Chapter 278
Zhuge Shensuan took a thousand elite troops, together with Mrs. Nanshan County King, Qiu Yajing, and Wu Meiniang, on the road together.

Their destination is no other place, but Zhuge Shensuan's newly built mansion. Zhuge Shensuan actually has a bit of machismo. He always believes that women should be protected and not create careers outside.

And Nanshan County King needs to command Nanshan County King's Mansion, and he is a mature and stable man, so he will naturally stay in Nanshan County King's Mansion. Although Zhuge Shensuan persuaded Nanshan County King, Nanshan County King just refused to agree to him.

The King of Nanshan County said to Zhuge Shensuan: "What should I say? He is also a strong man in the realm of true martial arts, and the [-] private troops of the King's Mansion of Nanshan County also need to be managed."

In the end, Zhuge Shen couldn't persuade him, so he had no choice, so he left without saying anything.

Half a month later, Zhuge Shensuan brought people to his newly built mansion. At this time, Zhuge Shensuan's mansion had completed all the procedures in a glorious and domineering manner.

Domineering and splendid, it is located on an isolated island surrounded by a river, and this river has also become Zhuge's first line of defense.

The construction of the mansion started, and it has only been four months until now. I did not expect that a majestic and majestic palace has been built. Although this is related to Zhuge's magic calculation and the investment regardless of the cost, the more important thing is that people in this world can practice martial arts .

People in the realm of true martial arts can even lift a huge boulder weighing ten thousand catties, which brings a lot of convenience to the construction, which is why it was completed so quickly.

And all the construction craftsmen have been completely dismissed, because the palace has been built, and it is useless for them to stay here. God Zhuge will not raise them for nothing.

Of course, even if Zhuge Shensuan is willing to raise them for nothing, they will not stay here if they don't pay them enough wages, because they still have their own families, and they have to think about their families.

Zhuge Shensuan's newly built palace is divided into eight floors, and each floor is divided into eight areas, which fully conforms to the layout method of Fuxi Bagua array.

The Eight Diagrams array that Zhuge Shensuan will arrange is combined with this palace, and its power can even increase a bit.

Zhuge Shensuan allowed the system to arrange the eight trigrams formation quietly, and it was an upgraded eight trigrams formation.

After the eight trigrams array was set up, no one found anything abnormal. If there were experts from the three realms of Tongtian here, they would definitely be able to find the super large array arranged by Zhuge Shensuan.

Of course, people in the realm of true martial arts cannot see through this formation, and it is even more impossible to break through the formation.

Zhuge Shensuan has already planned, the outermost floor is used to accommodate the male soldiers brought, the second layer outside is used to accommodate the female soldiers brought in, and the third layer outside is used to receive guests and arrange accommodation for them.

The fourth floor outside is empty, because this floor has a strong defensive formation, which can prevent everyone under the emperor's realm.

The first floor inside is used to arrange Zhuge Shensuan's natal generals!

The second floor inside is used to live in relatives and friends of Zhuge Shensuan!

The third floor inside is used to live in Zhuge Shensuan and his family!

The last layer is also the center of the entire formation, but the manipulation node of this formation.

Moreover, each floor of the palace is protected by a layer of formations, which are inaccessible to each other. If the person's breath is not recorded in the center of the formation, once they pass through these isolated formations, they will be attacked by the formation immediately.

The strongest attack strength on the outermost periphery of the palace can reach the perfection of the real martial arts realm, while the strongest defense power is after the fourth floor.

And the most important thing is that Zhuge Shensuan's gossip array does not need to consume energy at all, and the gossip will absorb the essence in the heaven and the earth, absorb the power of the heaven and the earth to replenish its own energy, so as to achieve the balanced operation of the formation.

In other words, Zhuge Shensuan's mansion is completely impregnable, except for people from the imperial realm, it is impossible for anyone to enter Zhuge Shensuan's mansion.

Half an hour later, the newly built mansion has completely accommodated the people brought by Zhuge Shensuan.

And in the middle of the gossip formation, that is, in the node room of the gossip formation, Zhuge Shensuan, Wu Meiniang, Qiu Yajing, and Mrs. Nanshan County King all gathered here.

Zhuge Shensuan explained the purpose of the gossip array to them. It is impossible for Zhuge Shensuan to live in his mansion all the time, because he has a lot of things to do, so he must travel a lot.

The time spent living in his mansion should be the least, so the gossip array of his mansion must be controlled by one person, and the person in control must be someone he can trust.

And Zhuge Shensuan's natal generals will also do things with Zhuge Shensuan, so Zhuge Shensuan handed over the gossip array to his closest relatives.

Zhuge Shensuan quickly told the three people about all the information about the Bagua formation. Half an hour later, Zhuge Shensuan finally introduced all the diagrams of the Bagua formation.

Both Wu Meiniang and Qiu Yajing were in shock, only Mrs. Nanshan County King was the first to react.

Mrs. Nanshan County Wang asked Zhuge Shensuan: "Son-in-law! Is the gossip array you mentioned really so powerful? Doesn't it mean that we will not be afraid of anyone in the future!

If we stay here, no one can do anything to us! "

Zhuge Shensuan said: "Mother-in-law! You can't say that. Although there are few powerful people in the imperial realm, there are still five or sixty people in the whole world. If these people work hard, they can indeed get in."

Mrs. Nanshan County Wang nodded, indicating that he understood.

It was only then that Wu Meiniang and Qiu Yajing came to their senses. They hugged the left hand and the right wall of Zhuge's divine fortune telling, and said, "Mister! You are too powerful. There is nothing in this world that you can't accomplish."

Zhuge Shensuan said: "Okay! I won't say anything else. From now on, this place is our home. If you want to leave this place, you must tell me.

You must be protected by someone before you can go out. After all, your strength is too weak. You can find anyone with a stronger strength in the entire rivers and lakes, and you can all be restrained.

In this case, no matter how powerful I am, there is nothing I can do!
And starting from today, you must work hard to cultivate, there will be no shortage of cultivation resources, any cultivation resources in the mansion can be used at will, and there are also pills that break through the realm of true martial arts and bottlenecks. "

Qiu Yajing said: "No? I don't use elixir to break through the realm of true martial arts. My goal is to become a strong man in the three realms. Taking elixir will restrict my development."

To be continued…………………

(End of this chapter)

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