Emperor Martial System

Chapter 275 Leave

Chapter 275 Leave
Dongfang Bai said: "Thank you, brother Zhuge, for telling me. I think this old servant must have gone to have some fun."

Now that there is no old servant, and his cultivation base has receded, Zhuge Shensuan is a real person who has killed a strong person in the realm of true martial arts. .

Moreover, if one's own identity is revealed, Zhuge God can't be sure. After all, Zhuge God is a member of the imperial court, and he is not afraid of the Taoist holy land at all.

Zhuge Shensuan also said: "Brother Dongfang! I told you that a servant should look like a servant, and you, a servant, don't have the appearance of a servant.

Not only was he being unreasonable to me, but he actually dared to put Brother Dongfang's pigeons in such a way. If such a person were placed under my command, I would have killed him long ago.

If Brother Dongfang can trust me, I am willing to train this subordinate for Brother Dongfang, and let him know that as a subordinate, as a servant, he must have the appearance of a subordinate, a servant. ":
Dongfang Bai nodded in agreement, and said clearly that when the old servant came back, he must be disciplined by Zhuge Shensuan.

In fact, Dongfang Bai already knew about the ending of the old servant, but he didn't say it!
Zhuge Shensuan chatted with Dongfang Bai for a while and then left!

After Zhuge Shensuan left, Dongfang Bai began to make plans. It was obviously not safe to stay in Qingyun Sword Sect.

He must return to his father's side. Only with his father's protection can he be the safest, and if he wants to get rid of the Hehuan Sect, he must let his father do it himself.

The Hehuan Sect is not an ordinary sect, but one of the two top sects in Youzhou. Even if it is in the Tiangang realm, it is impossible for the strong to cause a little damage to the Hehuan Sect.

Unless it is a strong King Realm, it is possible to destroy the Hehuan Sect by acting personally, or three or four strong people in the Tiangang Realm join forces, otherwise, it will be even more difficult to destroy the Hehuan Sect.

At this time, Dongfang Bai was completely gone. He wanted Wu Meiniang's plan. What he wanted to do most now was to take revenge and restore his cultivation.

Now that he doesn't have Xiao Dingding, he is ready to concentrate on practicing martial arts and reach the peak of martial arts realm.

But if he wants to concentrate on practicing martial arts, he must make up for the lost internal strength, but it is impossible for him to make up for himself.

He had to go back to his father to find a solution. His father was a strong man in the king realm, and he was well-informed, so he would definitely find a solution.

That night, Dongfang Bai left Qingyun Jianzhong with two dead servants who were close to him and congenitally perfect!
Dongfang Bai didn't know that when he left Qingyun Sword Sect, Zhuge Shensuan was secretly watching him leave behind him.

That night Zhuge Shensuan and Wu Meiniang were doing such shameful things in the bedroom of the suzerain's mansion.

The two fought fiercely for two hours before it was completely over. Both of them reached the peak, and Wu Meiniang even reached the peak twice.

Zhuge Shensuan hugged Wu Meiniang and lay sideways on the bed, Zhuge Shensuan whispered: "Meiniang! I have something to tell you.

I hope you won't be angry after listening to this, and don't ignore me from now on. You can beat me or scold me if you want. "

Wu Meiniang said softly: "My husband! No matter what you say, I will forgive you for what you said.

How could I ignore you!If you have anything to say, feel free to say it boldly. "

Zhuge Shensuan said: "Lady! I cheated. When I went to Nanshan County, I fell in love with someone. The two of us did it.

Lady, I'm sorry for you, I know I'm very bad, but I still hope to get your forgiveness. "

Wu Meiniang hugged Zhuge Shensuan even more tightly, and said in a gentle voice: "It's normal for a man to have three wives and four concubines! As long as you have me in your heart, the two of us will be together forever.

And do you think there is any man who can do something that doesn't have three wives and four concubines, and a group of wives and concubines?You are a person who will do great things in the future, so naturally these things cannot be avoided.

And look at my father, he also had seven or eight women back then, and he also married people from two top sects in Youzhou!It is also to keep Qingyun Jianzong alive. "

Zhuge Shensuan thought to himself, "Fuck, this is the end of the matter, shouldn't there be a big waiter?

Wu Meiniang had already forgiven Zhuge Shensuan before he had even uttered a basket of confession lines prepared by Zhuge Shensuan, which made Zhuge Shensuan very embarrassed. "

But Zhuge Shensuan was relieved very quickly, this is not the earth, and there is no monogamy system practiced by the country.

On this continent, as long as your strength is strong enough, then three wives and four concubines are quite normal. If you have no strength, then you deserve to be single for the rest of your life.

On this continent, women's thoughts are very restrained. In their concept, it is very normal for a man to have three wives and four concubines. Therefore, things that seem very unreasonable to Zhuge Shensuan are very unreasonable in their eyes. normal.

Zhuge Shensuan also hugged Wu Meiniang tightly, and said: "Meiniang! You are so kind, it is my greatest blessing to find you in my life.

Don't worry, no matter how many women I have, you will always be the one I love the most, and you will always be the most important one in my heart. "

The two embraced again, kissed again, and again... It was another restless night.

In the early morning of the next day, Zhuge Shensuan explained everything about Qingyun Sword Sect to Gao Shun, then left Qingyun Sword Sect with Wu Meiniang and the other two women, and then went straight to Nanshan County.

Zhuge Shensuan plans to use Qingyun Sword Sect as his training place, and Gao Shun is the leader of this group of soldiers and the only person in charge of Qingyun Sword Sect.

According to the calculation of time, Zhuge Shensuan is starting now, and after arriving at his mansion, his mansion should be completely completed.

At that time, Zhuge Shensuan will display the gossip array, then Zhuge Shensuan will have a safe home, and he will no longer have to worry about his beloved one.

He doesn't have too many worries about what to do, just like this time Dongfang Bai came to want to touch his beloved woman, if Wu Meiniang didn't have a Dao talisman in her hand, Wu Meiniang would have been in disaster now.

God Zhuge absolutely does not allow any problems with his beloved women. Apart from improving the strength of his beloved women, another way is to protect them, and Zhuge God Suanxiu's mansion is like a safe house.

Of course, Zhuge Shensuan will give his own women a lot of cultivation resources, so that his women's strength can be improved rapidly, and when his women have reached the imperial realm, no one in the whole world can hurt them.

To be continued……………

(End of this chapter)

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