Emperor Martial System

Chapter 206 Huang Zhong's Shot

Chapter 206 Huang Zhong's Shot
Fang Wenjing really just wanted the Prince of Nanshan County to delay for a while longer, so that the strong men from the governor's mansion of Youzhou could come to rescue him. He didn't think that the Prince of Nanshan County could stop this real martial arts enemy at all.

The barefooted man gave up on Fang Wenjing, walked towards the Prince of Nanshan County, and said coldly: "Boy, don't think that you can be defiant just because you have reached the consummation of the innate realm.

With your current cultivation, you can indeed occupy a place in the top ten of the rookie list, but I will teach you today that a fallen genius can no longer be called a genius. "

Prince Nanshan didn't hesitate at all, and said directly in a cold voice: "It's an insult to the term strong for someone with no style like you to dare to claim to be a real strong man.

Today I will have a good meeting for a while, the so-called real martial arts powerhouse. "

After finishing speaking, Prince Nanshan County directly drew his saber and chopped towards the barefooted man.

But Huang Zhong, who was behind Prince Nanshan, didn't have the slightest worry, nor did he have the slightest intention of making a move, but just looked at Prince Nanshan quietly.

When everyone heard the barefooted man's words, they all stared nakedly at the prince of Nanshan County.

Unexpectedly, there was such a young Junjie hiding beside them, and no one had discovered him yet.

However, after watching the prince of Nanshan County, everyone was surprised.

"Who is this person? Although I don't know all the people who are above the rookie list, I have seen portraits of the top ten. Why haven't I seen a portrait of this person.

Could it be that this barefoot man is lying! "

"You are wrong. This barefooted man should not be lying. Some of the real young talents did not enter the rookie list. It is not because they are not strong enough, but because they have not really come out, so they have no record. .”

"This brother is right, you see, this young talent does have the innate strength of perfection!"

"It's good, it's good. And it seems that his age will not exceed 25 years old, and he is indeed qualified to enter the top ten of the rookie list."

While everyone was talking about it, the prince of Nanshan County had already fought against the barefoot man, and the prince of Nanshan County was defeated without a single blow.

Instead, he fought back and forth with the barefoot big guy. Although he was at a disadvantage, there was no sign of losing soon.

Everyone was even more surprised. Those who can compete with those in the real martial arts realm are definitely the best in the innate realm.

The barefoot man said loudly: "Boy, although your strength is very good and you have already established a certain foundation, you will definitely not be able to beat me. If you continue to be strong like this, the result will only be one word and that is death.

If you retreat now, I promise, I won't chase you! "

Fang Wenjing saw the prince of Nanshan County fighting with the barefooted man, you coming and going, and the desire to survive was instantly overwhelmed.

He yelled to the Prince of Nanshan County: "My lord! As long as you cling to this barefoot man and wait for the reinforcements from the Governor's Mansion of Youzhou to arrive, you will be rewarded handsomely.

And you will also become a great benefactor of our Youzhou Governor's Mansion, and any place in Youzhou will be open to you in the future. "

The barefoot man said to Nanshan County Wang Shizi: "The best reward for a boy is to enjoy life. If life is gone, no matter how high the reward is, it will be useless.

I advise you to get out as soon as possible, when I really get angry, even I will be afraid of myself!Not to mention you as a small young man. "

The prince of Nanshan County said: "Barefoot man, you don't want to threaten me! I will take care of today's matter.

Maybe everything will be late, but I think justice will never be late. "

The prince of Nanshan County ignored the threat of the barefoot man at all. Even if the barefoot man had a hole card, it didn't mean he didn't have a hole card.

When Fang Wenjing heard what the prince of Nanshan County said, he was immediately moved. He was really worried that the prince of Nanshan County would be scared back by the barefoot man.

If this is the case, his fate is really doomed, and he doesn't know if the governor of Youzhou already knows about his situation and has sent someone to rescue him.

She told the prince of Nanshan County that the strong man from Youzhou Governor's Mansion had come to rescue him, in order to stabilize the prince of Nanshan County, and also to kill the barefooted man.

And he knew in his heart that there were many more cases where the strong men of Youzhou Governor's Mansion did not rush over than those who did.

Because the Pinhua Building was completely closed, the outside didn't know what was going on inside, and no one had escaped from the Pinhua Building until now and went out to report.

So he can only hope that people outside will find out about the anomaly and report to the governor's mansion in Youzhou, so that he will have a chance of survival.

The barefoot man fought back and forth with the prince of Nanshan County. If the barefoot man couldn't take down the prince of Nanshan County.

After half a quarter of an hour, the barefoot man finally got angry, and he said coldly: "Boy, if you want to die, don't blame me.

This is what you forced me to do. Today I can only use a little housekeeping skills to kill you.You are dead, and you can only blame this little beauty when you go to Lord Yan.

Don't blame me, I gave you a chance to live, but you didn't cherish it. "

After finishing speaking, the barefooted man threw away in an instant, and then resorted to a demon skill, the Exterminating God Finger.

Seeing this destructive finger, Nanshan County Wang Shizi had no way to take this move. He shouted behind him: "Old man! Hurry up and make a move! If you don't make a move, I will really explain it here!" Got it."

Sure enough, when the prince of Nanshan County yelled these words, Huang Zhong made a sudden move, blocking the barefooted man with one move, a devastating blow.

After Huang Zhong made a move, he said to the crown prince of Nanshan County: "Sir! This person is to be blocked by the subordinates, you should leave here quickly.

If this lunatic has crazy attack power, even I may not be able to protect you. "

There is nothing wrong with what Huang Zhong said. A strong man in the real martial arts realm can indeed block another strong man in the real martial arts realm, but if a strong man in the real martial arts realm makes crazy shots, another strong man in the real martial arts realm will also miss sometimes. .

So it was reasonable for Huang Zhong to let the king of Nanshan County leave, but the prince of Nanshan County did not leave, but said to Huang Zhong: "Old man! I don't want to leave, do you want the two of us to join forces? Kill this man. "

To be continued……………

(End of this chapter)

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