Emperor Martial System

Chapter 274 The Pretentious Dongfang Bai

Chapter 274 The Pretentious Dongfang Bai
The man with the knife took the medicine from Zhuge Shensuan, and said to Zhuge Shensuan with great respect: "Thank you, sir! Thank you, sir!

The small ones must follow the lead of the adults in the future. The adults tell the small ones to go east and the small ones never go west, and the adults tell the young ones to go south and the small ones never go north. "

The man holding the knife just thanked Zhuge Shensuan, and didn't say the last antidote like Zhuge Shensuan, because he knew that if he said it, it would make Zhuge Shensuan unhappy, and he might not even save his life in the end.

So he had no choice but to try his best to please Zhuge Shensuan, let Zhuge Shensuan let go of his guard against him, and gave him the last antidote.

Zhuge Shensuan nodded and said: "These are small problems. After you have completely gained my trust, I will give you the last antidote, and then completely relieve your worries."

The man with the knife said: "Young one understands! Little one understands!"

Zhuge Shensuan continued: "You stay here first, someone will come to arrange work for you in a while, as long as you complete the tasks he entrusted to you, you can come to me to get the antidote."

Zhuge Shensuan plans to send Dongfang Bai to the South China Sea, and then build up some strength in the South China Sea, because Zhuge Shensuan's Tenglong Land is in the South China Sea.

To the south of the Ming Dynasty is the Southern Song Dynasty, to the north is the Northern Song Dynasty, to the west is the Xiliang Cavalry, and to the south is the South China Sea.

The east, west, and north sides are all unified kingdoms. Zhuge's magic fortune teller, it is impossible to use those places as the land of soaring dragons, and it may even be destroyed before they can soar up.

But the South China Sea is different. The South China Sea is a four-way zone, and it can also be said to be the most chaotic zone.

The South China Sea Islands are a chaotic area that is not managed by anyone, and there is no particularly powerful sect. Although the South China Sea is composed of islands one after another, each island is independent of each other. Basically, each island has It has its own local forces, but Zhuge Shensuan really has his eyes on the South China Sea.

As long as the South China Sea is rectified, a powerful iron cavalry army can definitely be established, and there is another advantage of occupying the South China Sea, that is, it can fight across the sea, advance, attack, retreat, and defend.

Over the years, the Ming Dynasty actually wanted to regain the South China Sea, but because the navy of the Ming Dynasty was not good enough, and people on all the islands in the South China Sea hated the army of the Ming Dynasty, once the troops of the Ming Dynasty came, they would join forces to fight together, instantly forming a piece of land in the South China Sea. iron plate.

This is also the reason why the Ming Dynasty did not conquer the South China Sea even though there was no strong force in the South China Sea for so many years.

This time, Zhuge Shensuan is going to send four strong men in the realm of true martial arts to the South China Sea to start a career, and then when Zhuge Shensuan arrives, they can also be used as an internal chess piece, and it will also provide a lot for Zhuge Shensuan to conquer the South China Sea. Great convenience.

As soon as Zhuge Shensuan left the suzerain courtyard, Dongfang Bai's bodyguard ran over, saying that Dongfang Bai wanted to see Zhuge Shensuan.

Without further ado, Zhuge Shensuan followed the guards to see Dongfang Bai. After all, Zhuge Shensuan killed Dongfang Bai's personal old servant.

Of course, as long as there is a reasonable explanation for this matter, Zhuge Shensuan is not afraid of being targeted by the Taoist Holy Land, so he is even more afraid of Dongfang Bai.

To put it bluntly, this time Dongfang Baidu ate coptis, and he couldn't tell.

When he came to Dongfang Bai's room, Zhuge Shensuan saw that Dongfang Bai was dressed cleanly, sitting on the main seat with the air of a master, Zhuge Shensuan secretly said, "I didn't expect this Dongfang Bai's recovery ability to be so strong. ! It’s only been a short day, and it’s actually like a mountain again.”

But Zhuge God didn't know that all of this was actually faked by Dongfang Bai, and even if he had the best Jinchuang medicine after being castrated for a day, it would not be cured in just one day.

But in order to prevent Zhuge Shensuan from seeing his flaws, Dongfang Bai endured the pain, pretending to be innocent, and looked at Zhuge Shensuan.

After Dongfang Bai saw Zhuge Shensuan coming in, he took the lead and asked Zhuge Shensuan: "Brother Zhuge! Since you are back, I don't know where my old servant has gone. Didn't he come back with you?"

Zhuge Shensuan replied calmly: "Brother Dongfang! This time, I really thank you for lending someone to me to eradicate the strong man from Yinshen Palace. We don't know how to repay you for such a great favor."

Zhuge was lucky, although he wanted to laugh every time Brother Dongfang was called, but he held back, if he smiled, it might arouse Dongfang Bai's suspicion.

Dongfang Bai waved his hand and said: "Brother Zhuge, you don't have to be polite at all! This is what I should do. After all, you and I are brothers, so what's yours is mine?

But I still want to know, where did my old servant go, and why did you come back?He hasn't come back yet. "

Although the anger in Dongfang Bai's heart was very heavy, but because of his guilty conscience, she didn't dare to speak it out, let alone vent it out.

If people know that he has been abolished, even without a lifeline, then he will become a joke of the whole Jianghu, and the Daoist Holy Land will also become a laughing stock of the Jianghu because of this incident.

Zhuge Shensuan said very flatly: "Brother Dongfang! Your old servant returned to Qingyun Sword Sect after helping out, and I came back after dealing with the corpses of the real martial arts powerhouses in Yinshen Palace.

Has he not come by now?Shouldn't it be?After all, he is a strong man in the Earth Sha realm, and his speed must be many times faster than mine.

But Brother Dongfang, don't need to worry too much. In Youzhou, there should not be many people who want to kill the strong people in the earth evil realm, so your old servant should be fine.

Maybe it's because he wants a woman, so it doesn't matter which brothel he stays in! "

Hearing Zhuge Shensuan's words, Dongfang Bai already knew that something happened to his old servant. After all, the old servant he sent this time was to target Zhuge Shensuan.

Now Zhuge God returned to Qingyun Sword Sect safely, but his old servant did not return for a long time.

And he said something like this again, even if he is a pig, he can think that there is definitely something wrong with the old people under such circumstances.

But Dongfang Bai couldn't figure out how Zhuge God could deal with his old servant. After all, his old servant was a real strong man in the earth evil realm.

Of course, it's useless to talk about these things now!He should think about what he should do now.

To be continued…………………

(End of this chapter)

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