Emperor Martial System

Chapter 218 Wang Long

Chapter 218 Wang Long
After the Youzhou Governor's Office vigorously suppressed what happened in the Youzhou Governor's Office was not spread, even if a small number of people knew about it, they would not dare to talk about it.

Because this matter involves the third prince, who would dare to talk nonsense with Youzhou Governor's Mansion?That is completely asking for a dead end.

Of course, many high-society people in Youzhou knew what happened in Youzhou Governor's Mansion, that is, the third prince was divorced by Youzhou Governor's Mansion. After all, Youzhou Governor had sent a wedding invitation back then.

Later, the governor's office of Youzhou withdrew the wedding post, and with the major events that happened in Youzhou recently, they naturally couldn't think of it.


In the blink of an eye, half a month has passed since the third prince went to the Governor's Mansion of Youzhou to make trouble.

The once-in-ten-year grand meeting of Youzhou Governor's Mansion affects the hearts of everyone in Youzhou. That is the Yulong Auction, and a large-scale auction will be held soon.

The Yulong Auction is the top auction in Youzhou, and there are Yulong Auctions in half of the territory of the Ming Dynasty.

The forces behind the Yulong auction have always come and gone without a trace, giving people a feeling of mystery.

Although the Jade Dragon Auction is basically run by people from the innate realm, no one dares to fish for the tiger's whiskers from the Jade Dragon Auction.

A strong man who used to be in the realm of true martial arts, relying on his strong cultivation base, made a move to grab it at the Yulong Auction in Youzhou, although that time the strong man in the realm of true martial arts succeeded.

But that strong man in the realm of true martial arts, within three days, was directly hung in front of the gate of the Yulong Auction in Youzhou.

Only one Yulong auction in Youzhou has such a powerful strength, not to mention that the entire Ming Dynasty has a jade dragon auction like this Yujian.

The auctions held at Yulong Auction House are divided into three grades, which are large auctions held once every ten years, medium auctions held every three years, and small auctions held once a year.

Even if it is a small auction once a year, Yulong Auction House will bring out many rare treasures for auction, let alone a large auction once every ten years.

Basically, the large-scale auction held once every ten years will attract countless powerful people. There was once a large-scale auction held in ten years that attracted more than 50 strong people in the realm of true martial arts.

There are more than 50 real martial arts powerhouses, which can be regarded as half of the real martial arts powerhouses in the entire Youzhou.

And every finale treasure was obtained by the top forces in Europe.

On the top floor of the home court of the Yulong Auction, an old man in the realm of true martial arts sat on the main seat, and asked the four people who stood up below: "How are you getting ready?"

The four replied in unison: "I would like to report to the Lord, everything is fully prepared, and we are waiting for the opening of the auction three days later."

The old man in the realm of true martial arts nodded in satisfaction, and said flatly: "That's good! If something goes wrong in the auction! You will all have to pay with your life!"

Among the four, a strong man in the innate realm dressed as a scholar respectfully said to the old man in the real martial arts realm: "I want to report to the Lord! The spies below have found out that Youzhou has built a new auction house. It seems to be named Heaven and Earth Auction House.

The decoration of this auction house even exceeds that of our Yulong Auction House. Do we want to suppress this auction house? "

The old man in the realm of true martial arts asked: "Heaven and Earth Auction House! You still have a serious tone! Why didn't Youzhou hear the publicity of this auction house?"

The person dressed as a scholar said respectfully: "I would like to inform the owner that although the auction house has been repaired, it seems that it has no intention of starting business, so until now I haven't heard of the auction house's promotion in Youzhou."

The strong man in the realm of true martial arts said: "Send someone to investigate, the cost of building an auction house higher than Yulong Auction House is not small, and it is even worth all the profits of a large auction.

But when you haven't found out the details of the other party, don't act rashly. If you cause trouble for your lord, all of us will be unable to bear it.

And there is no need to take a big risk to investigate, take a more stable route, the other party's propaganda has not yet started, and it will take at least one or two years to start business, this time is definitely enough for us to investigate. "

The innately strong man dressed as a scholar said respectfully: "I will follow the orders of the Lord, and the young one will definitely handle this matter well."

The strong man in the realm of true martial arts nodded, and said to the scholar dressed as an innate strong man: "Xiao Qi! You have done a good job, and you are very aware of precautions: from now on, you are the chief executive! The other three supervisors From now on, it’s all yours.”

The strong man in the realm of true martial arts said to the other three people present: "Learn more from Xiao Qi, and have a sense of crisis!

You are both the four directors of Yulong Auction House, why did Serena discover these problems, but you didn't.

You will help Serena well in the future, if anyone does not do well, don't blame me for not showing mercy. "

The other three supervisors bowed to the strong man in the realm of true martial arts, and said respectfully: "I will obey your lord's order!"

In fact, there were only three directors of Yulong Auction half a year ago, and the innate strong man dressed as a scholar was the nephew of the owner of Yulong Auction.

The three directors of Yulong Auction House, each of them is an old man of Yulong Auction House, and each of them has worked in Yulong Auction House for more than 50 years to achieve this position
And the innate strongman dressed as a scholar joined the Yulong Auction half a year ago, and with his relationship, he has been promoted step by step in just half a year, from the bottom waiter to the receptionist, then to the reception manager, and then to the supervisor.

Now that he has been promoted to the chief executive, this is entirely the intention of the owner of Yulong Auction House. Naturally, the three executives present dare not have any opinions.

As for the news of the establishment of the Heaven and Earth Auction House as a reason for Wang Wei's promotion, this is a complete joke.

Regarding this matter, basically only the higher-level administrators of the entire Yulong Auction House knew about it, so they did not report it.

Even if he reported it to the owner of the Yulong Auction House, what he got in exchange would be scolding and no reward at all.

However, everyone present knew it well. It was clear that the owner of Yulong Auction House wanted to improve his nephew's status, and whoever came out to oppose it would hit the owner of Yulong Auction House in the face. This was an act of seeking death.

You must know that the first rank of officials crushes people to death, and the owner of Yulong Auction House is not only higher in official positions than them, but also much stronger in strength than them.

To be continued......

(End of this chapter)

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