Chapter 355
In a courtyard of the East Workshop in Luoyang, the capital of the gods, a scene of robbing a woman from a good family is being staged.

Tang Sanjin, the second son of Zhongshu Ling Tang Yuan, and Shui Qu, the third son of Shui Wuqing, are teasingly looking at a shivering stunning beauty in front of them.

The two of them were visiting the brothel this afternoon, when their dog legs suddenly came to report to them that they found a stunning beauty.

And their dog legs praised that stunning beauty only because it was in the sky, which is rare in the world.

They also said that they were completely comparable to the stunning beauty of the four beauties in Luoyang, the capital of the gods. Under such circumstances, they naturally couldn't bear it, and followed their dog legs to the private house of Dongfangfang.

Tang Sanjin and Shui Qu saw that beauty, although she was not as stunning as the four beauties in Luoyang, the capital of the gods, she could still be regarded as the best in the world.

And most importantly, you can also play with his woman in front of a stunningly beautiful man. This kind of excitement is not always available.

Tang Sanjin's dog leg said respectfully to the two of them: "Masters, this time I know that the zodiac sign didn't lie to you, right?"

Tang Sanjin said lightly: "Little Quanzi, you did a good job this time, I will definitely reward you well when I go back.

Come and arrest this little lady for me, and today I will personally feed this little lady. "

As soon as Tang Sanjin finished speaking, two bodyguards of burly men immediately pressed down the stunning beauty.

As for the husband of the stunning beauty who tried to block the two bodyguards, he was kicked far away by the two bodyguards.

The husband of that stunning beauty is only a martial artist in the acquired realm, while the two bodyguards are warriors in the innate realm.

After the stunning beauty's husband was kicked away, he immediately ran to Tang Sanjin's side and hugged Tang Sanjin's thigh, and shouted in a low voice: "My lord, my lord, please let us go!"

Tang Sanjin said lightly: "Just because you, a worthless wretch, deserves to have such a beautiful beauty, today this beauty is mine.

Do you have an opinion?If you have no objection, just stay aside for me and watch me pamper your woman well. "

The husband of the stunning beauty knelt on the ground and shouted loudly: "My lord, this is Luoyang, the capital of the gods, and it is also the place under the feet of the emperor!

If you want to act like this, it will definitely be bad for you, my lord, just let our family go. "

Tang Sanjin kicked the stunning beauty's husband away, and said indifferently: "You are the one who dares to tell me that this is Luoyang, the capital of gods, and that this is the foot of the emperor.

I tell you that no one in Luoyang, the capital of the gods, dares to take care of you. Today, I will fuck your woman in front of you. "

Shui Qu said to Tang Sanjin: "Brother Tang, what are you talking about with such a lowly bastard, kill him directly, and then rape this little beauty.

Also, Brother Tang, you came first every time before, should I come first this time? "

Tang Sanjin said lightly: "Brother Shui, seeing your little success, it really embarrasses your family.

Since you want to come first, then you come first. After you come, I can come again.

And even though it's cheap!civil!Very rubbish, but it doesn't have to be so early!Do it!die:!He, wouldn't it be nice to let him watch his woman being fucked by us? "

Shui Qu said: "Brother Tang, you still know how to play, no wonder Luoyang, the capital of the gods, is saying that you are the number one of the four evils, and I can only be the fourth of the four evils.

It seems that there is still a reason for the difference in rankings between the two of us. Brother Tang, please don't hesitate to teach me.

I don't want to surpass you in the scourge ranking list, but at least surpass the other two scourges. This is my goal from now on. "

The people of Luoyang, the capital of the gods, made a ranking list of disasters. Those who were above the rankings of disasters did not feel ashamed, but thought it was a very honorable thing, and finally compared the rankings with each other.

Tang Sanjin and Shuiqu are No. 1 and No. 4 in the list of disasters.

At this time, an old man and an old lady came out of the room. The two old men saw the scene in their own courtyard. Their son and daughter-in-law were both arrested. How could they let it go.

The two of them went to pull their son and daughter-in-law with crutches. While rescuing their son, the old lady shouted loudly: "Who are you, you dare to trespass into a private house? Aren't you afraid of being punished by the officials?" ?”

Before the water canal could tell his guards, his guards had understood the two old men and old ladies directly.

Shuiqu came to the side of the two old men, smiled slightly, and said lightly: "The official punished me, and none of the officials in the entire court dared to punish me."

Shuiqu wiped his neck at his subordinates, and his subordinates understood it, and ended the lives of the two old people with the knife.

Seeing his parents died in the hands of the canal, the beautiful woman's husband didn't hold back anymore, but cursed loudly: "Beasts, you bastards, you will be punished by heaven."

The husband of the stunning beauty wanted to fight desperately with the canal, but he was held up by two burly men, and he couldn't move even if he wanted to, let alone rush to fight with the canal.

Shuiqu ignored the stunning beauty and her husband's yelling, but went straight to the stunning beauty.

Using his left hand to lift the stunning beauty's head slowly, Shui Qu said lightly: "What a delicate little face! What a stunner in the world?"

Although the body of the stunning beauty trembled a little, he still spit into the ditch.

The stunning beauty said coldly: "Beasts, you are all beasts, even if the official will not punish you, God will not let you beasts go."

Shui Qu smiled slightly, and said lightly: "I don't know if God will let me go, but I will definitely not let you go today, so you should prepare to enjoy my love for you."

After Shuiqu finished speaking, he waved to the two guards escorting the stunning beauty, signaling them to back down.

The two guards understood what Shui Qu meant, and quickly stepped aside. Shui Qu grabbed the beautiful woman with both hands.

With a click, the stunning beauty revealed a piece of snow-white. Although the stunning beauty wanted to resist, it was a pity that he was just an ordinary person, and no matter how much he resisted, he couldn't break free from the big hand of the canal.

A big hand of the water channel controlled the stunning beauty, and the other hand walked up and down the body of the stunning beauty, with an expression of ecstasy.

To be continued………………………

(End of this chapter)

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