Emperor Martial System

Chapter 219 The Stupid Wang Wei

Chapter 219 The Stupid Wang Wei

A strong man in the realm of true martial arts, the owner of Yulong Auction House, left directly after announcing everything.

When the three directors saw the owner leaving, they were stopped by Wang Wei when they were about to leave. Wang Wei came to sit on the main seat.

He pointed to the three supervisors and said arrogantly: "Deputies! The owner asked me to check the specific situation of this heaven and earth auction house, but as the general supervisor, naturally I can't do everything myself.

So, I am going to hand over this matter to one of the three of you. I don’t know which of you three is willing to go forward to handle this matter. "

Seeing Wang Weizhi's arrogant appearance, the three supervisors were very dismissive in their hearts, but they did not dare to confront Wang Wei head-on.

One of the supervisors said: "Sir Wang! We will be in charge of the auction house in the near future, and I am afraid that we don't have the energy to investigate this heaven and earth auction house."

Another supervisor also said: "My lord, what the boss said makes sense. We really need to check the Heaven and Earth Auction House, but there are only three short days left before our auction. I think it is better to send the auction after the auction is over." People are going to thoroughly investigate the Heaven and Earth Auction House."

The last supervisor also replied: "Yes! Yes!"

Wang Wei snorted coldly and said: "Short-sighted! Don't you know that colleagues are enemies? The reason why our auction house was able to have such a high profit before is because we have no rivals in Youzhou City.

Now that our opponent has appeared, our business will definitely be affected. Our main task now is to attack the Heaven and Earth Auction House.

As a result, the Heaven and Earth Auction House can't survive in Youzhou. As long as we monopolize the auction market in Youzhou, do we need to worry about other problems?

And relying on the face of our Yulong Auction House, who would dare to ask us about the Yulong Auction House in Youzhou. "

The three executives were stunned by Wang Wei's high-spirited speeches. The purpose of doing business is to monopolize, and the business will be good if the market is monopolized.

Monopolizing the market, if you put it on other things, you can indeed achieve a prosperous business scene, but it is unrealistic to put it on an industry like an auction house.

Because the auction house does not manage one piece of property, but a variety of rare treasures. With various rare treasures, bidders can make a large purchase price, thereby reaping a higher price. value and benefit.

However, except for some finale items, these rare treasures cannot be unique, so it is impossible to monopolize them.

So Wang Wei's idea will not work at all!

Suppressing the Heaven and Earth Auction House is inevitable, but there is a saying that it takes one's own strength to forge an iron, so they should make their auction house better.

Unexpectedly, Wang Wei has so much knowledge and short money. Letting such a person control the power of Yulong Auction House is a great threat to the Yulong Auction Industry.

Wang Wei continued: "I don't pay much attention to Yulong Auction House, which is just an auction house in heaven and earth. Uncle, he is too worried.

Director Duo, you are taking a third of Yulong Auction House's waiting room tonight, go ahead, the shop of Heaven and Earth Auction House was smashed by me. "

The multi-manager who was ordered stood up and said to Wang Wei: "Director Wang! It seems not good to do this, the master asked us to investigate slowly.

If you act rashly without finding out the details of the other party, it is likely to bring disaster to our Yunlong Auction House. "

Wang Wei snorted coldly and said, "Boss, are you threatening me? Now that the Lord has left this matter to me to handle, do you want to go against the will of the Lord?

Our spies have already understood that in the distribution of force in the Heaven and Earth Auction House, there are no more than three people who are strong in the innate realm, and the people you bring can easily kill them.

If you dare to shirk again, then you don't pay attention to me as the chief executive. You should know what the consequences are. "

Multiple supervisors clasped their fists and said to Wang Wei: "Master Wang! It's not that the subordinates are evading, but this matter should really be carefully considered.

Acting rashly like this will even make the master dissatisfied. There is nothing wrong with his subordinates, but if he gets punished together with Mr. Wang, it is the crime of a villain. "

The other two executives didn't say anything, they acted as if they had nothing to do with themselves, because no matter whether this matter succeeded or failed, it would be harmless to them.

Even if this matter fails, they can still get a lot of benefits.

After being flattered by the supervisor for a while, Wang Wei couldn't find his position even more, he waved his hand and said: "It's just an auction house in heaven and earth, I can win it with a wave of my hand.

There is no need to discuss this matter anymore. The time is set in three days. When the auction of our auction house starts, I need you to bring back the head of the owner of the auction house in heaven and earth.

If you dare to shirk again, you know how our Yulong Auction House deals with those who don't respect the order.

I believe that you are very familiar with the means of Yulong Auction House, don't force me to use these means on you. "

Hearing this, the multi-manager directly dared not come to dissuade him. Yulong Auction House dealt with those disrespectful people, and the cruel method made him shudder.

Supervisor Duo looked at the other two supervisors, seeing their gloating looks, Supervisor Duo was instantly unhappy.

The multiple supervisors respectfully said to Wang Wei: "Follow your lord's orders! The younger one must do this well. I wonder if we can let the other two supervisors go together, so that our chances of success will be greater."

Since this matter could no longer be pushed away, so many supervisors had no choice but to drag the other two supervisors to do it together.

Because he knew that it was a good thing that this matter was successful. Although they would not get any credit, the credit would definitely be credited to Wang Wei, but there would be no loss.

However, once this matter fails, this mistake must be recorded on them. If he is left to carry it alone, his dismissal is basically considered light.

So she had no choice but to pull the other two supervisors to handle this matter together. Even if it failed at that time, the three supervisors would carry it together, and at most they would be punished slightly.

After all, this matter was Wang Wei's idea, and the owner of the auction house couldn't do too much punishment.

Wang Wei nodded calmly and said: "This matter is approved! The three of you go together, and the speed will be much faster.

Please handle things quickly, and I will reward you from above at that time."

To be continued......

(End of this chapter)

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