Emperor Martial System

Chapter 345 Give Another Gift

Chapter 345 Give Another Gift

Zhuge Shensuan stood up, walked to his father-in-law, took out a box from the space ring, and placed it in front of his father-in-law.

Then he went to his mother-in-law, and then put a box in front of his mother-in-law, and then he walked around the round table, and put a gift in front of everyone.

Of course, there was no gift in front of Cai Wenji, but Cai Wenji didn't say anything, because he believed that Zhuge's magic fortune was the best gift God gave him.

In the future of Zhuge Shensuan, his father-in-law opened the gift given to him by Zhuge Shensuan, and a thousand-year-old Polygonum multiflorum was lying in it.

The thousand-year-old Polygonum multiflorum is a kind of thing that strengthens the foundation and cultivates the vitality. It can resolve the internal injuries accumulated by the warrior before. Zhuge Shensuan can see that his future father-in-law has suffered serious injuries before.

That's why she hasn't practiced martial arts for so many years, and her cultivation base has remained at the early stage of the Tiangang realm, but she can only use the time of writing to pass the time, so Zhuge Shensuan specially chose a thousand-year-old Polygonum multiflorum in the system to give to his future old man. father in law.

Although this thousand-year-old fleece-flower root does not have Zhuge's magic, the mother-in-law's ten thousand-year snow mountain ginseng is really expensive, but it is what he needs most.

Zhuge Shensuan's future old father-in-law said: "Not bad! Not bad! I accept your wish."

Why don't you open it and see what my son-in-law gave you?
The mother-in-law of Zhuge Shensuan opened the gift box, and a jade flute was placed inside.

Before waiting for Zhuge Shensuan's mother-in-law to say anything, Zhuge Shensuan took the lead in explaining: "I know that my mother-in-law likes to play the flute, so I specially got a flute for my mother-in-law.

This flute is called Jiufeng Laiyi Xiao. It was refined by a master craftsman in my hometown. It is made of ten thousand years of black iron jade. A person's internal strength cultivation base.

It just happened that the treasure used by the mother-in-law last time was not completely integrated into the body of the mother-in-law. This Xiao can just help. "

Zhuge Shen counted the future mother-in-law and said: "The son-in-law has a heart!"

At this time, the brother-in-law of Zhuge's fortune teller had already taken out his gift, and he saw that his treasure was just a big gourd.

Then he asked his brother-in-law: "Brother-in-law, what kind of weapon is this big gourd you gave me?

Why do I feel that this material is just an ordinary gourd, not even a jade gourd. "

Zhuge Shensuan said: "As far as your cultivation level is concerned, even if you are given a weapon that can last every second, can you use it?

The weapon I gave you last time is enough for you to use before entering the realm of true martial arts, so you don't need weapons anymore, what you need is cultivation. "

The brother-in-law of Zhuge Shensuan said innocently: "Brother-in-law, you are saying that this gourd can improve my cultivation and make me a master in an instant."

Zhuge Shensuan was confused by his brother-in-law's jumping thinking, and he really wanted to slap him twice if he jumped up.

Zhuge Shensuan said with a smile: "Where is such a treasure in this world, don't think about it.

There are a hundred green wood pills in this gourd, which is enough for cultivating to the innate peak. As long as you make good use of these pills, your cultivation will be greatly improved in a few months. "

The brother-in-law of Zhuge Shensuan continued to ask: "Brother-in-law, what is the specific effect of this single medicine? Tell me, I don't know the specific effect of this pill yet."

Zhuge Shensuan continued to explain: "Qingmu Dan is a elixir that assists cultivation in the innate realm, taking one elixir can increase the speed of cultivation by three times, and one elixir can last for a day.

I can warn you, don't run around after taking the elixir, wasting the efficacy of the elixir, otherwise, I will break your leg. "

Zhuge's brother-in-law quickly said: "Brother-in-law, I know, you are the best for me.

You are already in the Realm of Martial Arts, so of course you don’t need these things. See if you have any other things you don’t need. Give me all these things, and I will help you solve them. "

Seeing this, the future father-in-law of Zhuge Shensuan was very happy. This is my good son, and he has inherited my fine traditions.

If you can get more benefits, get more benefits!
Zhuge Shensuan said indifferently: "No, nothing at all. After I stepped into the realm of real martial arts, I sold all the things I didn't need."

Zhuge Shensuan knew that his brother-in-law was a wolf that couldn't get enough to feed, so he didn't plan to give him anything more, because if he gave it, it was free, and he would still ask you for it next time.

Zhuge's brother-in-law returned to his seat and sat down.Because he has obtained this elixir, he has obtained great benefits, so he will digest it for a while before asking Zhuge God for the medicine.

Zhuge Shensuan's future father-in-law and third wife also opened his treasure box, and saw that there was a pill he didn't recognize inside, then he turned his eyes to Zhuge Shensuan, waiting for Zhuge Shensuan's explanation.

Zhuge Shensuan said indifferently: "Third Madam, the elixir I gave you is called Yulu Dan. Its effect is to beautify and nourish the skin. After taking it, you will be at least five or six years younger."

Zhuge Shensuan didn't give Yulu Pill to his mother-in-law, because his mother-in-law had already taken Ten Thousand Years Snow Mountain Ginseng and didn't need such a pill at all, so Zhuge Shensuan gave this pill to the third wife.

The most important thing is that this elixir is not too expensive, and Zhuge Shensuan doesn't know what to give, so Zhuge Shensuan just exchanged it.

The third wife of Zhuge Shensuan's future father-in-law said flatly to Zhuge Shensuan: "Thank you, son-in-law!"

The eldest brother-in-law of Zhuge Shensuan, the son of Zhuge Shensuan's future father-in-law and third wife, opened the gift Zhuge Shensuan gave her.

Inside turned out to be an exquisite small dagger, and the small dagger exuded the aura of a black-rank weapon, it was obviously a black-rank weapon.

Just now, the breath of the bondage weapon with the gift box did not come out, so they didn't know what it was. Now that the box opened the weapon's breath, everyone could see that it was a mysterious weapon.

Zhuge Shensuan knew that his brother-in-law used dagger weapons, so he specially exchanged a black-grade weapon dagger from the system. Anyway, it didn't cost much imperial coins, only more than 300 imperial coins. For Zhuge Shensuan, pointing out imperial coins is naturally a drop in the bucket.

The elder brother of Zhuge Shensuan also smiled slightly at Zhuge Shensuan and said, "Thank you!"

To be continued………………………

(End of this chapter)

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