Emperor Martial System

Chapter 313 The Ingratiation of the Wuzhou Commander

Chapter 313 The Ingratiation of the Wuzhou Commander
"All the transactions have been completed, and we will move on to the next step. If there is anything needed, write it down on the paper issued by Yuzhao Auction House, and then summarize it!
The summarized list will be sent to everyone. If you need something that others have and they are willing to trade, we will arrange for you to meet. "Fang Tianzuo, who was on the high platform, withdrew from the high platform after finishing speaking.

Zhuge Shensuan wrote the foundation building pills, the third-level elixir Hundred Grass, and the second-level elixir Fenghuizi on the paper issued by Yulong Auction House, and it was quickly accepted.

Because Cai Wenji got the fourth-order panacea she needed, she didn't value other items, so she didn't write it!

Soon Zhuge Shensuan got a list, which recorded thousands of things, and there happened to be a few things that Zhuge Shensuan didn't need.

So Zhuge Shensuan took it out and exchanged some things, and Zhuge Shensuan also successfully traded to the third-level elixir Baijiancao and the second-level elixir Fenghuizi.

All the materials for the Foundation Establishment Pill have been prepared, all you need to do is to invite an alchemist to make it when you arrive in the imperial capital. Generally speaking, this trade fair is still very rewarding.

Zhuge Shensuan and Cai Wenji left the exchange together!

After leaving the exchange, Zhuge Shensuan said: "Sister Ji, I have business to go to Luoyang, the capital of the gods, so I may not be able to accompany you."

Cai Wenji said: "Brother Zhuge, I also plan to go to Luoyang, the capital of gods, and my home is in Luoyang, the capital of gods!
I just want to go back to deliver this elixir, I wonder if you can escort me back! "

Zhuge Shensuan said with a faint smile: "I didn't expect you to be a citizen at the foot of the imperial city. I didn't see it before. It's really disrespectful.

Now that you have said this, I will definitely escort you to Luoyang, the capital of God, safely. "

Cai Wenji said: "I'm just a member of Jinyiwei in Youzhou City, if I want to leave here, I need to go back to Jinyiwei to ask for a leave.

Brother Zhuge, can you accompany me? "

Zhuge Shensuan nodded and said: "Since I promised to send you to Luoyang, the capital of the gods, it is naturally a small problem to ask for leave with you."

Soon, Zhuge Shensuan brought Cai Wenji to the Jinyiwei headquarters in Wuzhou.

After Zhuge Shensuan and Cai Wenji entered the headquarters, they went straight to the office of the commander of Wuzhou Jinyiwei!
The office of the commander of Wuzhou Jinyiwei!

The Commander of Jinyiwei in Wuzhou looked at Zhuge Shensuan, and said calmly: "It turns out that it is the famous Taoist envoy of Jinyiwei Town, Nanshan County, and Zhuge Shensuan is here!

I also thought that something big was going to happen when the magpie leaped in front of my house this morning, but I didn't expect it to be this! "

The commander of Jinyiwei in Wuzhou just smiled at Cai Wenji, since Cai Wenji is his palmistry, so naturally he doesn't need to compliment her.

And Zhuge Shensuan is already the town envoy of a county, and he is about to run for command envoy, and Zhuge Shensuan is very young and very promising.

Finally, everyone is from the White Tiger faction, and he can't see Zhuge Shensuan's cultivation level, so the commander of Wuzhou speaks kindly to Zhuge Shensuan.

Cai Wenji was dumbfounded after the commander of Wuzhou made some polite remarks, but the commander never complimented officials of his level like this.

Today, he would actually have a lower official position than him in Jinyiwei. This is entirely because the sun came out from the west.

Zhuge Shensuan said with a calm smile: "Your Commander, you are being polite!
This time I am accompanying my sister to ask for leave. He has an urgent matter at home, and I happen to be going to Luoyang, the capital of the gods, so I will give her a ride along the way. "

The commander of Wuzhou said: "Brother Zhuge, you are being polite! I didn't expect Cai Wenji and Cai Baihu to be your younger sisters.

Since she is Brother Zhuge's younger sister, Cai Baihu can do whatever he wants in Jinyiwei from now on, he can do whatever he doesn't want to do, he can go wherever he wants, and he doesn't need to ask me for leave at all. "

The Commander of Wuzhou had heard that the Baihu Divine Envoy once said that Zhuge Shensuan's achievements in the future would not be inferior to him, so he tried his best to make friends with Zhuge Shensuan, because he believed in his old boss's eyesight.

His old boss never misses people. Since he said Zhuge's magic fortune, his future achievements will not be lower than him, then Zhuge's magic fortune will definitely be very high.

It is really worth it to exchange such a simple thing for the friendship of Zhuge Shensuan.

Zhuge Shensuan clasped his fists and said, "Thank you so much, Commander! I will write down the sentiment of Commander.

In the future, Commander, if you need help, just ask, do what you can, and even if you can't, I will try to help you. "

The Commander of Wuzhou said: "Brother Zhuge, you don't need to call me Master Commander from now on, I am dozens of years older than you, if you don't mind, just call me Brother Long.

I don't know if Brother Zhuge is in a hurry, if not, you can stay at Jinyiwei's headquarters.

Tonight I will keep vigil to clean up Brother Zhuge! "

Zhuge Shensuan took a look at Cai Wenji, thinking that Cai Wenji had something important to do when she returned to Luoyang, the capital of God.

Zhuge Shensuan directly declined the kindness of the commander of Wuzhou!
Zhuge Shensuan said: "Brother Long, I'm really sorry!
Big Brother Long and I actually hit it off, and I really want to harass Big Brother Long here for a few days.

But unfortunately, my younger sister has urgent matters at home, so I must accompany him there as soon as possible.

Next time I have time, I will definitely come to visit Big Brother Long. When the time comes, my younger brother will be the host, so please don’t let Big Brother Long get drunk. "

When Cai Wenji heard Zhuge's divine fortune-telling, she really couldn't help being moved in her heart.

The command envoy of a state invited Zhuge Shensuan, but Zhuge Shensuan actually refused, and it was for him, how could she not be moved.

Cai Wenji knew her status, so he didn't say a word, but quietly watched the two communicate. The more he looked at Zhuge Shensuan, the more he looked like the illegitimate child of the emperor.

And he is the kind of illegitimate child who is very favored, otherwise, even an unloved prince, it is impossible for him, his superior and commanding officer, to fawn on him like this.

After Zhuge Shensuan and the commander of Wuzhou spoke a few words, he took Cai Wenji and left. Cai Wenji and the others didn't stop at all, and directly rode on Jin Yiwei's fast horse.

Then he rushed directly to Luoyang, the capital of God, without stopping!

In the process of rushing, Zhuge Shensuan always felt that Cai Wenji looked at him very strangely, so Zhuge Shensuan had a creepy taste.

However, Zhuge Shensuan didn't say anything before Cai Wenji said anything. Whoever speaks first at this time will lose.

(End of this chapter)

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