Emperor Martial System

Chapter 346 Being Searched

Chapter 346 Being Searched

Zhuge Shensuan has some regrets now, he is bragging, he should not have boasted that the storage ring is the standard equipment of their family, otherwise he would not lose another storage ring.

You must know that the exchange of a storage ring requires a full 100 yuan of Lingyu. If there are more than a few times, Zhuge Shensuan will go bankrupt immediately.

Even mountains of gold and silver are not enough for Zhuge God to count on such a defeat. Even if he has obtained a vein of spirit stones, it is still far from enough for Zhuge God to count on.

The brother-in-law of Zhuge's fortune-telling was still standing on his father's side, and the brother-in-law of Zhuge's fortune-telling said: "Yes, brother-in-law, even if I am not capable enough to protect the ring, but you give it to my father first. When the strength is reached, my father will give it to me.

Although in his father's hands, he may not get the storage ring, but after all, that is also his father?
Even if you can't get it, you can ask Zhuge God for another one in the future. Anyway, Zhuge God is a big fool in his mind. Although he calls Zhuge God his brother-in-law on the surface, but in his heart he has always regarded Zhuge God as a big fool . "

Zhuge Shensuan also knew that it must be necessary to save money and avoid disasters this time, so he took out a storage ring again and handed it directly to his father-in-law.

The object ring was naturally obtained in the system space, and he took it out from his body to deceive others, because the space is simply not compatible with the space ring, and the superposition of the two spaces is likely to destroy the internal structure of the space ring.

Seeing Zhuge Shensuan taking out a space ring again, the eyes of Zhuge Shensuan's old father-in-law and his brother-in-law were completely golden.

Even his brother-in-law and another brother-in-law are ready to move, Zhuge has a fortune, and he can only say one thing, it's not that the family does not enter the house.

Taking Cai Wenji this time is really a big loss. Not only is it a big loss now, but it may be a bigger loss in the future.

If it was possible to return the product now, she would want to return it, but thinking of the extreme cool performance with Cai Wenji, he instantly suppressed this thought.

After Zhuge Shensuan's old father-in-law took away the storage ring of Zhuge Shensuan, he put it on his hand directly, which showed that the storage ring would be mine from now on.

He thought in his heart that he would brag in front of his old friends when he had the opportunity. You see, I am also a person with a storage space ring, and you are a bunch of poor people.

This son-in-law of his is really a treasury of human beings, and he really has a feeling that he wants to beat Zhuge Shensuan with a stick, and then take away all the treasures of Zhuge Shensuan.

But thinking of Zhuge Shensuan's heaven-defying combat power, he thought about it and let it go, even if he wanted to beat the sap, he couldn't hit it, because Zhuge Shensuan had defeated a strong man in the Tiangang realm.

And he is just a person who has just stepped into the realm of Tiangang!
It was the first time Zhuge Shensuan had seen such a father-in-law who wanted to beat his son-in-law's sap.

If Zhuge Shensuan knew what his father-in-law was thinking, he would definitely let his father-in-law taste what it was like to be beaten with a sap.

The brother-in-law of Zhuge Shensuan jumped out again, and said to Zhuge Shensuan: "Brother-in-law, see if there is any treasure for me, it is best that I can use it for me, and don't need to give it to my father for safekeeping." .

Of course, it doesn't matter if you want to hand it over to my father for safekeeping. I want as much as there are such things. "

Zhuge Shensuan was directly one head and two big, Zhuge Shensuan said indifferently: "No, really no, I don't believe you came to search me.

I really have nothing but this storage ring and another treasure I want to give to my fiancée. "

Zhuge Shensuan's brother-in-law expressed disbelief, and went directly to Zhuge Shensuan's side, and began to search his body. Although he simply patted Zhuge Shensuan's clothes a few times, he could indeed confirm that Zhuge Shensuan had no treasures on him.

Zhuge Shensuan's brother-in-law fixed his eyes on Zhuge Shensuan's ring again, Zhuge Shensuan took out a box from the storage ring, and then handed the storage ring to his brother-in-law.

Then he said lightly: "Look for yourself, I really don't have any other treasures except the last one I want to give to my fiancée."

The brother-in-law of Zhuge's fortune teller ended up storing the ring, and then checked it with internal force, and sure enough there was nothing there.

He resentfully returned the storage ring to Zhuge Shensuan, and Zhuge Shensuan secretly breathed a sigh of relief, all the treasures in his storage ring were naturally placed in the system space.

He even put those sheets, quilt covers, pots and pans in the system space. Fortunately, his brother-in-law didn't steal his storage ring again, otherwise he would just be dumb and eat Coptis chinensis.

Fortunately, his brother-in-law didn't reach the point of madness, and didn't steal the last storage ring on him.

If Zhuge Shensuan knew what his brother-in-law was thinking, he wouldn't think of his brother-in-law like this anymore, because his brother-in-law had already reached the point of madness.

Because his brother-in-law was thinking about the future, if he directly hacked his brother-in-law's storage ring this time, it would definitely be difficult to get any good treasures from his brother-in-law in the future.

That's why he reluctantly returned the storage ring to his cousin!

Cai Wenji looked at Zhuge Divine Fortune with some disbelief, because he knew that there were pots and pans in the ring, as well as bed sheets and quilts, for the storage of Zhuge Divine Fortune.

So she knew that Zhuge Shensuan had hidden these things, but she didn't reveal them because he was not as greedy for money as her younger brother and her father.

After Zhuge Shensuan brought the storage ring back to his hand, he handed the last box to Cai Wenji, and said to Cai Wenji, this is my gift for you.

Cai Wenji didn't ask what the gift was, nor did she open it to look at it, but directly took the gift back into her storage space.

The brother-in-law of Zhuge Shensuan came to join in the fun again, and said indifferently: "Brother-in-law, what kind of treasure is this treasure, can you tell me so that I can see it.

The treasures brought out by my brother-in-law must be peerless treasures, and it will give me a lot of insight. "

Zhuge Shensuan said calmly: "This thing is indeed a peerless treasure, and it is also a secret treasure of our family, but I just won't tell you what it is, but what I can tell you is that this thing is more precious than a storage ring. "

To be continued…………………………

(End of this chapter)

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