Chapter 356

Tang Sanjin and many guards were standing there watching the show, while the husband of the stunning beauty was howling there, the sound could be said to be earth-shattering and weeping ghosts and gods.

The neighbors around the stunning beauty heard the miserable cries, but none of them dared to come out, and they all hid in their homes obediently.

It fully embodies the situation where each family sweeps the snow before their own door, and doesn't care about other people's nosebleeds.

As for the people in the yamen of Luoyang, the god capital, let alone the people who are on the list of disasters in the god capital Luoyang, these people from the yamen will not appear.

At most, the yamen in Luoyang, the capital of the gods, is in charge of petty theft and some ordinary homicide cases. Once they involve the affairs of high officials and dignitaries, they will not take care of them.

Before the establishment of the Jinyiwei in Luoyang, the divine capital of Zhuge's divine calculation, Luoyang, the divine capital, neither had Jinyiwei nor the six gates.

This was also the time when the Six Gates were established. The Holy One was worried that the Six Gates would not be controlled, so he forbade the establishment of the Six Gates in Luoyang, the capital of the gods, and even in the entire Zhongzhou.

So there is only one six-door headquarters in the entire Zhongzhou, and there are only some high-level six-doors in the headquarters, and there are not many people in the six-doors in the entire god capital Luoyang.

The situation of Jinyiwei is similar, that is, after the current emperor discovered this situation, the god capital Luoyang Jinyiwei was established. Zhuge Shensuan was also appointed as the commander of the god capital Luoyang Jinyiwei because of this opportunity.

Shuiqu didn't directly strip the stunning beauty all at once, but was slowly playing with the stunning beauty. He really enjoyed the feeling of the stunning beauty half-covering her face with her arms around the pipa.

Tang Sanjin who was present did not urge the water channel, but enjoyed the performance of the water channel there.


In the headquarters of Jinyiwei, the god capital Luoyang, Zhuge Shensuan just lay down and hadn't rested when his door was knocked.

Zhuge Shensuan sat up and said to the door: "Please come in!"

After a while, Lu Benwei walked in from the outside!
Zhuge Shensuan asked Lu Benwei: "It's so late, what can you do for me?"

Zhuge Shensuan knew that Lu Benwei was a very smart person, and he would never disturb Zhuge Shensuan so late if there was no very important matter.

That's why Zhuge Shensuan sat up and asked Lu Benwei to come in. Of course, if Lu Benwei didn't give her a satisfactory answer, he would show Lu Benwei a little color.

Dare to disturb him at such a late night, do you really think his sleep time is not precious at all?

Lu Benwei respectfully said to Zhuge Shensuan: "Master Zhuge, my subordinates are just about to arrange for Jin Yiwei's brothers to follow Tang Sanjin and Shui Qu.

Before the people were dispatched, the people from Jinyiwei at the East Workshop sent news that they saw Tang Sanjin and the water channel entering a private house.

Moreover, the two of them also brought a lot of servants and guards, and then there was a roaring sound from inside the house.

The subordinates guessed that it was Tang Sanjin and Shuiqu who robbed the women of the people, or robbed the women of a good family, so they came to disturb them late at night, in order to inform Master Zhuge of this matter.

Waiting for Master Zhuge's instructions! "

Zhuge Shensuan said with a slight smile: "I don't even need to ask. When I started to go to the East Workshop, I was just about to use these two people for surgery, but these two people directly hit the edge of my knife. That's really a beauty made in heaven."

Zhuge Shensuan said to Lu Benwei indifferently: "Gather the brothers of Jin Yiwei immediately, you must not let these two people run away for me, you take a step first, and I will come right away."

Why did Zhuge Shensuan ask Jin Yiwei's people to go first, and then he went later? This is naturally due to Zhuge Shensuan's calculations.

Lu Benwei respectfully said to Zhuge Shensuan: "This subordinate will do it now!"

After Lu Benwei left Zhuge Shensuan's room, he immediately called [-] Jin Yiwei and rushed directly to the East Workshop.

It wasn't that Lu Benwei didn't want to call more people, it was because there were only 200 Jinyiwei guards at night.

The scene where Tang Sanjin committed the crime was not far from the headquarters of Jin Yiwei Commander, and in just half an hour, Jin Yiwei's people had surrounded the place where Tang Sanjin committed the crime.

Lu Benwei led more than 50 strong men in the innate realm directly into the courtyard, and at this time the canal was finished, and Tang Sanjin was galloping on the battlefield with the stunning beauty.

At this time, the voice of the stunning beauty's husband was hoarse, but the stunning beauty's husband was still shouting, sometimes he shouted for help, sometimes he cursed at Tang Sanjin and the others.

When Tang Sanjin saw the people from Jinyiwei coming, he directly gave up on the stunning beauty who was struggling under his crotch, and with a pull of Jiang's trousers, he came in front of the people from Jinyiwei.

The canal and numerous guards and servants also came behind Tang Sanjin!
Lu Benwei waved to the wind and rain pavilion behind him, and Zhang Yuting quickly took a piece of clothing to wrap up the stunning beauty, so that the stunning beauty's bronze body would not be exposed to everyone's eyes.

And more than a dozen Jin Yiwei directly protected the stunning beauty and her husband and came to Lu Benwei's side.

Lu Benwei said coldly to Tang Sanjin: "Who are you, you dare to enter the houses in broad daylight, not only rape good women, but also kill innocent old people.

Don't you know that this is at the foot of the emperor in Luoyang, the capital of the gods, and it is also the place under the jurisdiction of our Jinyiwei? "

Tang Sanjin glanced at Lu Benwei, and said lightly: "Boy, you stand firm for me, don't let me frighten you so that you can't stand still after telling the story.

Lao Tzu is Tang Sanjin, the second son of Zhongshu Shengzhong Shuling, and the person next to me is Shuqu, the third son of Zhongshu Shengling.

If you are sensible, take your Jin Yiwei and get out, don't disturb the uncle's elegant mood, otherwise don't blame me for the hardness of the knives in the hands of Zhongshuxing and Menxiaxing guards. "

Lu Benwei said: "Just you two wastes, you dare to pretend to be the son of Zhongshu Ling and Zhongshu Ling, and you dare to threaten our Jinyiwei.

Who on earth gave you the guts? Today, I, Jin Yiwei, will definitely take you down and question you.

Someone, take down all the gangsters who uttered wild words and insulted Jin Yiwei, and bring one of them back to our house to await trial. "

After Lu Benwei's voice fell, the fifty Jinyi guards who entered the gate drew their knives one after another, and were about to take Tang Sanjin and the others down.

The reason why everyone in Jin Yiwei dared to draw their knives was because Zhuge Shensuan was watching them from behind. Zhuge Shensuan had already ordered that if he didn't do anything tonight, don't blame Zhuge Shensuan for being cruel.

That's why Jin Yiwei's people were forced to draw out their long knives, preparing to take down Tang Sanjin and the others.

(End of this chapter)

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