Emperor Martial System

Chapter 312 The Jade Dragon Auction House's Deeds

Chapter 312 The Jade Dragon Auction House's Deeds

Zhuge Shensuan didn't pay attention to people like Zhang Xiaobao, but said to Fang Tianzuo on the high platform in the hall: "If no one continues to bid, I hope to announce the ownership of this fourth-order elixir as soon as possible.

And I don't want to hear the puppy barking. Is there a dog named Zhang Xiaogou barking happily there?
Please ask Yulong Auction House to let him be quiet, don't lower the grade of Yulong Auction House, I have been to Heaven and Earth Auction House, and this kind of thing has never happened before. "

Zhuge Shensuan not only satirized Zhang Xiaobao, but also made a wave of advertisements for the Heaven and Earth Auction House.

Zhang Xiaobao's complexion was distorted at this time, and the force in his hand was getting stronger and stronger until the girl's chest was deformed, but although the girl was in pain, she didn't cry out.

Because he knew that the only word waiting for him when he called out now was 'death'!However, he did not continue to bid, but fixed his eyes on the VIP room where Zhuge Shensuan was located on the second floor.

The other party is obviously rich and powerful, and even dared to ridicule himself recklessly, the other party is obviously confident.

Zhang Xiaobao needs to find out the identity of the opponent first, and kill the opponent if he can take revenge. If it exceeds his ability to revenge, he can only bear it.

Zhang Xiaobao ranked sixth on the rookie list, and he is a person who can control himself extremely.

Zhang Xiaobao said to the maid beside him: "Go and call the owner of your auction house, I have something to look for him!"

The maid nodded in response and sent someone to go. Zhang Xiaobao is a member of the Wudang sect, and has a very high status in the Wudang sect. It is not a problem to borrow the director of the Heaven and Earth Auction House.

The people from Yulong Auction House didn't say anything, because Zhuge Shensuan had indeed been treated unfairly.

Although the people at Yulong Auction House were upset, they didn't do anything, because if they did anything, or even spoke against Zhuge Shensuan, they would lose face.

Moreover, God Zhuge calculated such a high price, let him just say a word, anyway, there will be no loss of a piece of meat.

But they just don't know that Zhuge God is a member of the heaven and earth auction house, otherwise, they will definitely deal with Zhuge God secretly.

After half a day without bids, Fang Tianzuo, who was on the high platform with a bright smile, saw that no one raised his bid for a long time, and then said loudly: "80 taels of gold once,

80 taels of gold for two times,

80 taels of gold three times,

make a deal!Congratulations to No. [-] on the second floor for getting the last finale treasure.

Next, we will send the auctioned items to the hands of buyers to clear the money and goods before proceeding to the next item. "

The price calculated by Zhuge God is indeed very high, about twice as high as that of the fourth-order elixir, which is why Fang Tianzuo smiled.

Because the auctioned things, the higher the auction price, the more commission he will get.

This is the standard of work of Yulong Auction House. He naturally wants to get a higher commission, so he will frantically raise the item to the highest transaction price.

Just when Fang Tianzuo said that the handover was completed, the owner of Yulong Auction House had already entered!
The owner of Yulong Auction House is a real martial artist, but he didn't show his identity, because Zhang Xiaobao's identity is not low.He can completely have the same status as a strong man in the real martial arts realm.

The owner of the Yulong Auction House said: "I don't know, what's the matter with Mr. Zhang!"

Zhang Xiaobao said: "I want to get the information of the person who just bid with me, you should have a way?"

The owner of Yulong Auction House said: "It's wrong to leak information about customers like this, so please forgive me, Young Master Zhang, and I can't agree."

Zhang Xiaobao said: "God knows this matter, Earth knows it, you know it, I know it! And after you tell me, I will give you another 20 taels of gold.

In addition, that person just now was rebellious, not only praised the Heaven and Earth Auction House, but also belittled the Yulong Auction House.

Even if you give me the other party's information, I don't think you, those in power at Yulong Auction House, will make things difficult for you. "

After pondering for a long time, the owner of Yulong Auction House said slowly, "Yes! Wait for me for a while and I'll check it out right away.

Anyone who enters the Yulong Auction House will fill out an information questionnaire, and the people at the Yulong Auction House will also check it carefully, so he does have the information of Zhuge Shensuan. "

The reason why the owner of Yulong Auction House agreed was because of the 20 taels of gold, and because Zhuge Shensuan really offended Yulong Auction House.

If Zhang Xiaobao and the other party can be allowed to bite dogs, Yulong Auction House is still very happy to see it.

Soon the owner of Yulong Auction House took the information of Zhuge's Divine Fortune into Zhang Xiaobao's hands, and Zhang Xiaobao carefully looked at the information of Zhuge's Divine Fortune.

Zhang Xiaobao said calmly: "Are you sure that the verification of Yulong Auction House is accurate? There is no mistake."

The owner of Yulong Auction House said: "Other things may be wrong, and other people's records may be wrong, but this matter must not be wrong, and the identity of this person will definitely not be wrong.

The other party is the famous Zhuge Magician, and he is also the fourth strong player on the rookie list. Naturally, someone in Yulong Auction House knows him.

Coupled with the fact that he is from Jinyiwei and came here with Cai Wenji, the news is even more confirmed! "

Zhang Xiaobao threw 20 taels of gold to the other party, and then quickly walked out of the Yulong Exchange.

at the same time!The two items auctioned by Zhuge Shensuan were sent to the VIP room by a waitress. Zhuge Shensuan took out the gold ticket to complete the transaction, and the waitress returned it.

At this time, Cai Wenji had resumed her usual flirtatiousness, she twisted her waist twice and came to Zhuge Shensuan's side, looking left and right at Zhuge Shensuan. "

I didn't expect Brother Zhuge to hide it. You can't be the illegitimate son of some old monster in the imperial realm, but it doesn't look right from your information?

And you actually have a storage ring, such a high-end thing, this is something that even my father doesn't have, I can't see through you more and more. "

Cai Wenji got deeper and deeper into Zhuge Shensuan. He didn't know that when a woman became interested in a man, it was the time when she was about to fall.

Zhuge Shensuan had goosebumps all over his body after being stared at by Cai Wenji!
Zhuge Shensuan took out the fourth-order pill and handed it to Cai Wenji, saying indifferently: "I am just an ordinary person, I don't have any big background, and I am not the illegitimate child of the old monster in the imperial realm, but I have some adventures, so you don't have to be blind." Guess."

Cai Wenji expressed disbelief, but she didn't continue to ask questions.

Cai Wenji thought in her heart that this Zhuge magician must have lied to him, otherwise someone might rise in just a few years and still have such huge resources.

(End of this chapter)

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