Chapter 277

After Zhuge Shensuan left the study of Nanshan County King, he began to select elite troops from the private army of Nanshan County King's Mansion. The minimum requirement for the selected troops was that they had reached Acquired Consummation, and could take Xiantian Pill to achieve Xiantian.

Although these people will not be given Xiantian pills in a short period of time, at most three months Zhuge Shensuan will give Xiantian pills.

That night, Zhuge did his fortune-telling and did not go back to the room to play doubles!fly.

Of course, it wasn't that he didn't want to play, but Wu Meiniang and Qiu Yajing directly drove him out of the door, while Wu Meiniang and Qiu Yajing slept in the bedroom, and they were still sleeping on the same bed, as if they had been separated for many years Like sisters.

In this way, Zhuge Shensuan is a little unwilling. No matter how good you two are, you can't deprive me of the right to enjoy it!
But Zhuge Shensuan has no choice in the end, since he can't enjoy double!fly.Then I had no choice but to go back to the practice room and practice martial arts to pass the time.

At this time, Zhuge Shensuan has completed seven-tenths of the human-martial realm, and three-tenths will reach the peak of the human-martial realm.

Zhuge Shensuan believes that in a month at most, he will be able to reach the peak of human martial arts.

When Zhuge Shensuan began to operate his inner strength and mental method, there was a sudden, "ding" sound.

The familiar yet unfamiliar mechanized voice of the system sounded again: "Congratulations to the host for completing the third-level branch task ([-]) to build a palace of his own, the palace should not be smaller than one-third of the god capital Luoyang, and now the host has completed it.

The task reward is to obtain the Bagua formation map. The Bagua formation is a super mountain protection formation. Once the Bagua formation is established, the power of the Bagua formation can resist the attacks of the strong below Wang Jing. "

"Congratulations to the host for completing the third-level branch task ([-]), successfully starting the third-level branch task ([-]) and successfully breaking through the realm of real martial arts within three years. From now on, the task explanation will successfully break through the realm of real martial arts within three years.

If the task is successful, the gossip map will be upgraded once. After the upgrade, the defense power of the gossip map will increase.

Within the attack range of the Eight Diagrams, any living beings under the King Realm will be destroyed.

If the task fails, the host will be deducted from three small realms of cultivation, and randomly deprived of one of the host's skills. "


"Congratulations to the host for completing the third-level branch task ([-]) and successfully breaking through the realm of true martial arts. Now the rewards for the third-level branch task ([-]) are issued. The gossip formation is upgraded once. The upgraded gossip formation has an attack effect and doubles the defense."

"Congratulations to the host for completing the third-level branch task ([-]), successfully starting the third-level branch task ([-]), and successfully establishing a force known to the world! Task explanation: The host establishes a force and becomes a force recognized by most forces in the world. The time limit is ten years!
Task success reward: reward the host with [-] Xiantian pills, [-] real martial arts pills, and reward one natal god general in the Earth Sha realm.

Task failure penalty: All rewards previously issued to the host will be deprived, and no rewards will be issued to the host from now on. "


"Congratulations to the host for completing the third-level branch task ([-]) and establishing the well-known Heaven and Earth Auction House! However, because the Heaven and Earth Auction House established by the host is suspected of cheating, half of all rewards will be released online.

Now the task rewards, [-] Xiantian pills, [-] pieces will be distributed in real time, [-] pieces of real martial arts pills will be distributed, and [-] pieces will be distributed in reality. grade. "

"Ding! Congratulations to the host for breaking three missions in a row. The system specially rewards the host with [-] Xiantian pills. The system is here to contribute to the host's great cause of hegemony."

"Ding, the system issues a four-level main task ([-]) to become the commander of Jinyiwei in Luoyang, the capital of the gods, and the time limit is ten years.

Task success reward: the top shipbuilding craft!It can build an invincible warship for the host and help the host to rule the East China Sea.

Punishment for mission failure: Take back five hosts’ natal generals. If the number of natal generals is not enough, the host will be killed directly. "

A series of system sounds frightened Zhuge Shensuan directly. The system actually issued so many rewards in an instant. These things are what Zhuge Shensuan is currently in short supply.

It seems that after this system is completely bound to Zhuge Shensuan, it is more and more biased towards Zhuge Shensuan, and Zhuge Shensuan will distribute rewards wherever the system develops.

Zhuge's fortune teller was about to compete for the commander of the Jinyiwei, but unexpectedly, the system issued such a system task.


"A warm reminder from the system! Please don't be arrogant to the host. Although the system is now completely bound to the host, it will favor the host under certain conditions.

But if the host doesn't work hard, the system has nothing to do. After all, the system can only follow the system's program, otherwise the system's program will be paralyzed. "

After hearing the notification sound of the system, Zhuge Shensuan completely understood that most of the system has its own running track, or its own running rules. Although the system has a certain range of autonomy, but But it can't go beyond the rules it runs.

Moreover, even after the system is completely bound to the host, it cannot change the established fact, it can only follow this rule.

So when the system says to kill the host, it means to kill the host. Even if it dies with the host, the system has no way to change this fact.

Therefore, Zhuge Shensuan cannot relax just because he is completely bound to the system, he should work harder.

And the host can't stop his efforts, even if he wants to enjoy it, the system doesn't allow him to do so.

The system's uninterrupted tasks will always spur Zhuge Shensuan to move forward step by step, unless one day Zhuge Shensuan's strength exceeds the control of the system, and Zhuge Shensuan can enjoy life only when he can completely get rid of the control of the system.

This is to get the system Zhuge Shenshu. Although he has received a lot of help, he has lost a certain amount of freedom, and his life cannot be determined by himself.

Of course, unless he had the idea of ​​dying with the system, but Zhuge Shensuan didn't want to die so young.

In the early morning of the next day, 500 people were selected and divided into two troops, always a 1000-man army, and a 500-man army. The 1000-man army had [-] men and [-] Hundreds of women.

Of course, the troops of 500 people were taken to Qingyun Sword Sect by Zhuge Shensuan, and Zhuge Shensuan led the remaining 1000 people to his newly built mansion.

(End of this chapter)

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