Chapter 290

The head of the Hehuan Sect said: "Your Excellency, after you do this, you will never find your enemy. Could it be that you didn't even avenge your revenge just to please the Heaven and Earth Auction House?

If this is the case, then you will have nothing to gain from this operation other than losing your wife and losing your army. "

Dongfang Wudi said with a look of disdain: "Is it still useful to play with me now? You must have seen my true identity.

You want to wait for me to stop, and then find a big force to take refuge in, so that you don't have to fulfill any promises, and you don't have to worry that I will take action against you in the end.

It's really a good move, wishful thinking, but I'm afraid you're going to miscalculate.

As for your big apprentice, don't bother, you Zong Huanzong went to look for it, as long as your Hehuan Sect is not in the way, I believe many people in the world are willing to help me capture your big apprentice.

At that time, even if your big apprentice hides in the ends of the earth, it will be useless. There is only one ending for him, and that is to be hacked into pieces by me. "

The Suzerain of Hehuan Sect's face is ashen. It's true that he has seen Dongfang Wudi's identity for a long time. After all, he is a powerful king of the Taoist holy land. As the suzerain of a big sect, it is very normal for him to know him.

However, in order not to let the other real martial arts powerhouses of the Hehuan Sect lose their fighting spirit, the head of the Hehuan Sect did not expose Dongfang Wudi's true identity, but intentionally concealed Dongfang Wudi's identity.

The Suzerain of the Hehuan Sect did have this plan. He planned that once the fighting here stopped, he would drag on and promise Dongfang Wudi first.

Then immediately contact the Buddhist Holy Land, join the Buddhist Holy Land directly, and then become the dog's leg of the Buddhist Holy Land.

In this case, even if the Taoist Holy Land is angry, it will not directly attack the Hehuan Sect, otherwise it will be hitting the Buddhist Holy Land in the face.

At that time, there may even be a fight between the Taoist holy land and the Buddhist holy land. Originally, his plan was foolproof, but Dongfang Wudi unexpectedly saw his plan.

The head of Hehuan Sect did not admit it, but said angrily: "Who is Your Excellency, I don't know who Your Excellency is?
And what you said, I never thought about it.

It seems that you don't intend to let any of us go today, so we have to fight you hard. "

The head of the Hehuan Sect said to the many elders of the Hehuan Sect: "Elders, it seems that today's opponent is not planning to let any of us go, if that is the case, we will fight him.

Even if we die in the end, we have to tear off two pieces of flesh from each other, and we will definitely not let the other party eat us whole.

Even if you want to escape, you have to injure the opponent first, and then escape separately, so that the chances of survival will be much higher.

Otherwise, if the opponent pursues with all his strength, even if we all escape separately, we will definitely be defeated by him one by one. "

After the suzerain of Hehuan Sect finished speaking, he erupted with the greatest aura, even exceeding his maximum limit.

The suzerain of the Hehuan Sect directly attacked Dongfang Wudi angrily, and many elders saw the suzerain of the Hehuan Sect take the lead.

Moreover, after hearing the instigation of the suzerain of the Hehuan Sect, they also began to lose their reservations and fight against Dongfang Wudi angrily.

Although they wanted to escape, none of them could match Dongfang Wudi's speed. Only after they injured Dongfang Wudi would they have a chance to escape.

Therefore, many elders of the Hehuan Sect began to fight hard against Dongfang Wudi.

After everyone started to make unreserved moves, there was a trace of evidence that Dongfang Wudi was suppressed.

The head of the Hehuan Sect said: "Everyone! Today I burned the Martial Dao True Pill and fought against the enemy on the opposite side. Everyone, please help me.

Trying to beat him seriously with one blow, and then everyone fled separately, why did they keep a trace of blood. "

After the suzerain of the Hehuan Sect finished speaking, the momentum on his body skyrocketed rapidly, and a power beyond the realm of real martial arts was revealed on the suzerain of the Hehuan Sect.

Many real martial arts masters of the Hehuan Sect who were present at the scene were so moved that they were about to cry when they saw their suzerain desperately fighting.

This is because the suzerain is desperately striving for a retreat for them, so many elders of the real martial arts realm of the Hehuan sect also used all their strength to attack Dongfang Wudi.

The purpose is to create a sneak attack opportunity for the suzerain of their own family, so that the suzerain of their own family can seriously injure the opponent with one blow.

And Dongfang Wudi was also shocked by the desperate actions of the suzerain of the Hehuan sect, and he did not expect the suzerain of the Hehuan sect to be such a man of backbone.

Burning Martial Dao True Pill, this is a desperate style of play, which can increase one's explosive power by more than ten times, but it is short-lived.

Once the true martial arts pill is burned, the person who burned the true martial arts pill will surely die.

Burning martial arts true pill is more ferocious than broken martial arts true pill, and the power obtained is more.

Seeing the suzerain of the Acacia sect burn the true pill of martial arts, Dongfang Wudi also began to face it squarely, and mobilized the whole body's strength to prevent the suzerain of the Acacia sect from trading his life for injury.

Because a master in the Tiangang realm burns the true pill of martial arts, as long as he is hit by such a person's attack, he may be seriously injured by the opponent.

Dongfang Wudi resisted the attacks of other real martial arts powerhouses of the Hehuan Sect, and at the same time guarded against the lord of the Hehuan Sect who had already burned the real pill of martial arts.

After the Suzerain of the Hehuan Sect burned the Martial Dao True Pill, Dongfang Wudi did not dare to attack directly and strongly.

The aura of the suzerain of the Hehuan Sect is getting higher and higher, so that the aura of Dongfang Wudi, a strong man in the king realm, is suppressed by her.

Zhuge Shensuan was on the sidelines. Seeing that the Suzerain of Hehuan Sect was so tough and willing to sacrifice his life for his own sect and others in the sect, Zhuge Shensuan suddenly became awed.

Because such a person is indeed worthy of her respect, but Zhuge Shensuan did not soften his heart.

Although he admires such a person, it doesn't mean that he is willing to be such a person. Zhuge Shensuan's character is that he would rather me betray the world than the world betray me.

If Zhuge God wants to be so desperate, unless he is desperately protecting his close relatives, Zhuge God can't do it.

If Zhuge Shensuan was allowed to choose from the position of the suzerain of the Hehuan Sect, Zhuge Shensuan would definitely abandon the other elders of the Hehuan Sect and run for his life alone.

Or use other elders of the Hehuan Sect as bait to buy time for his escape.

Anyway, the elders of the Hehuan Sect have no relatives and no reason for me. When necessary, Zhuge's fortune tellers can even abandon their natal generals. Don't say that these are not related to me.
To be continued………………………

(End of this chapter)

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