Emperor Martial System

Chapter 178 Suppressing Real Martial Realm Masters

Chapter 178 Suppressing Real Martial Realm Masters
Zhuge Shensuan's figure moved, and his body was continuously dislocated, but Zhan Wushuang acted like a prison, firmly controlling the direction of Zhuge Shensuan, so that Zhuge Shensuan had no chance to escape, and even trapped Zhuge Shensuan to death ideas in it.

Zhan Wushuang clenched his giant hands tightly, and his huge claws slowly formed seals, as if he wanted to grab God Zhuge's lungs.

With both hands forming seals, Zhuge Shensuan's body is full of golden dao light, and a golden Sanqing Taoist priest appears behind Zhuge Shensuan. The Sanqing Taoist priest looks like a real person, supporting a world for Zhuge Shensuan.

Nine-character mantra!

The light of subduing demons shines between the heaven and the earth, and Zhuge Shensuan finally breaks free from the giant hand of the demonic energy, but this scene makes everyone present feel extremely awkward.

The relationship between realm and combat power is not absolute, just like the current Zhuge Shenshu, he no longer pays attention to people in the innate realm, even in the face of Zhan Wushuang, who is at the real martial realm, he dares to take the initiative to counterattack other side.

Zhuge Shensuan directly cast the cloud-dispelling palm, and the incomparably fierce colorless Ding Mahamudra fell down, and the offensive and defensive momentum was reversed in an instant.

Zhan Wushuang let out a furious roar, and the powerful Gang Qi all over his body erupted, attracting the power of heaven and earth. While dancing his hands, there was a balance between Yin and Yang.

The boundless storm swept Zhan Wushuang himself into it, and even Zhuge Shensuan was involved in the storm, so he had to use the Wu Se Ding Mahamudra to resist the power of the storm.

Zhan Wushuang's inheritance of martial arts is actually not that powerful. His martial arts are very complicated. After reaching the realm of real martial arts, he added these martial arts to his own understanding of martial arts, and finally condensed them into this invincible move.

This type of martial art, or a type of martial arts is actually not very eye-catching at a low level, but at this time in the hands of Zhan Wushuang, this type of martial art has almost brought into full play the power of the true alchemy state borrowed from the power of heaven and earth.

Using one point of strength to stir up three points of the universe, so taking advantage of the situation, is actually in line with Zhan Wushuang's own style.

Zhuge Shensuan clenched his hands tightly, the storm exploded, and the sky was full of Gang Qi flying in all directions.

Zhan Wushuang stood where he was, his face turned slightly pale.

He can't control this level of power for too long.

But just when he was about to see if Zhuge Shensuan was dead or not, the brilliance of the Taoist sect and the brilliance of the demon sect bloomed from the scattered qi at the same time.

Zhuge Shensuan's figure is like a demon god, he burst out from the storm of qi, and with his fingers, he crushed Zhan Wushuang with incomparable power!
Zhuge Shensuan is not so easy to die, purely in terms of defense, because Zhuge Shensuan has practiced Shan Haijing, he is also stronger than most of the real martial arts realm.

Zhan Wushuang greeted him with both palms, the left palm was the surging Gang Qi, and the right palm was the surging Devil Qi.

The two forces are entangled and intertwined, and the power is multiplied several times.

The sound of explosion erupted from between Zhan Wushuang and Zhuge Shensuan, with the two at the center, the ground under their feet was shattered, stretching for tens of feet.

Zhan Wushuang's complexion turned pale, but Zhuge Shensuan's complexion was even paler.

The explosive power of Zhuge Shensuan is indeed astonishing, but before forcibly resisting Zhan Wushuang's blow, and now using Mie Shen Finger, which consumes a lot of martial arts, even Zhuge Shensuan can't stand it.

After all, Zhuge Shensuan is not currently a strong man in the realm of real martial arts. Although his internal force is more than that of ordinary innate strong men, his internal force is limited in history.
But even if it is too much, Zhuge Shensuan must use the fastest speed to solve Zhan Wushuang, even if he pays a certain price, he will not hesitate, otherwise his battle will be meaningless.

After all, even if most of the people in the Yinshen Palace were eliminated, and Shangguan Xiong was dug out, but the two bigger bosses were let go, Zhuge Shensuan would at most make up for one merit and demerit.

If these two big bosses are removed again, Zhuge's divine fortune-telling function will definitely allow him to ascend to the sky in one step, and he may even be promoted directly to the command envoy.

The blow was fruitless, Zhuge Shensuan circulated the Shan Hai Jing and performed the three-talent swordsmanship again. Wherever he passed, it was as if all things were revived, and it was as if all things were still.

This is the power of Shan Hai Jing, between mountains and seas, between a cry and a glory, between a flower and a lifetime!
Zhan Wushuang was startled by that deadly power. While resisting with his hands, he retreated sharply, but he was still passed by the three swords full of death, and one of them even hit him. In the hands of Zhan Wushuang.

Zhan Wushuang's left foot was directly entangled with endless death energy, and Zhan Wushuang's face became very gloomy.

Zhan Wushuang's complexion changed suddenly, and with a flick of his arm, he forcefully forced out a large stream of blood and a stream of black death in an instant, but his arm was about to be crippled temporarily.

At this moment, Zhuge Shensuan used Yuanshen as the bow, condensed the arrow with mental power, and used the nine-character mantra as the container, and shot an arrow directly at Zhan Wushuang.No matter how Zhan Wushuang dodges, the arrows of mental power will follow him.

Seeing that there was no way to hide, Zhan Wushuang let out a furious roar, and the power of Qi and blood in his body exploded. He wanted to resist the arrow, but he was pierced by the arrow and let out a painful roar.

Zhuge Shensuan's figure pressed directly on him. Although his face was also pale due to excessive consumption, he still took the sword in his hand and slashed down. After a few moves, Zhan Wushuang was already in danger!
Zhuge Shensuan's battle with Zhan Wushuang would have such a result, but none of the people present thought that, even Zhan Wushuang himself would be like this.

Seeing that Zhan Wushuang was in crisis, and was almost beheaded by Zhuge Shensuan with a few sword strikes, the entire Yinshen Palace fell into pessimism.

As long as Zhan Wushuang dies, all of them will surely die. If Zhan Wushuang lives, they still have a chance to escape.

When Jin Yiwei and the people from the Six Doors saw this situation, they were very happy, and they became more motivated, and they all went all out to kill the people from the Yin Temple.

Even Tie Xiuluo of Six Doors had to admit that Zhuge Shensuan was better than him, how old Zhuge Shensuan was, and how old he was.

Thinking of this, Tie Xiuluo has the idea that the back waves of the Yangtze River will push the front waves, and the front waves will die on the beach.

Seeing this situation, Yuan Shisan became even more anxious. He really wanted to free up his hands to help Zhan Wushuang, but unfortunately, two fists were no match for four hands. Now he himself was in danger, let alone helping Zhan Wushuang.

Yuan Shisan even had the urge to escape, but he still resisted and did not escape. One is that the situation on the battlefield has not yet reached the worst time, and the other is that if Yinshen Palace loses so much after he escapes, he will not escape. be punished accordingly.

A moment of relaxation......

When I was in school, I made a mistake and the teacher asked the boys to do [-] push-ups and the girls to do [-] squats. The speed must be fast.

(End of this chapter)

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