

As soon as he entered the door, the old scorpion lowered his voice and said to Lu Fei.

Lu Fei paused, then a gleam flashed in his eyes, and finally a gleam of joy appeared on his face.

"Has it finally started? I'm getting impatient for waiting!"

This time, he returned to Lu's house from the mining area on the basis of the good news that he had broken through the Meridian Realm. Now he has been there for almost ten days. If the other party doesn't do something again, he will be driven back by Lu Hai.

"Has anyone been watching?"

The old scorpion chuckled, and said: "Young master, don't worry, I have already sent someone to watch them, as long as they move, our people will immediately report to me with a hawk!"

"Okay, make preparations right away, let the rest of the people gather at the city gate, and then sneak out of the city, don't disturb too many people!"


Looking at the old scorpion who left, Lu Fei took a deep breath, his eyes flickered, and he said in a low voice: "It seems that I should go out secretly..."


Not to mention that Lu Fei is sitting here preparing to become a fisherman in the end, in a dilapidated manor in Taipingfang.

There are a few lights flickering among the mottled walls and dense pine trees, giving people a sense of silent fear in the deep night.

At this time, in a relatively well-preserved large room, more than a dozen masked men dressed in black and armed with sharp weapons were gathering together.

"Lao Liu, how is the person you contacted? Are you sure you can do it today?" A tall and thin masked man looked at the other side and asked.

"Brother, don't worry, everything has been prepared. That person has also made preparations. Today happens to be the time when the Fang family gathers once a month, and all the direct descendants of the Fang family will be there. Just in time for us to come Catch them all!"

"Well, everyone is ready for me. This time our operation can only succeed and not fail, otherwise, none of us will be able to go back!"


The tidy and deliberately lowered voice made the tall and thin boss nod his head slightly, and then everyone took advantage of the darkness to quietly leave the deserted garden.

It's just that they didn't know that when they disappeared one by one in the dark street, in a small yard not far from them, a gray-brown hawk shot into the dark sky like a sharp arrow, Then head west.

In contrast, at this time, an extremely lively banquet was going on in a hall in the inner courtyard of the Fang family.The participants were all from the direct line of the Fang family.

The Fang family didn't rise for a long time, and there were only three members of Fang Hong's father and brother at the beginning, so there were no collateral children in their family, because there were only less than forty people in the Fang family!
This kind of banquet is also a tradition of the Fang family, and the purpose is to draw closer the relationship between the family.

What they don't know is that there is a dark crisis attacking all of them at this moment!

(End of this chapter)

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