Emperor Martial System

Chapter 179 Destroying Zhenwu

Chapter 179 Destroying Zhenwu

As the saying goes, taking advantage of his illness to take his life, this is Zhuge Shensuan's usual style.Never leave a chance for the enemy!
Now that the decision has been made, Zhuge Shensuan will no longer keep it.Three kinds of powerful internal strength and mental methods are running at the same time, the nine-character mantra is spit out to suppress the soul of Zhan Wushuang, and the god-killing finger that destroys heaven and earth is pointed out again.

At this time, Zhuge Shensuan was like a gunpowder keg, and he would be completely detonated with just one touch.

Zhan Wushuang saw Zhuge Shensuan exuding a more powerful aura than before, and instantly lost the intention to continue fighting.

Just now Zhuge's divine fortune almost killed him, and now he must be unable to resist the more powerful attack, but the thought of running away flashed in his mind, and this thought disappeared in an instant.

No matter how fast a person's speed is, it will definitely not be as fast as the speed of Gang Qi, unless he has surpassed the realm of true martial arts and has become a land god-like powerhouse.

So if Zhan Wushuang chooses to run away, he will definitely be beheaded by Zhuge's divine fortune, and he has no choice but to bear the blow.

Zhan Wushuang landed on one foot, rolling his hands, his upper hand was like cloud, his lower hand was like rain.Zhan Wushuang, ready to use his bottom of the box, the attack of Zhuge's magic calculation.

Turning clouds and raining hands is a very exhausting exercise.Because the overturning the clouds and the rain is the martial arts that Zhan Wushuang obtained after entering the realm of true martial arts.

Since turning clouds and raining hands is a part of the operation of internal force, Zhan Wushuang can only rely on strong internal force for support.

If Zhan Wushuang is still at his peak at this time, he can indeed complete three overturning shots.But at this time, Zhan Wushuang is already at the end of his strength, even if he uses it once, it will be very strenuous for him.

Zhan Wushuang's Turning Clouds and Raining Hand collided with Zhuge Shensuan's Mie Shen Finger, instantly creating a three-foot-sized ball of light.

"Bang" the three-foot-large light cluster exploded, instantly producing a strong air current, which affected everyone who was fighting around.

"Lin, Bing, Dou, Zhan!" As soon as Zhuge's magician said the words, Zhan Wushuang fell to the ground in response.

He twitched twice, and died in an instant.

Turning Clouds and Raining Hands emptied all of Zhan Wushuang's internal strength, greatly reducing Zhan Wushuang's defense, and his mental defense was also greatly reduced.

The nine-character mantra of Zhuge Shensuan is the secret method of spiritual attack. Since Zhuge Shensuan has practiced many inner skills and mental methods, and the inner skills and mental methods he cultivated are very good, his mental power is stronger than that of ordinary real martial arts.

Zhuge Shensuan used his spiritual power to use the secret method of spiritual attack, and instantly wiped out Zhan Wushuang's soul, so Zhan Wushuang fell to the ground and died instantly.

At this time, more than 100 people in Yinshen Palace had already died, and more than 60 people had died. Only ten or eight escaped from the courtyard, but Jin Yiwei and the people from the six doors did not chase after them, because there was still a surrounding net outside. .

Even if they escaped the massacre, they would surely die if they encountered the outer encirclement net.

At this time, Yuan Shisan had been completely suppressed. After all, Nanshan County King and Eunuch Wen were two against one.

Moreover, Nanshan County King and Eunuch Wen are not strong men like Zhan Wushuang who have just bought into the real martial arts realm.

Yuan Shisan slapped him back, and Eunuch Wen, who was backed by the Prince of the Mountain, forcibly took the slap of Nanshan County King, and quickly escaped from the courtyard.

Nanshan County King and Eunuch Wen chased after him in an instant.

Before Yuan Shisan escaped thirty feet away from the courtyard, he was shot in the left shoulder by an arrow from veteran Huang Zhong who was hiding two hundred feet away.

Yuan Shisan, who was shot in the left shoulder, was forced to stand still, and the king of Nanshan County fought with Duke Wen again.

After more than a dozen moves, Yuan Shisan was shot by Huang Zhong who was hiding in the dark.

The siege of three real martial arts powerhouses put Yuan Shisan in an extremely precarious situation in an instant.

Two fists are hard to beat four hands, but there is still a chance of survival in the face of a head shot, but two fists face six hands, and there is another one whose strength is similar to his own, that is basically death.

The most important of these six moves are completely two for the main attack, and one for output like abc in the back.Even super gods will be ended by such an ending.

Sure enough, after more than a dozen moves, Yuan Shisan was shot in the head by an arrow from Huang Zhong's negligence, and he didn't even have a chance to self-destruct the golden elixir to continue his life.

After dealing with all the people from the Yinshen Palace, Zhuge Shensuan gave all the gold and silver hoarded by Shangguanxiong to the Nanshan County Prince's Mansion according to the previous distribution.

Eunuch Wen took a meaningful look at Zhuge Shensuan, and finally transported Shangguanxiong's gold and silver treasures back to the backer palace.

Zhuge Shensuan knew that Huang Zhong's secret move would definitely attract the attention of Eunuch Wen, but there was no way around it.

Zhuge Shensuan hadn't planned to let Huang Zhong make a move before, but asked him to guard the periphery, and he would only make a move if the real martial arts realm of the Yinshen Palace escaped.

Originally, Zhuge Shensuan thought that there should be only one real martial arts powerhouse in Yinshen Palace, but he didn't expect two to appear in the end.

As the saying goes, the plan can't keep up with the changes, so the exposure of the veteran Huang Zhong has become inevitable, but it doesn't matter if a strong man in the real martial arts realm appears or not.

Appearing means that Zhuge Shensuan lost a hole card, and when facing the current third prince, he lost a chance to make a surprise move.

In fact, relying on Zhuge Shensuan's own strength, he can eat everyone in Yinshen Palace.

However, in order to deal with the third prince, Zhuge Shensuan had to make second-hand preparations, which is why Zhuge Shensuan wanted to bring in the King of the Mountain.

After the Yinshen Palace was wiped out, the memorials of the Jinyiwei, the memorials of the six gates, the memorials of the Nanshan County Prince's Mansion, and the memorials of the Backing Mountain Prince's Mansion were all sent to Luoyang, the capital of the gods.

In Luoyang, the capital of the gods, in the Great Inner Palace, a middle-aged man wearing a golden dragon robe sat on a dragon chair, watching the memorial from Nanshan County.

Facing the envoy of Jin Yiwei Suzaku who attacked, and Jin Yiwei's envoy of White Tiger, he said flatly: "You have read this memorial!"

The Suzaku God Envoy and the White Tiger God Envoy stood together respectfully and said: "This subordinate has indeed seen it! This subordinate is not strict with his subordinates, please punish him by His Majesty."

Both the Suzaku and White Tiger envoys know the character of the current Holy Majesty, regardless of his usual smiling appearance, he is kind to everyone.

To be continued...

Wonderful moment, ……………………

I think the girl's bones are strange and her face is beautiful, but you must know that a woman is easy to age, and after a hundred years, she will only be a glass of loess. Why not make some small movies to last forever for future generations to look up to?
(End of this chapter)

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