Chapter 289
After these deliberations, Dongfang Wudi no longer thought about it, but only had one word in his heart, and that was to do it.

However, this job must be done skillfully, otherwise, if she insists on doing it forcefully, even if she kills everyone, he will definitely not get any benefits.

So he is going to kill a few strong men in the real martial arts realm first, so that his pressure will be greatly reduced.

Dongfang Wudi said very flatly: "What you said is indeed somewhat reasonable, I can promise to stop.

But I invited the people from the Heaven and Earth Auction House, you Hehuan Sect, you have to pay a little price to get rid of the people from the Heaven and Earth Auction House.

How about this, I won't bully you either, you Hehuan Sect took out one-third of your property, and then handed over the property to the Heaven and Earth Auction House.

In this case, I will also have an explanation to the Heaven and Earth Auction House, and then you will also have an explanation to me, and everyone will stop amicably. "

The suzerain of the Hehuan Sect said: "Your Excellency, isn't this request too much? It will eat up one-third of our Hehuan Sect's property at once.

How about this, our Acacia Sect will take out one-tenth of our property and give it to the Heaven and Earth Auction House. After all, this battle has caused our Acacia Sect to suffer heavy losses. "

The suzerain of the Acacia Sect is bargaining, this scene is very similar, Zhuge's magic calculation, the earth where the previous life was, the great powers divided up China, not only robbed China's gold and silver treasures, killed Chinese people, and finally asked China to pay compensation.

Dongfang Wudi said coldly: "One-tenth of the property is too little, I will take a step back, and you will also take a step back, one-fifth of the Hehuan Sect's property, if this is not enough.

Then the Hehuan Sect is waiting to be destroyed! "

Dongfang Wudi is also asking prices randomly. After all, he has no real intention to negotiate, but if he quickly agrees to the other party's conditions, it will arouse the other party's suspicion.

It would have a very bad effect on his sneak attack after he stopped, so he bargained, otherwise, he would not bargain at all, but directly agree to the other party, and then immediately implement the plan in his mind.

The head of the Hehuan Sect said: "That's good! One-fifth of the property is one-fifth of the property. Your Excellency will stop immediately, and then all the people in the heaven and earth auction house will stop."

At this time, more than 600 disciples of He Huanzhong had been massacred, and the suzerain of Hehuan Sect was very heartbroken.

These disciples are the foundation of the Hehuan Sect. Now that these disciples are dead, even if one of the foundations of the Hehuan Sect has been torn down, how could this not make him feel sad.

Of course, the suzerain of Hehuan Sect doesn't know Dongfang Wudi's thoughts, otherwise, he would definitely say me!Fuck!How can there be such a shameless person.

But Dongfang Wudi doesn't care about these things, let alone trustworthiness. If the strength of the two parties is not much different, then they will naturally trust you.

If the disparity in strength between the two parties is too great, how much is credit worth?

Dongfang Wudi stopped, and so did the many experts in the real martial arts realm of He Huan Sect.

Zhuge Shensuan didn't know the calculations in Dongfang Wudi's mind, so when he saw that the real martial arts realm stopped on the field, Zhuge Shensuan felt a little anxious.

Because this is related to his main task, and it is also related to a natal general, so how can Zhuge Shensu not be in a hurry.

Zhuge Shensuan stood up, and when he was about to say something, Dongfang Wudi's eyes instantly made him understand.

So Zhuge Shensuan didn't say anything hastily, nor did he make any gestures, but sat down again.

Sure enough, Dongfang Wudi is like Zhuge God, then you go, and you are close to the many real martial arts powerhouses of the Hehuan Sect.

Dongfang Wudi suddenly rose violently, and swung his left and right hands at the same time, attacking the two real martial arts powerhouses at the same time.

For the two Real Martial Realms of the Hehuan Sect, the strong ones only have the cultivation base of the Human Martial Realm, and they didn't expect that Dongfang Wudi would suddenly break their promises and attack again.

So they didn't have too many precautions, and they were instantly killed by Dongfang Wudi!

But Dongfang Wudi didn't finish this. After killing the two, Dongfang Wudi went to kill another true martial arts expert from the Hehuan Sect.

This time the real martial arts realm of the Acacia Sect, the strong man did react, but his reaction was not as fast as the King Realm strong Dongfang Wudi.

After firmly resisting Dongfang Wudi's move, he also died completely.

In less than ten seconds, Dongfang Wudi once again beheaded the three real martial arts powerhouses of the Hehuan Sect.

As a result, only eight of He Huanzong's true martial artists remained.

One suzerain of the Tiangang realm, three elders of the Disha realm, and four elders of the Human Martial realm.

Dongfang Wudi and the real martial arts masters of the Hehuan Sect fought together again, and this time Dongfang Wudi had the upper hand.

The head of the Hehuan Sect said: "What do you mean by this, don't you even talk about demeanor at all?

The majestic king-level powerhouse actually backtracks on what he says, aren't you afraid of being ridiculed by the heroes of the world? "

The Suzerain of Hehuan Sect didn't expect Dongfang Wudi to be so insidious, so he didn't take precautions, and let Dongfang Wudi kill the three real martial arts forces on his side in a short time.

As a result, the balance of balance has tilted towards the Eastern Invincible!
Now whether it is the battlefield of true martial arts realm or the battlefield of innate realm and acquired realm, all the Hehuanzong loses.

Dongfang Wudi said coldly: "Can credit be eaten? Even if you swear, you can break the oath, not to mention that I just said this sentence verbally.

I can only blame you for being too stupid, so your Hehuan Sect is doomed to perish.

And you Hehuanzong are too stingy, I gave all the properties of your Hehuanzong to the Heaven and Earth Auction House, but you are not even willing to give away one-third of the property.

This is obviously difficult for me to explain to the Heaven and Earth Auction House. Since you are not willing to give it, then only I can take it myself.

Anyway, the end result is the same, and I don't care about the process.

As for credit, apart from the fact that the two parties are equal in strength, it is really ridiculous who would abide by this thing. I never thought that you, the majestic master of a sect, would be so naive. You really deserved that the Acacia sect would be destroyed.

Not only because you don't know how to manage the people under you, but also because you are too naive! "

Dongfang Wudi's words were like a needle piercing the heart of the Suzerain Sect Master, yes, he was too naive to fall for Dongfang Wudi, this bastard.

To be continued………………………

(End of this chapter)

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