Emperor Martial System

Chapter 205 Righteous Shots

Chapter 205 Righteous Shots
The barefoot man ignored Fang Wenjing's threat at all, no wonder he came in front of Fang Wenjing.

The barefoot man said with an evil smile: "Beauty, you should be obedient now! I am a well-known strong man, nicknamed the file handle.

And don't threaten me with the Youzhou Governor's Mansion, even if I do something to you, once I leave Youzhou, what will the Youzhou Governor's Mansion do to me. "

What the barefoot man said was not wrong. A strong man in the realm of true martial arts can thrive no matter which state he goes to, so he naturally has no worries at all.

At this moment, Fang Wenjing's heart became uneasy. He had never encountered such a situation since he was a child, and everything went smoothly since he was a child. No matter what he wanted, the governor of Youzhou would give it to him.

At this moment, he was so frightened that he couldn't see the master. If such a big man insulted her, he might as well die directly.

The barefoot man slowly uncovered Fang Wenjing's face, revealing a delicate face in front of the barefoot man.

The barefoot man laughed loudly and said, "Not bad, you are really beautiful. You can be ranked among the top three beauties I have ever slept with. Let me love you."

After the barefoot man finished speaking, he waved a puff of smoke on Fang Wenjing's body with a wave of his sleeve.

The barefoot man laughed and said, "Little beauty, this is the number one wonder medicine in the Jianghu, and it's called Qiyan Hehuansan.

Within three hours, if you don't have fun with others, you will die without a whole body.Now let me, the most virtuous person in the world, rescue you!I don't want to see such a beauty die here like this. "

Everyone's heart is my rhythm!
"This time the big man is still shameless. Are the strong people in the real martial arts realm so shameless that they did such a thing?"

"This shameless barefoot guy, if his brain is strong enough, he would have killed him a long time ago."

"It's such a pity that such a beauty is going to be spoiled by this barefoot man now! If you can give me a night's sleep, even if you lose ten years of life, I will be willing."

"What about my goddess, she's going to be defiled like this, I'm really useless."


Everyone present was very dissatisfied in their hearts, and they were secretly cursing the barefoot man in their hearts.But no one dared to speak out, because whoever said it would be courting death.

None of the people present was not afraid of death, and they all shut up in the face of the threat of death.

The barefoot man said disdainfully to everyone present: "I know what you are thinking, don't you just think that I am ugly and not good enough for this chick!

But I have strength, so whatever, I can do whatever I want, no matter how upset you are, what can you do.I can't just watch this chick get fucked by me.

Today I fucked this chick in front of you, it's so fucking cool to have the ability.Don't care about anyone or anything at all. "

Fang Wenjing, when she heard that this barefoot man was about to kill herself here, she felt very sad and angry, and even had the urge to die directly.

But now he can't even move, let alone commit suicide. If he was defiled elsewhere, he might have revenge.

But if he is defiled in public, he really has no choice but to commit suicide, otherwise he can only kill everyone in the hall.

Fang Wenjing pretended to be petite and lovely, and said to the barefooted man: "My lord! Can you let the little girl go, if the lord lets the little girl go, the little girl will definitely have a report."

The barefoot man said: "Don't pretend to be pitiful in front of me, or after I fuck you, I will let everyone in the hall fuck you again.

I believe they should be very willing, even if there are those who are unwilling, I have a way to make them willing.

I still like you, the unruly feeling at the beginning, you should quickly restore it to me, otherwise, I can only hehe. "

Fang Wenjing was really frightened by the barefoot man. After being rounded by so many people, he was really sure that he would have no life.

Moreover, everyone present looked eager to try, and even the servants of Pinhualou looked eager to try, so Fang Wenjing was so frightened that he lost his mind.

Before the barefoot man could continue to speak, a powerful voice suddenly came to mind in the hall: "A bold traitor, dare to mess around in Youzhou City, and even snatch guns from good women."

This majestic voice was naturally made by the prince of Nanshan County!

The prince of Nanshan County didn't want to be nosy at first, because the Nanshan County Prince's Mansion is still in crisis, and if he makes a rash move like this, he will easily provoke powerful enemies.

But this barefooted man has gone too far, his righteous heart does not allow him to ignore this beautiful woman.

So in the end he decided to stand up and be the master for this woman, and also come to the hero to save the beauty, maybe he can find the love of this beauty.

Because he has a very good impression of Fang Wenjing, as if no matter whether he is a hooligan or a modest son, he will be interested in beautiful women.

Although the prince of Nanshan County also knew that he was no match for this barefoot man, there was Huang Zhong behind him. His father had told him that Huang Zhong's strength had reached the peak of the human martial arts realm. He can see one thing or two, so he is not guilty at all.

Huang Zhong also did not stop the behavior of the prince of Nanshan County, and only then did the prince of Nanshan County feel at ease, which shows that Huang Zhong agreed with his behavior.

If Huang Zhong stopped him, there was nothing he could do, he could only retreat bravely, and even lose his own face.

The barefoot man heard someone objecting to him, turned around and saw Prince Nanshan County, he said loudly: "Boy, are you the objection!"

The crown prince of Nanshan County said without any fear: "Old man, your behavior like this is completely discrediting the strong in the real martial arts realm. I am the one who opposes it. What can you do?"

Fang Wenjing had already completely given up, but she never expected that someone would come out to save her at this critical moment, and she was so touched that she couldn't describe it in words.

But she didn't say anything, she didn't tell the prince of Nanshan County not to take action, nor did she show any signs.

Because what he is saying now is wrong no matter what, if he is asked to stop the Prince of Nanshan County, he will have no chance. If he is not allowed to stop the Prince of Nanshan County, he will offend the barefoot man!
How could the prince of Nanshan County fail to rescue her in the end, and one can imagine how miserable her fate would be.

So for now it's best for her to keep silent!

(End of this chapter)

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